

In a whole new universe, things are not what we used to, this is the story of Ava Sennilia El. This story will be about how she becomes Earth's newest Supergirl. (Also this series is rated M for mature: Sexual theme Adult language Death) (Also, if ya'll think I should create a Patreon page please let me know, in the comments. This story will have erotic scenes but in a decent way, however, if ya'll think I should create a Patreon page I will do two more versions of this story: The clean version and the pornographic version, The pornographic one will be on Patreon, and I will do the same with my Batgirl story and my Joker story. Also, I hope you enjoy the stories :) ) I'm not feeling confident in my writing, and now I'm in depressed mode again, so there's no telling when I come back to writing this story.

MisterJ88 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


Victoria was playing with Ava while Albus, Sennilia, and Aurora talked. Sennillia watches Victoria, making sure she isn't a danger to her daughter.

"So, which one of you two broke the seal?" Albus asked. Sennilia and Aurora looked at each other confused.

"What seal?" Sennilia asked.

"The snow, it wasn't natural snow; it was to seal away an ancient evil known as Zorrez." Albus answered her.

"Well how do that work?" Sennilia asked him.

"What you think as snow, it isn't. It is a potent spell; what you have been seeing is nothing but a magic particle that keeps the planet frozen to keep Zorrez asleep. It a spell my wife cast, so are you going to answer my question?" Albus stated as he looked down.

"My daughter Ava changed the sun, which caused the snow to melt." Sennilia replied to him. Albus looked at the child; he could see her aura ever since he met her; it was disturbing that such a child had so much power and was steadily growing.

"Who's this Zorrez you keep talking about?" Aurora asked him; she didn't have this person in her files.

"Zorrez is an ancient God; he's the evil brother of Nava, the Goddess of creation and destruction; however, Nava disappeared. Zorrez is also a planet eater." Albus answered.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, what are you two? I have never seen anyone like you two before." Sennilia asked as she was pretty curious; so far, the only other species she came across were Ava's Father and those who live on his planet. Oh, and those disgusting insect-like beings that kept buzzing around.

"I'm a Gorillian. My people are warrior types; we train our bodies and mind." Victoria said as she held out her hand and created a small red orb.

"Oh you can do magic as well?" Sennilia asked; however, Victoria shooked her head, as she made the orb disappear when Ava tried to touch it.

"No, that wasn't magic; it goes by many names. However, this is spirit energy; all living beings throughout the galaxy can use spirit energy through training. Only a rare few can use it to create energy attacks." Victoria answers her question as she uses her tail to tickle Ava.

"Albus, however, is a master in the magical craft; after all, the Arians are a magic-user race." Victoria said.

"They were, Aria is no more." Albus corrected her, and then he watched Ava. For some reason, her aura gave off the same magical vibe as his wife. He looks to Sennilia.

"You're daughter, isn't Kryptonian." Albus said, and Senillia looked at Aurora; she looked back at Albus and took a deep breath. She explained to Albus and Victoria the situation with Ava.

"Would it be ok if I do a reading? By doing that, I can see what species her father used." Albus asked, and Sennilia was a bit worried. Still, Aurora placed her hand on Sennilia's hand to reassure her, and Sennilia nodded.

Victoria moved out of the way as Albus sat on the cave floor, and he looked at Ava and smiled at her, gesturing for her to sit in front of him, which she did.

Albus held out his hands as he closed his eyes, and he instructed Ava to place her hands on his and close her eyes and clear her mind, which she did as well.

The next thing Albus knew, he opened his eyes to find himself on a small hill with tall grass in a field all around and a couple of trees. He could feel the gentle night breeze as he looked up at the sky to see the stars clearly and the full moon.

He senses a familiar aura as he turns around to see a beautiful raven-haired woman with light red eyes, an ashen complexion, and a long white dress. He was surprised.

"Hello Albus." The woman said with a lovely smile. Albus took a step closer to her.

"Neera? How is this possible? I watch you fall in the Canyon." Albus said as he reached out to touch his wife; however, Neera stopped him.

"It's a bit confusing, isn't it? However, I can't let you go any further in Ava's mind; we're pretty fond of her. Also, I can't tell you everything, but I can tell you what happens and my purpose of being a part of Ava." Neera said to him with a soft, sympathetic expression.

Before we fought Zorrez, I was one of a select few to be summoned by the Ancient God. Let me clarify that I was always meant to die, even if you or Victoria saved me. Like the others, my DNA was needed to create the Nyxian, a being of ultimate power and a force to reckon with. So, after I fell in the Canyon, I was barely alive but still alive. Well, only long enough to pass my DNA to the person who was unknowingly in charge of creating this wonderful child.

