
Spell Battle

Editor: Atlas Studios

The arrows rained down but were all blown away by the whirlwind without exception.

In fact, the MP of the Archdruid was indeed not infinite, but it would take a long time to drain it. After releasing a few waves of arrows and finding that it had no impact, Xiao Yu felt that he should not continue to attack like this.

The Whirlwind Spell of Druids was similar to the Wind Barrier of the Wind Elemental. They both formed a whirling cyclone around themselves, which could help to blow away the attacks of flying equipment, or even some small monsters. In this case, Goblins could not help in the fight. The Goblin Scouts' arrows could not reach him, and the Goblin Warriors would be blown away when they went near. It seemed that he had to join the battle. As Xiao Yu was thinking, he gnashed his teeth and climbed up the neck of the monster Aldo.

"Listen to my orders. All the Goblin Warriors spread out and attack the Treants. Healer Difias, remember to heal me later. Kobold Diviners, follow me and launch fireballs. Archers will continue to shoot, and the rest stay behind and look out for the enemies coming from our back. Let's start!"

As soon as he slapped Aldo's head after he was done instructing, Aldo immediately rushed forward with a huge stick in his hand and swept away the Treants that were blocking his way. The Goblins swarmed in and submerged them. They were still competent enough to kill a few Treants with numerical superiority. And Xiao Yu rode the giant monster towards the shrine.

Archdruid also seemed to feel determination. He kept activating the whirlwind as he stared at Xiao Yu.

When both sides were within the magic shooting range of each other, Xiao Yu suddenly raised his staff and casted Flame Missile. A string of seven fireballs appeared out of nowhere and flew out together. At the same time, the Kobold Diviners also smashed out fireballs, and the Fire Elemental shot out a Fire Arrow.

This attack of dense fireballs penetrated the Wind Barrier easily and landed on the Archdruid, with a series of explosions and red letters.

"That's right!" Xiao Yu breathed a sigh of relief. As he expected, this whirlwind had the same effect as the Wind Barrier. It had the ability to blow away flying attacks made of physical entities, such as arrows, but was useless at preventing magic attacks like the fireballs. In addition, as the Archdruid could not move when casting, he became a live target. If he moved, he could not use the whirlwind, thus the archers would be able to attack by shooting.

This string of fireballs had knocked 200 HP off the Archdruid, which was the first time they dealt damage to him. Nice effort! Xiao Yu began to prepare for the second round of attack.

Manster Moonwalker (Archdruid) said, "Tiny Goblin, feel the anger of nature." A green lightning bolt came at Xiao Yu.

"Alas, I'm fated to be beaten. It seems like I always get attacked first during every battle."

As Xiao Yu sighed with emotion, then that lightning bolt hit his chest.

Bang! An electric current ran within his body. -137. A huge, red character flashed out, scaring Xiao Yu. This one attack had taken nearly a third of his HP. This Archdruid was so fierce.

"Heal me now!" he shouted at the two Difia Healers, then he gathered Flame Missiles in his hands again.

Both parties started a fierce spell battle in the shrine. The battle of fireballs versus lightning bolts was really intense. However, although the Archdruid's spell damage was high, he could barely hang in there after two rounds. After all, how could he fight alone against a group? Xiao Yu could still continue to attack with the help of the healers. Seeing that his HP had dropped to half, the Archdruid played the same old trick.

Manster Moonwalker (Archdruid) said, "Storm, answer to my summon. In the name of nature, wipe out these despicable enemies in front!"

At the sight of the black clouds condensed above his head, Xiao Yu knew that the situation was not good. He had seen the power of the Lightning Storm with his own eyes just now. At first, he thought that it was impossible to use this kind of ultimate move continuously, and did not expect its CD to be so short. He kicked Aldo's head and said, "Run! Charge forward now!" Aldo was obedient and rushed up the slope. Crack! When the first lightning bolt fell, Xiao Yu had already rushed up and avoided it. However, his followers behind him were not so lucky. The Kobold Diviners and the Difia Healers were howling and crying due to the attack.

"Lightning is still falling down, and there is no route for retreat!" Xiao Yu thought to himself as he rode on Aldo and rushed towards the Archdruid.

The Archdruid was busy healing himself as he felt weak after he had casted Lightning Storm. At the sight of Xiao Yu rushing over, he quickly released the Wind Barrier again. As the air whirled and flew, Aldo's steps suddenly slowed down, but only slightly. As a giant creature, his weight was a factor. Although the whirlwind was useful for small creatures, that was not the case for giant monsters. Seeing that the giant monster was about to reach the shrine and the giant stick in his hand was coming across, the Archdruid was anxious.

Manster Moonwalker (Archdruid) said, "Great Spirit of Nature, your people need your help. Answer to my call and gather here!"

Countless green Elves flew out of the woods around the shrine, circled in the air, and whispered. Then they submerged into the body of the Archdruid. When he absorbed the power of dozens of Elves, his body size suddenly increased and started emitting dazzling, green light.

Xiao Yu thought that this was bad. What was going on? Damn, he knew that this mission was not so easy.

The Archdruid, unexpectedly, sprawled on the ground, turned into a giant bear, and rushed towards Xiao Yu.

Sh*t, did he learn both Elemental and Morph techniques? It was so unfair that he could even turn into a bear when his magic was so powerful. Fortunately, he had only learned two techniques and not three. It would be really unreasonable if his Restoration spell was also good and able to restore his HP quickly.

"Huge Stick Sweep!" Aldo roared and swung his huge stick with full strength.

Pang! The huge stick hit the dashing, giant bear on its head, but then broke into two pieces with a snap. However, it also managed to slow that giant bear down.

Flame Missile! Xiao Yu rode on the monster's head and kept throwing the fireballs down. The giant monster collided with the Archdruid and they pushed each other with full strength. However, the monster was obviously weaker than the giant bear due to the level and Mode differences. Although he was not smaller in size to the giant bear, he was pushed back and finally rolled down the slope leading to the shrine.

By this time, the Lightning Storm was over. Seeing that the giant bear was rushing down the slope, the Goblins around swarmed up again.