
Omni-Dimensional Emanation

Formerly titled as "Omni-Dimensional Chat Group" WARNING: UNREALISTIC ROMANCES HAREM AND GORE. ALSO, EXPECT SLOW-ISH PACE Also this is just any chat group so don't expect anything new. After getting a new phone, Ryuu Cinco finds himself tangled in multiverse madness and becoming a new entertain for the watchers(Readers). [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Exbitionist] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Tea Lover ] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Insect Hashira ] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Titania] [A New member had joined!] ========= [ World Mission ] Kimetsu no Yaiba (Done) Solo Leveling (Ongoing) ========== 2/day chapters Cover made by Me

Try_hard · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
352 Chs

Chapter 316 - NOOOOO!!!!

Artemis felt helpless knowing her chances of win were slimmed and the mist that covered her dimension domain was too powerful for to escaped. She was at a disadvantage when his opponent had powerful sacred gear with a dark skinned young man wielding the Annihilation Maker that allowed him to create a monster that fought against her own summoned familiar beast and the other young man used shadow to protect himself that Artemis was unsure what sacred he was using. 

There was another person who cast powerful magic and one who possessed the soul of her brother. The most frustrating thing is her sworn enemy, Orion who caused her numerous trauma and pain who countered her arrows with his own. 

However the most powerful in their group didn't participate and merely watched. One wields a spear capable of killing even the most powerful god, the True Longinus, the sacred gear who has been basked in the blood of the true holy divine and even from afar, Artemis could feel it. The power. The danger. It is as if being stabbed would be robbed of her divinity which allowed her to overwrite the world thanks to it. Artemis turned to the Primordial gods, Kronos and Hyperion were entertained witnessing her struggle. 

Kronos, like the legends, had immense power being the king of the titan who had managed to defeat Ournaros, the Primordial God of the sky. He had the power over time and even transcended time like myth had foretold where only rivaled by few individuals. 

There are 10 official strongest Entity in the entire world who's feat is known like Sirzech and her uncle Hades. However, there are more that should have been included if it weren't for their untimely defeat. Zeus had fought Kronos yet he only defeated him due to being poisoned and weakened, assisted by Gaia at the time for having done treacherous action like having devoured his children which did not sit well for the Mother goddess. 

The Titanomachy had been stories of legends for second generation gods like herself where much exaggeration and misinterpretation was written yet Zeus who had been dare had mentioned he does not wish to even fight Kronos for his power is too powerful. 

He merely stood yet his presence alone could indicate the power he wield pondering how Kronos escaped the abyss dimension of Tartarus which was a prison. On the other hand, his right hand man, Hyperion, was not to be underestimated. He was the titan of  light giving her the power similar to her brother, Apollo, as well as Helios but more potent and stronger.

His legend and stories had said he wielded the power that can easily slice large countries and parted seas before. He single handedly fought off the army of hades and Poseidon during the Titanomachy. The word 'Disadvantage' was understatement and more like an 'overkill' that they would be here fighting only her.  

'I can't connect to the moon because of the barrier. This is most likely a type of sacred gear but I'm unsure what. I'd die if those three joined the fight. Dammit, I can't even contact mount Olympus!'

Artemis cursed as she blocked an attacked coming from her brother's reincarnation and an explosion came upon impact forcing her to be blown away but she didn't let it stop her and pulled the string of her bow energy churned and shot toward Heracles but be managed to tank it making her click her tongue.  

Her arrows aren't something that can easily be withstood, capable of harming even an Ultimate Class Devil and killing a Satan Class devil if hit multiple times. Heracles smirked and leaped with immense speed that her eye barely even caught it when part of her divinity was the skillful eyes that can see virtually anything that allowed her to hunt.

She was an archer and their most valuable asset are their eyes to accurately see things yet the speed in which heracles moves barely caught a glimpse but her instinct kicks and evaded before conjuring a dagger and slash at heracles who tried to block but the weapon was normal and easily gave him large cut and flicking him back on the ground. 

"You're getting on my nerves, Imposter!"

Artemis angrily said annoyed by fighting her own brother's reincarnation and summoned a griffin jumping on the back before using her mouth to fly in the sky and shot into the cloud changing her tactic and said.

"Illuminate the sky, Luna Tempest!" 

Everyone saw the sky in which countless arrows felt like raging storms that upon impact exploded into massive explosions where the mist moved and blocked the attack but there were too many that they couldn't stay in one spot. The monster army was destroyed while her familiar escaped when she unsummoned them. 

