

A man is transmigrated in DC, with his only cheat being the OMNITRIX. Watch (or read) as how he lives his new life ===== patreon link for advanced chapters: patreon.com/BaphometFiction ===== I don't own anything. All rights goes to their owners.

Baph0met · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
113 Chs


Not long after, due to Trevor's strong stance, the congressmen had no choice but to end the meeting. 

Trevor left the Capitol Building under the resentful glares of the congressmen and flew back to his base. 

A mere colonel dared to confront congressmen in front of countless cameras, a result of Trevor's close relationship with the Justice League. With the Big Seven of Justice watching over, no matter how Trevor threatened the congressmen, they could only seethe in silence.

After Trevor returned to his base, he immediately turned on his office computer and contacted the Justice League. 

Soon, the screen lit up, divided into two parts. 

On the left was the conference hall inside the Watchtower, while on the right was Wonder Woman in the desert. 

"Hey, Steve."

Wonder Woman's gaze passed through the screen, and she smiled. 

"Diana, you're still in New Mexico, right? Still haven't found Cheetah?"

Trevor asked after looking at Wonder Woman's background. 

Wonder Woman shook her head somewhat disappointedly. 

"I've searched everywhere Cheetah might appear, but I haven't seen her shadow. To be honest, I'm ready to return to the Watchtower. Why did you contact me all of a sudden?"

"Just a reminder, Congress recently..."

Trevor hadn't finished speaking when a commotion erupted. 

The sound came from the left, from the picture inside the Watchtower. The main force of the Justice League entered the conference hall.

It's worth mentioning that besides Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, and Cyborg, there was another member in the Watchtower: The Flash, Wally.

Since Barry Allen hadn't returned for a long time, there was a vacancy in the League of Seven, and to prevent Congress from causing trouble, they had to fill it with someone.

While there were many backup members, most hadn't yet earned the trust of the Big Seven. Therefore, they temporarily had Wally replace the Flash's role. Furthermore, Central City indeed needed a Flash.

"Bruce! Can't you calm down for a moment? We've destroyed the cult, defeated those disgusting little demons, and saved the entire city! What more do you want?" Hal impatiently shouted.

"If you had followed my instructions, we could have resolved this faster, reduced financial losses, and lowered the risks." Batman voiced his opinion.

"Risk? Risk is an essential part of life. I like risks!" Hal didn't care at all.

Wally tried to stop their argument from the side.

"Well, Barry told me that Hal does indeed like taking risks; it's in his nature. But Batman does have a point..."

"Stay out of this!"

Batman and Green Lantern suddenly turned to Wally, saying in unison.

Wally: "..."

"Wait, isn't that Trevor?"

Suddenly, Hal noticed that the communicator was already open, and Trevor's face was clearly visible.

"Hello, Hal."

"Trevor, we need more supplies, food, drinks, and other essentials. Have your people drop the supplies at the designated point, and I'll pick them up later." Hal immediately asked Trevor for supplies.

"We just gave you a month's worth last week," Trevor said with a headache.

"Well, you know, saving the world can work up an appetite, and I need to pack some supplies to take home. After all, I don't have time to go grocery shopping; I'm busy saving the universe, you know."

Hal waved it off.

Trevor reluctantly agreed, it was just a small amount of supplies.


"Oh, Batman."

Trevor breathed a sigh of relief. Batman wouldn't ask for anything strange, would he?

"Tell the United Nations to quickly dissolve that ridiculous 'International Justice League.'" Batman's words almost made Trevor drop his jaw.

"Weren't you all in favor of establishing that organization to represent you and participate in the political charades you didn't want to attend?" Trevor was even more troubled.

"But I didn't expect the United Nations to select such foolish members. I've worked with them and witnessed their actions. They lack both the standards and the required awareness," Batman said very bluntly. "If you can't handle them, then we'll deal with them ourselves."

Then, Cyborg spoke, "Also, tell my father not to try connecting to our systems again. Given the current technological level of Star Labs, it will take at least thirteen years to breach my firewall. Of course, by then, my firewall will only be tighter."

"Alright, no problem."

Trevor's expression eased a bit as he continued, "Is there anything else to complain about?"

"Uh... wishing you a great day, Colonel?"

Wally looked around and, seeing that no one else intended to speak, tentatively said.

"That's it, then."

Trevor breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, Steve." At this moment, Wonder Woman suddenly called out.

"How are you? Answering all those questions from Congress must not be easy."

Wonder Woman's words finally warmed Trevor's heart.

"I'm hanging in there, at least I have experience dealing with them."

"Why do you keep doing it?"

Wonder Woman looked at Trevor's clearly tired face and asked in confusion.

"Because the Justice League brings hope to everyone, but there are always some people who have to clean up after you."

Trevor smiled faintly and replied.

In an unnoticed corner, a pair of eyes were watching Trevor.

"The key to destroying the Justice League is neither a weapon nor an item, but rather someone who seems the most inconspicuous, Steve Trevor..."


The time shifted to late at night, at Star Labs in San Francisco.

Yuri was browsing research data on known metahumans, including many well-known or unknown supervillains.

The content of the data was very detailed, including various ability statistics and life achievements, providing many alternative targets for Yuri's next phase of plans.

At this moment, a purple portal suddenly opened in front of Yuri.

Raven rushed out of it with an anxious expression.

"Raven?" Yuri looked at her in confusion.

"Come with me quickly, Starfire and Beast Boy need your help!"

Raven quickly said, then grabbed Yuri's hand and pulled him into the portal without hesitation.

"What's going on?" Yuri asked.

"Titan's Tower is under attack!"

When Yuri and Raven passed through the portal, they instantly returned to Titan's Tower.

Then he was shocked by the scene before him.

The seawater around Titan's Island had all turned blood-red, and a giant skeleton, almost as tall as Titan's Tower, had walked from the sea to Titan's Island.

Its target was clearly Titan's Tower.

Starfire and Beast Boy were desperately attacking the giant skeleton, but their attacks could only slow it down, without causing any substantial damage.

"What the heck is this? It's too sudden, isn't it?"

Yuri complained in his mind. After several quiet days, suddenly, this happened?


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