

What happens when you're pushed to the limits? When you're driven to madness? When everything in your life goes to shit? You beat your problems down to the ground relentlessly! First time 'Pilot', Danny Steele, enters an underground fight club filled with gangsters and brawlers to earn money for some grub. But this is no ordinary fight club, this club has mastered the use of technology! Through the power of 'Omnishells', these fighters named 'Pilots' are able to channel their strength into their own individually modeled robots and fight one another without being physically damaged! They're able to feel every drop of pain through advance nerve-simulation technology, making it no easy feat to be the strongest 'Pilot'. Through pain and hard work, Danny Steele climbs up the ranks and redefines what it means to be a 'Pilot'. But Danny Steele has something up his sleeve, his admittedly rather special 'Omnishell' has something off about it... It's being controlled by a living organism?

BottledAnger · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Omnishell (4)

Danny fell into the vat of water and his body was absorbed whole. He could feel the water seep into every crevice of his body, moulding and shifting to the shape of his limbs. The water equalized with his body's internal liquid level, allowing him to float subconsciously.

He could feel the surface of his skin be disrupted and the singular hairs on his arms alerted at the touch of a pad. The pad stuck itself onto Danny's chest, thighs, arms, calves and forehead. Long tubes came out from the bottom of the tube and the top of the tube.

The entrance to the hole closed and completely blocked out sunlight to the inside of the chamber. As soon as the entrance to the chamber closed, a sharp electric current ran through the pool through the pads on his body.

Danny was jolted awake like his eyes had forcefully been opened and his body ripped apart. It felt like he was reborn.

"Ah!" Danny sat up straight up, the bright lights flashing in his eyes. He's in the middle of the ring and he's sitting down on the cold soft mat. "But I was just in the chamber!" Danny raises both of his hands and looks at them, they were not his hands.

His hands had turned metallic, where his flesh and bones would be were replaced with metal and wires. He could see through each plate of metal, small individual gaps between the weld of each plate.

But it felt off, even though he knew it wasn't his body, he felt alive. "It feels weird right, it always does, at least for the first time." Vale's soft voice spoke but he was nowhere to be seen. Danny raised his head and directly opposing him was another Omnishell. "CNC." CNC looked just like Metro Booming, with the same stature and the same build.

Sharp jagged razors lined the seams on his arms, large giant metal blades protruding from his palms. A green fur coat covered his bottom half, her abdomen and chest barely visible from the lack of armour and plating coating the endoskeleton. She wore a scarf made of metal, random junk and scraps compressed into fine wool that covered its mouth. Her arms were slender and sleek, filled with tiny little slits. Her head was humanoid and oval, a glass panel over where her face would be was the only distinct feature CNC had. With all intents and purposes, CNC blended in with the shadows.

"Why do you get the cool one and I get the rusty old one?" Danny stands up and nearly loses his balance, his feet weren't made of flesh and no longer had friction against the slippery ring mat. His cold metal feet pressed into the ground like metal pistons.

"Enough talking, start paying attention." Vale's voice spoke from CNC's closed mouth. "From now on I'm your enemy, think of me as your opponent and use whatever dirty tricks you want to beat me. The only rule is no projectiles and leaving the ring means you forfeit, got all that?" CNC looks at Danny struggling to even keep his balance.

"What was that?" Danny tries to hear CNC but can't hear a single thing, just tiny whispers. "God dam it this body sucks! It's so icky!" Danny looks down at his chest and sees a giant metal plate with wires sticking out, and metal shards lining his limbs. "But it feels... good?" Danny closes his hands and reopens them, it felt smooth and responsive.

"On your marks, on a count of three," Reymi announced over the announcement system. "Three... two... one... go!"

"Wait I'm not ready!" Danny is caught off guard by Reymi's blatant impatience. "Shit!" He turns to look at CNC but she's disappeared, only her green fur coat on the floor. "Where did she go?" Danny looks around the ring and doesn't see anyone.

"The ring only limits how far you can go, not how high!" Vale's voice spoke above Danny's metallic head. Danny looks up and sees a giant metal robot heading straight down towards him, ginormous sharp blades pointed at his head.

"Shit!" Danny jumps out of the way and leaps forward, CNC piercing Danny's right leg.

"AH!" Danny screams in pain as his leg pulsated with pain, it felt like a real pain, like a sharp object just skewered his leg. "Is this real?" He thinks to himself internally as his screams reverberated through the ring. "What is this pain?" Danny's Omnishells right leg was split in half through the middle, CNC's sharp blade making quick work of his weak metal.

Danny rolled across the ring and slammed against the soft rubber walls, oil spitting out of his mouth. "This is real!" He could feel the fence bending to the shape of his metallic torso, he could feel the individual fibres brush against his exterior, everything he felt was hypersensitive.

All the blood rushed to his head, he could still feel his brain even though he wasn't in his human body.

"The connection between your body and your brain has been severed, you are currently brain dead," Vale explained. "Your consciousness has been placed inside of your Omnishell temporarily, all the pain and textures you feel are real, they're just not your experiences." CNC emerges from the smoke and oil coats the massive blades in her arm. She had removed the green fur coat covering her lower body and revealed her legs.

Her legs were bare, empty of any plating and armour, all it was was her endoskeleton. "I chose not to apply ant armour to my legs as it would just slow me down."

Reymi has his head up to the window, staring down at the ring with intent. "Vale is a fucking psychopath! He's gonna kill the kid!"

"He'll manage." Daisy taps her finger impatiently on the soundboard, waiting for Danny to make his move.

Danny screams out in agony as his leg is split in half. He's never felt pain of this calibre before, it completely caused him to lose what little composure he had already.

"Agh!" Danny spits out even more oil from his mouth, his body wasn't adjusted to this level of intensity.

He slams his metal fist into the ground and completely ignores the pain, standing up on one foot as he clumsily stood up. "Come at me again!" Danny taunted CNC as he slammed his broken foot onto the ground.