"This goddess sure is stubborn." 

Spoked by young man with glasses as he dodge the attack and used the shadow to reabsorbed the attack and send them back.

"That she is, my beloved Artemis has no equal in being stubborn. I mean I've proved myself to be the best yet she refused!" 

Orion roared in anger, summoned his own bow and churned a powerful attack as it fired in immense speed that grew its area of effect and destroyed the incoming arrows and destroyed the clouds. 

"Remember, we can't kill her. We need to capture her alive in order for the cooperation of the Olympian." 

Said by a young man wielding the True Longinus, Cao Cao as he gave a disgusted look at Orion bloodcraze expression.

"Don't tell me what to do, Cao Cao! I won't kill my beloved but she needs to be punished for defying me!" Orion shouted while Cao Cao sighed in disappointment and turned his attention back to Artemis who continued to fire arrows at them and brought rain of arrows upon them. 


"Impressive for second generation gods but…."

Kronos mockingly said unfazed by the devastation caused by the goddess of the moon. Receiving a praise from a king of the titan was an achievement but unfortunately it meant nothing when they sought to captured Artemis.


He glance at the titan of Light who released his divinity growing brighter before the arrow who move faster than light began to move like crawl as Hyperion held out his hands creating light arrows and shot the arrows that exploded in the sky letting them be unharmed while Artemis saw this click her tongue then was suddenly shot by laser beam from the sky. 

However, after the first shot countless more followed leaving Artemis covered in holes and bleeding of incor, the blood of the Greek gods. She coughed struggling to heal herself from the primordial light of Hyperion. Artemis felt someone grab her hair and saw the face of a maniacally grinning. 

Orion looked at her knowing that he had won and would obtain the thing he wanted. The soul of previous Orion churned in delight touching her cheek caressing it gently while Artemis glared at him.

"No need to be stubborn Artemis, I can end your suffering in exchange for you-"

He cut off when she bit on his face as Orion pushed her away as his nose was removed wailing in pain while Artemis gave a weak mocking laugh unafraid of what lies ahead and said.

"Go to hell, I'd rather die than be taken by you!"

Artemis shouted while Orion stopped his allies from attack as he healed himself and grabbed the moon goddess by the neck raising her over his head and said. 

"You bitch! Know your place!"

Orion cocked his hand preparing to strike Artemis while she didn't care and gave up the thought of escaping. Her life flashes before her eyes recalling the time when she was an innocent maiden wishing to fall in love with a man but she was too naive and fell too soon. She was too emotional and this had led to her downfall as Artemis hoped things were different. 

'Is this the end….No….I don't…want to die….someone….someone come and save me!'

Artemis was no damsel in distress and tried to grow stronger to never depend on someone, especially a man but in the end her maiden heart screamed from some miracle. 

In that moment, everyone sense something coming with immense speed and Cao Cao was forced to blocked using his True Longinus while Connla and Leonardo almost died when a bone stabbed into their sacred gear and witness it being eroded and Georg was wounded and had his hand slices despite no blade nor energy attack send in his way only realize it and as space that was cut. 

Kronos and Hyperion shudder in fear feeling something ancient and immemorial arrived in the form of a young man who he grabbed Orion by the neck and held Artemis by the waist who was instantly healed as if she had never been wounded. 

"Are you alright, Artemis!?"

Athena shouted looking at her enemy and was shocked to see the two titan who were supposed to be in the abyss. Meanwhile, Artemis was in daze looking at the person who saved her as she was held by his strong arms and the man, Ryuu, tightened his grip on Orion's neck. He had felt the prayer and answered knowing a maiden heart is the most precious thing. 

He did not underestimate her ability and this cliche moment didn't blame anyone beside fate itself who pulled the string. The True Fate was his woman and didn't mind her guiding him even though he could decide his own fate if he wanted. 

Regardless, Ryuu held Artemis tightly, a bit surprised when he met Athena who looked like the woman from saint seiya and Aphrodite who looked like one from fate. He glances at the Hero who stood observing them then felt someone blitz at his side ready to punch him.

"Heracles no!"

Cao Cao shouted but it was too late as he touched Ryuu only for his body to stop midair and split seconds that felt like eternity began his body to mutate and appeared like rotten flesh as he couldn't even scream. 

"What a fool. No worries, he's still alive and only experiences fate worse than death itself. Now then, you know what I hate the most? Scum who crave yet unable to have self control."

