
Omni-Slayer (Paused)

Blessed with two great abilities, Sariel finds himself in a world were power is everything. Finding the ring his late father gave him, what secrets will he uncover from this, Will he die in pursuit of this, or not? . . Senamu#4002 Dm me to take it down, Yeah.

Bladbath · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 6: Defeating the Slime and Rewards

Sariel walked calmly towards the end fighting against the monsters till he stopped at the Bosses gate.

For some reason he felt distant from the dagger, so he figured that he will try most of the weapons first, before deciding his main one.

The bosses gate was large with green runic patterns engraved on it.

"Boss, well, here I come!" Sariel smiled, 'Should probably think of a catchphrase.' Sariel took a mental note and continued onwards.

He slid his palm on the gate, the effect was normal as the gate opened and fog seeped out of the room.

The fog was reaching his ankle which was unexpected. Sariel too this time to asses his enemy. It was expectedly a slime.

The slime was green in colour with a humanoid shape. It's glowing yellow eyes contained murderous intent, directly aimed at Sariel.

"Sigh, is this what they call a boss?" Sariel mocked. He sized the monster up and down before using [Omni-Seer]. Sariel's eyes had a teal glint when he inspected the slime,

[Green Acidic Slime]

[Level: 15]

[Skill(s): Acid Excretion]

"Hmm, interesting." Sariel unsheathed the daggers and looked at the incoming slime.

The humanoid shaped Green Acidic Slime charged towards him spreading it's slimy arm's wide and a green fog came out of it.

Using coming sense, most would decide to dodge, but Sariel didn't, [Alter-Vanish!]. A purple glow cladded Sariel's being as the green Acidic fog came into contact with the purple glow.

The purple glow overpowered the green fog and erased it from existence! This was the power of Sariel's Alter!

The slime look enraged that it's attack was weaker than Sariel's. It lunged it body towards him with an attempt to swallow him whole!

Sariel knew this after watching too much ani-... Rather documentaries about dungeon beasts or commonly called monsters.

He arched his back barely evading the slime lunge and stabbed the dagger deep inside the slime. After, he quickly withdrew his dagger and leaped back.

The slime couldn't allow it's prey to escape so it followed him. Sariel knew this would happen and decided to use his [Sever].

"Sever!" Sariel opened his eyes which were filled with pitch black darkness. His daggers were covered in a black energy. He slashed his daggers at the slime, releasing two arks of sharp black energy!

His daggers connected with the slime chopping it down into nothing.

[Killed Green Acidic Slime]

[+2000 exp!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]



Phew! Sariel checked his current status and look at it with contemplation.

After adding his stat points, it now looked like this,

[Name: Sariel Raine

Power core level: 10

SP: 10

Body: 35 (+50)

Spirit: 27(+50)

Energy: 31 (+50)

Class: None

Physique: Omni-Physique

Power Core: Alter]

Sub-power: Sever

[Potential Talent: None]

This is good progress. Sariel thought and walked to check the sweet loot obtained from the boss slime.

[Sariel, Reach home as soon as you can, We have a gift for you!]

The voices of Amon and Lily entered his mind. 'What kind of gift?' Sariel spoke using his telepathy.

[Just go home already! It's not safe here]

Sariel sighed and quickly went to inspect the loot.

[Slime gel(1-Star): The gel of a powerful slime has great uses. It can be used to make the body smoother and shine like gold.]

Hmmm... and what should I do with this? 'Oh right... I can give this to those guards!' Sariel took it with glee and looked at the other loot.

[Basic slime thread(1-star): The thread of a slime can be manipulates in so many ways.]

' I guess this is good stuff?' Sariel thought and put the loot in his backpack before his eyes fell upon a small object.

"!!!" The object was a small sliver ring, which, Sariel knew very well,

A spatial ring!

The chances of obtaining one in a dungeon was almost non-existent! Spatial rings had a 0.0000001% chance of appearing in a dungeon. "Tsk tsk tsk, I really am favored by the gods."

[Do you realize we are gods?]



Outside the dungeon,

"That arrogant prick really died, it has been over two hours." One of the guards said.

"I am a he died to the first slime!" The other said jokingly before the broke out in a fit of laughter.


They laughed in unison, not knowing the existence of the person beside them.

"Excuse me," A voice rang out in their ears which caused them to flinch a little.

"What is it boy! you bette-" The guards eyes widened in shock as his jaw dropped. The other guard looked at the newcomer and his expression turned the same as the former.

"How are you still alive!?" One of the guards asked with a shocked expression.

"By killing the boss." Sariel tilted his eyes with a confused expression. His black hair covered his eyes a bit which gave him a charming look. Too bad there were no girls here.

"Nevermind, you better give our portion of the loot." The same guard said with a tired expression.

Sariel nodded and put one of his arm forward before, items seem to appear one after the other!

The guards were shocked as they didn't expect the young man to have a spatial ring! He didn't look rich enough to own one. And that brought out another question, Why did he bring a bag, if he had a spatial ring? But it didn't take long before they guards realized.

Their eyes widened once again, 'How lucky can this brat get!'

Sariel dropped his commission fee and ran away!

His body blurred as he was eight times faster than the average human according to his stats.

He sped home avoiding the overcrowded areas. His swiftness made regular people stunned, but made the evolved ones flinch.

Being an evolved one has its perks of being stronger than the average human. As evolved ones lives longer than those who weren't. and the benefit of not being getting sick through normal means.

The possibilities were endless!