
Battle Against the Six Monsters II

With Dodu now being in the clear, Adrian changed to another soulbound that is having difficulty. The next one having difficulty would be Charon. He had almost perfect immunity towards magical attacks so the undead did not have a problem with Pendragon's Caliburn or Merlin's spells.

The problem is that other than those two that have great magical attack, all the remaining players attacking him are now purely physical in nature. Even if he can continuously absorb all their health, a small portion of their health is not enough to heal his health as the conversion is an equal ratio.

"Charon has the skills called Abyss Link, Sinking Abyss, High Resistance to Magical Damage, Abyss Miasma and Inversion." Adrian thought as he looked at the battle techniques of his opponents before proceeding with his plan.