The only regret I have is that I can't grow old with you. That is not my destiny; as I said, my fate was to help bring Ava into existence." Neera told him.

"She must be a unique child, for so many to be involved and to sacrifice so much. So who were the others? I know she's a Kryptonian and a New God, so what else?" Albus asked Neera, which she only gave him a mischievous smirk.

"That would be telling those secrets I'm not allowed to. However, Ava is extraordinary, and we all knew what was asked of us. We all agreed to it, and before you asked me, I can't tell you why she was created, but I can say is that everybody has a prophecy. Even you, my love." Neera said to him. She turns to leave, but she stops and looks over her shoulder at him.

" I need you to fulfill some favors. I need you to start moving on; I been gone for a hundred years, return Victoria's feelings for you; she's crazy for you. It hurt me to say this; however, it's the truth; I'm no longer your wife, and I know I'll have a place in your heart. Still, your heart is big enough to let others in, especially Victoria." Neera said, and Albus stood there quietly listening to her words

"Also, I need you to train Ava in magic and tell Victoria to train her as well; she will need it. Also, you can't run from Zorrez; he needs to be resealed. Good-bye, Albus." Neera said, and Albus' eyes opened again only to be back in the cave with Ava looking at him. Albus smiles at her and looks at Sennilia, and he tells them what Neera told him.

"Victoria and I will train her if you will allow it, she needs to learn to control her powers." Albus said. Sennilia nodded, and Victoria looked at him strangely, then she looked at Sennilia.

"How did you survive when the sun was red? It is not exactly easy to grow food here, and it's harder to find any animals." Victoria asked her.

"Oh, one of the chambers been converted into a garden, and we use one of the sun crystals to give off sunlight for the garden to grow, and water wasn't hard to come by." Sennilia explains to her.

"I didn't think that was possible." Victoria replied.

"It is, with me." Aurora answered with a hint of pride, and they continued to talk as Sennilia brought lunch out for them.

One Month Later

While Albus and Victoria with Ava, teaching her magic and how to control her powers. Sennilia was helping Aurora to rebuild their ship with parts from Albus and Victoria's ship; Aurora found that she became easily distracted by Sennilia and couldn't concentrate on her job.

Each time Sennilia bends down, she watches as her bodysuit hugs tightly to her form, showing her every curve and her perfect heart shape behind. Aurora didn't know what possessed her to walk over to her and stand behind her.

Sennilia didn't realize that Aurora was behind her, so she straightened up and turned around only for Aurora's hands to grab her waist, and before Sennilia could say anything, Aurora looked deep into her eyes. "I'm sorry." was all Aurora told her as she softly pressed her lips against Sennilia's lips.

Sennilia's eyes widen, but soon they've closed. Her arms wrapped around Aurora's neck as she could feel the warmth and the love coming from her kiss; she could also feel her tongue slide into her mouth, and that Aurora was getting bolder as she felt her hands slowly move down to her bottom.

Sennilia's bodysuit slowly began to crawl off her body after they broke the kiss, and Aurora drank up the sight of her perfect and beautiful nude body. Her beautiful D cup breasts and her pink nipples, her smooth and trim stomach, every inch of Sennilia's body were a work of art, Aurora thought to herself.

If Aurora didn't know any better, she would say that Sennilia is a goddess. Her beauty is supernatural when her suit moves down to her bottom, slowly exposing her sex to Aurora.

While Aurora was finally getting her dream come true, Ava was being trained by Albus and Victoria. Albus and Victoria took her away from the cave to a small clearing where the snow had melted, and Albus had her meditate in the middle of the clearing. It took Ava a bit to get the hang of it, but she ended up catching on.

Ava began the hover above the ground as a purple ring of magic particle appeared around her, and it kept growing until it started to drawback to Ava rapidly. Then a massive burst of magical energy flew out in every direction around her for as far as their's eyes could see, and suddenly plants began to grow from the ground.

Albus was proud and surprised; this was the first time he had a student with so much magical power and potential. She ended up learning a lot from both of them. It wasn't until late that they were finishing up; when they were heading back to the cave, they saw Sennilia and Aurora, and they were holding hands. But when they got closer, Victoria could smell the scent of sex on them as she smirked.

"Sooo...How are the repairs going for the ship?" Victoria said, acting like she was oblivious.

"O..oh it'll gonna to take some more time to fix, there was so much to do that we couldn't get much done today." Aurora said as she gave a slight cough to clear her throat as she looked at Ava, who in turn looked back at her and Sennilia; Sennilia bent down as she picked up her daughter and hugged her tightly.

