
Omegaverse: The Alpha X’s Prey

In a world where there are two primary genders and six secondary hierarchical genders, life can’t be easy-especially when an omega has to live as a beta. Easton Oaks (Omega) has never stepped foot outside of his home. He hides his secondary gender while his older brother, Donovan (Omega) has no need to. From a young age, Easton was forced to train his feminine body until he nearly breaks it, achieving a Beta C-like physique. All his life he never questioned his mothers’ strange paranoias. Until one day he receives an envelope addressed to him. Inside a woven wristlet and a brief note. Hiding the ornament from his mothers, Easton manages to convince his parents 18 years of hiding is enough. He's safe now. Getting permission to enter university for the first time, Easton takes advantage his newfound freedom to search for the sender... ...unknowingly handing himself to the very hands of root of his mothers' fears. ————————————————————— In the Morris household, the family motto hereby states: “Opportunity is only granted to those who make opportunity.” And they did. Spending billions upon billions for intensive research for the past three generations, what seemed to be a futile and wasteful investment. But alas! The successful birth of Maverick Morris (the third Alpha X) arrives. Maverick Morris, the boy who has it all. Wealth. Power. Looks. Maverick Morris, the boy who has nothing. Privacy. Choice. Happiness.

swiggly_toez · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

i'm coming, easton

The light that streamed from the only window in the room did not bring in warmth. In fact, the white room became colder. It was like any morning but today is his darling mate's birthday.

Maverick smirked to himself. He had woken up at the crack of dawn, twirling a little white box in his hand to pass the time.

He will do the unthinkable. Sneak out of the Lab.

Planned since the moment green eyes met amber.

6:30 am. The door makes a beep. The outside lock is being turned and a staff member is about to come in.

Just on time. Though a few nanoseconds early. Perfect.

Eyes flash burgundy red. The next second he is gone. Out of the same bedroom he has been held captive in since that day.

No not the day he met his mate. After a few torturous sessions, the Lab and the Morris clan let the Alpha X off. Few as in ten.

Everyone knew that if they kept it up, the boy would die. The specimen must be preserved.

Maverick scoffed at the thought as he wizzed around everybody. Over the years he had unlocked many abilities. This one being super speed. Everyone dubbed it the "Flash" power.

In a full second Maverick was on the surface. Breathing in the delicious air of freedom, forrest trees, moss, and earth.

Similar to his mate's smell. But it needs to be a little sweeter.

As for how the Alpha X tackled the elevator? Simple. A single tap made the roof of it pop.

Maverick was leisurely catching his breath has he heard the explosion and clamor of chaos going on down below. Enhanced hearing. Not a power, but developed with age.

A second later Maverick darted out, in search of Easton.

With only an imprinted scent as a lead. No matter how much Maverick pushed his younger twin, Donovan kept his lips mum. Never disclosing their location to his big brother.

Originally Maverick never wanted Donovan to get his memories back, to live a life free from the evil clutches of the Lab. Ignorance is bliss, after all.

But after five years, Maverick's mind went mad. The hole in his heart grew over the years. It started so small, just like when needle pokes fabric. A small itch. Then it became an unhealthy obsession, and Maverick caved into temptation.

He visited Donovan and immediately gave him all the memories he stole. Does he regret ruining his twin's life?

No. Not one bit. If it means that Donovan can share memories of his interactions with Easton. Many times it was forced. Donovan wished for privacy and tranquility. Maverick needed to see his mate. Just a glimpse would be enough.

No. A glimpse is never enough. A one time thing became a twice, then thrice… until Maverick inserted himself into Donovan's mind for the first time.

They had only been 11 years old, and this forever made a rift in the relationship between brothers.

Maverick was on the other side of the freeway. The same freeway Donovan whisked away his mate.

He smiled to himself. This would be easy as he had practice. Whenever there was a full moon, Maverick would practice his escape route. Ever since he unlocked the Flash ability at age 17, that was his excuse whenever he escaped the Lab. The moon enhanced his powers. An idea from the movies.

There is still a debate whether or not this is true. So, just to be safe- when a full moon would be present-the Lab made extra preparations. A few thousand pound iron door was installed. There was extra staff with purple solution on hand.

But with every attempt Maverick only got smarter. It was even thanks to this that whenever the young alpha felt threatened, a new ability was unearthed.

Those abilities Maverick kept secret from the lab. After all, his DNA can't change. It will be the same when he was a powerless, ability-less baby, and now when he is a full fledged adult.

Of course the moon does nothing to Maverick. Just as the arrival of stars every night does nothing to the day.

Maverick has grown more powerful than anyone would dare imagine. If he unleashed everything, the boy himself believes it would be akin to a nuclear bomb setting off.

Devastating, destructing power.

Maverick looked back in the direction of the Lab. He admits with a heavy heart that he will have to go back. Today his parents are coming to take him home. They started to be more involved in his life when he turned into a teenager.

It was at age thirteen that Maverick knew what it was like to be famous. To have your privacy made a privilege. He never forced Donovan to do anything ever again.

Well, not much anyways.

The Alpha X closed his eyes. All senses heightened, concentrating on the unbreakable link between a destined pair.

His heart knows the direction. His feet move.

I'm coming, Easton.