Ryuu quietly said, unbothered by the fact that he easily defeated Heracles without lifting a finger while Orion struggled to escape his gasp. He snapped his fingers and summoned Elanor, Isla, Ion and Orok who kneel before him. 

"What may I do for you, my lord?" Ion spoke in reverence.

"Speak and we shall do as you command." Orok sternly said, looking at his enemy. 

"Finally! I can get some action fighting these idiots! Too bad I can't kill them but at least I can't beat them until they wish for their death." Elanor said summoned her own sword form while her sister Isla shook her head and summoned a Katana and said.

"Easy now sister, leave some for the rest of us." Athena who watched this unfold was a bit taken aback, unable to sense their power and Aphrodite seemed pouting seeing their beauty was not of her own but sense that this man was the best of the best. 

"Ion fights Hyperion and makes sure not to kill him but shows utter despair then imprison him in the depths of the Slaanesh realm while Orok you do the same with kronos."

"It will be done! Bless thy flesh!" He roared leaping with immense speed that Kronos barely blocked with his scythe as the two went into their own battle field. 

"You are blessed today for bearing witness of my power, titan."

Ion spoke in regal manner as he tapped his stuff and a mutated fist made of amalgamated limbs struck Hyperion who blocked and sent flying and was taken by Ion to their own fight. 

"Isla, Elanor, capture Leonardo, Greorg, Connla and Cao Cao, they need to be brought alive into the Hero faction."

"Alright, Master! I call dibs on Wizard boy over here." Before Greorg could even process it was taken by Elanor who uses her ability to connect somewhere and took him for some fun.


"Come with me. I'll end this quickly." Isla took Connla who screamed upon seeing her ally was taken by their enemy. Cao Cao couldn't believe his eyes seeing that his plan was foiled and his allies were taken to somewhere leaving him alone and shouted.

"You bastard!! Where did you take them!" Ryuu didn't even bother looking as Athena jumped and attacked him.

"I'll be your opponent for today!" Their spear clashes as Aphrodite was left looking at Leonardo who used his power to summon a monster while she placed her hand on her cheek and said.

"Guess I'll be fighting you. I don't like barbaric fights, can you surrender?" Her hypnotic voice caused even Leonardo to listen and immediately dispel his summons and Aphrodite smiled and said.

"Then beat yourself until you're unconscious." Leonardo did as told and began bashing his head on the ground while she smiled and glanced at Ryuu interested in who he was because they didn't have time to know him but from what Athena said he was the mediator who met Zeus.

'I can feel his divinity….it vastly superior to mine.' Aphrodite thought herself seeing the vast desire of love mixed with countless emotions. Meanwhile, Artemis somehow gained the same feeling as she did before, the maiden heart was beating and pounding yet it was different than how she felt for Orion. She didn't move and enjoyed being in his arms while Ryuu spoke and said

"As for your one's fate, I'll let Artemis decide." He shook Artemis who reawoke from her daze and pushed him away before coughing and said.

"Thank you for saving me whoever you are. As for his fate, feel free to do what you intend to do." Artemis said while Ryuu nodded and turned to face Orion who continued to struggle punching and wailing. 

"If you say so then hope you don't mind kissing me?"

Orion eyes widened as Ryuu let go and pulled him by something as he was forced to watch something while Artemis seemed to blush and Aphrodite felt envious but surprised how Artemis the stubborn girl who has no interest in men due to her trauma was acting like a maiden. She didn't hesitate and summoned a phone to record what's about to happen.

"I-I don't mind if it means rewarding you." Ryuu nodded and approached Artemis. 

"W-What are you doing?" Orion stared at him with wide eyes.

Once he was standing in front of Artemis, Ryuu suddenly wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her soft body into his embrace. Artemis was baffled by the sudden turn of events, but she didn't resist it.

"Well, hope you don't back down now?" Ryuu said to her with a sly expression on his face.

"YOU BASTARD!" Orion roared out loud. Artemis realized what Ryuu was trying to do now, and she couldn't help but feel a little excited.

"It would be my pleasure to reward my savior." Artemis   nodded with a bashful smile before lifting her head and closing her eyes.

"N-No! NO! NO! NO! STOP IT! DON'T YOU DARE! I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU DO IT!!!!" Orion shouted as blood in the form of tears began flowing from his eyes.

Ryuu looked at Orion with a mocking gaze before turning to focus on Artemis, who had a flushed face at this moment. He gently held her chin with his hand, and he slowly pressed his lips against hers, kissing her.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Orion could feel his heart being torn into countless pieces after witnessing the love of his life being stolen by his enemy before his very eyes.