Aurora and Sennilia asked how Ava did during her training as they walked back into their home, which they shared with Albus and Victoria. However, they were happy, but their happiness won't last long. The snow would finish melting within two more years, and Zorrez would awaken.

Two years later...

Albus, Victora, Aurora, and Sennilia stood waiting at the base of a mountain that Zorrez was sealed beneath it. However, the warning of Zorrez's awakening happened around the beginning of the second year; the ground began to quake, and they could hear the rumbling.

Under orders from Sennilia and Aurora, Albus placed Ava in a protective barrier that she couldn't get out of; of course, Ava wasn't too pleased about it. The adult waited until the mountain exploded as an enormous being came out.

His eyes and the cracks in his skin were the same color as lava, and his skin was black. He also had gigantic tentacles that had a mouth with razor-sharp teeth. However, the lower part of his body was still stuck underground. His head was completely bald; Zorrez looked around as he saw Albus and Victoria.

Zorrez had a creepy smile spread across his face as he leaned down to look at them on their level.

"ALBUS AND VICTORIA; HOW NICE OF YOU TO COME TO SEE MY AWAKENING." Zorrez bellowed out, as the four could feel the hot air blasting past them as he spoke, and the scent of that is strangely similar to rotten eggs; however, it isn't strong, but Sennilia found the smell disgusting, but she looked at Victoria, and it looks like she's getting sick.

"No, We're going to stop you." Albus answered him with a bored looked; Zorrez looked at Sennilia and Aurora and sniffed the air.


"DEMIGOD...DISGUSTING HALFBREED." Zorrez said as he looked directly at Sennilia. Sennilia looked at him, confused. However, before Sennilia could reply, he ignored both her and Aurora and looked back at Albus.

"I WON'T GO BACK TO SLEEP,I'LL DEVOUR THIS ENTIRE UNIVERSE." Zorrez said, and he began to attack.

Zorrez tentacles slammed onto the ground as the four got out of the way. The ground began to crack and then shifted as Sennilia could see the lava. Zorrez continues to attack, and The four dodges his attack as Albus separates himself from the other to prepare the binding spell, while the other three distract Zorrez. However, Zorrez was ready as one of his hands slammed down on Albus, which stopped him from doing the binding spell and forced him to bring up a shield just in time, as he struggled to keep the protection up under Zorrez immense strength.

Victoria tries to rush to Albus only to be slapped away by a Tentacle; Aurora and Sennilia do their best to fight off Zorrez, but they also get captured by Zorrez's tentacles. Ava watched the fight, and she was feeling so many different types of emotions, worry, fear, and anger.

Her eyes filled with tears as her fists beat on the barrier in frustration.

She wanted to save them, and she could hear her mother and Aurora scream out in pain as the tentacles began to tighten around them; she could see another tentacle pinned down Victoria.

"Ava." a whisper called out; Ava looked around but couldn't see anybody.

"Who's there?" Ava called out.

"Close your eyes." The whisper told her. Ava got a feeling she could trust the whisper, and so she closed her eyes. Ava's mind was instantly at peace; the emotions she was feeling were gone. Ava opened her eyes to see that she was deep in space, and in front of her was a beautiful woman sitting on a throne; her hair was midnight blue, and her eyes were light purple. She wore a white dress with the top crisscrossing to cover her breasts, and the bottom part had a split on both sides of the clothing that went up to her thighs.

Her skin was slightly darker than Ava's. Above the woman's head is four minor planets orbiting around a miniature sun. The planets were on a set of double halos that were crisscrossing each other. The woman smiled as she saw Ava and beckoned her closer; Ava felt that this woman was good and could trust her, so she moved closer.

"Hello Ava." The woman said to her.

"Hello. Where am I? who are you?" Ava asked her.

"This is a unique space that is inside your head; when you become older, I'll explain it to it. Now, as for who I am, To put it simply, I am you, or a part of you. My name is Nava, the primal Goddess of creation and destruction." Nava replied to her as she lifted Ava and sat her on her lap.

Ava didn't get how this woman was her but, she wasn't worried about that at this moment in time.

"Can you save both of my mothers, Victoria and Albus?" Ava asked her hopefully.

"No, but you can." Nava replied to her.


"As I said, we are the same. So trust me." Nava said, and she gently tapped Ava's forehead with her finger.

If, you all didn't already know, in this chapter things get a bit steamy between Aurora and Sennilia. However, I hope y'all enjoy it, Also I tried my best to make this scene as erotic as possible without making it pornographic. Hope ya'll enjoy it. :)

MisterJ88creators' thoughts