
OleWick(With Fear To Draw Blood)

OleWick has been a relatively docile and peaceful town for the last hundred and something years until the animal attack that kills Darren and Cullen Jonas. As if that is not enough, there is the fog and death. By the following day, the residents of Carmen street had new occupants. A woman and her son are found living in the oldest house in the town that once belonged to the original owners of OleWick. Everleigh Jonas returns from Paris to find her boyfriend dating her best friend and a different kind of chaos with people going missing and turning up dead. Another new development is the return of six other Carmens who look identical to earlier ancestors who had left town almost two hundred years ago. OleWick has never been livelier and bloody. Finally, the council and the mayor have begun to believe Aileen Jonas that the real owners of OleWick had and were returning.

DaoistEx0jK4 · Fantasia
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2 Chs




Theme Song: As It Was by Harry Styles. (Completely optional)

Thirty minutes later...

"....and now for the weather reports. Residents of OleWick have been ordered to stay indoors, courtesy of the Mayor, as there would be heavy rain storms and strong winds. As for those who aren't home yet, please remain wherever you are and stay safe. To end the news a recap of our major stories. Earlier today..."

Gabrielle Jonas blocked out the newscaster's voice once more after her announcement and gave her grandfather the stink eye. Though she would never admit to his face that he was right about something being off about the night, there was a party!

No high schooler ever wants to miss any high school party thrown by the hot school boys ever.

Earlier today she had not been interested in attending the school reopening party because her cousin, the queen bee of the school wasn't around, the other bestie was away on some family quest or something, and the other bestie was home having a family night and the other bestie had become a backstabber and a mighty betrayer.

She quickly changed her mind once she learned that her long-time crush was going to be in attendance.

Tony Grey had been her crush since middle school and even though her cousin was right that he didn't notice her the way she noticed him even after being seatmates for so long, Gabrielle wouldn't miss an opportunity to stalk Tony.

With a deeper frown on her face, she closed the curtains and stormed up the stairs.

"Dad, don't you think you were too harsh on her?" Samantha Jonas asked her father.

The old man snorted, "harsh? I'm being kind to her compared to what's gonna happen to her if she joins those useless kids outside. I'm not risking any more of my children or grandchildren for that matter to those monsters. Bastards aren't merciful to their victims, many centuries later and they are still the same," the old man spat.

As the old man rambled on, Samantha picked up her basket and slipped into the laundry room. Only her late brother could stand his talks.

Gabrielle leaned back on the wall after the stairs where she had listened and overheard the conversation between her two surviving guardians and rolled her eyes before walking away.

Old people and paranoia. Everything was fine, he was just being his usual paranoid self.


Meanwhile, at the supposed party, it was in an abandoned property Tony's friends had found some weeks back. At the back of the abandoned rotting house was a bridge, where the bridge led to no one knew but after a couple of minutes of partying indoors, most of the crowd had moved towards the bridge.

Teenagers were scattered everywhere, solo cups littered everywhere too as well as bottles. Some of them were found at corners kissing and fondling each other while some sat around a big bonfire as Eli Mitchell told a scary story.

Tony Grey's interests weren't in the party at all but in one person, Adele Richmond. Her family was one of the founding families of OleWick, as well as his.

He admired her long black-brown curly hair, and her black tanned shoulder blades that were exposed through the knee-length maroon off-shoulder dress she wore with her curly hair packed up into a big doughnut with two curly strands at the front.

She was having a banter with her brother which she won, which made her stick out her palm with a "pay up loser", expression while Kennedy Richmond rolled his eyes as he dipped his hand into his pockets and retrieved a few bucks before slapping them on his sister's open palm.

She mouthed a word to him that made him give her a handsome smile that made his admirers at a corner gush before he walked away and met up with Tony and the rest of the guys.

"Sup guys!"

"If it isn't the Ken Richy, my main man," Tony replied as he pulled him into a hug.

"Sup Ken,"

"Sup Richy, how ya doin'?" Some of the guys took turns asking as they shook hands and gave him a drink.

"Anyone seen Gerald?" One of the boys Chris asked and a few of the guys shook their heads.

"Dude is running late with the drinks," he grumbled.

"Texted me saying he was gonna be late. Some stuff came up and he was gonna drop by and pick Adele up." Patrick, Gerald's best friend replied with a small frown.

"My sister doesn't know that," said Kennedy to which Patrick gave him a noncommittal shrug, "He could've told her, she's worried sick and on top of that I still brought her here."

Kennedy shook his head in annoyance and walked off to find someone to talk to.

"Where's Liliane?" Chris asked as he watched Kennedy walk away.

"Probably off f***ing some random dude I'm sure," Tony started to say, "but just cos you asked, they got into a fight and she ditched him and the party. Probably off somewhere with Gerald." He told Chris still looking ahead of themselves.

Chris followed the line of his friend's sight, "uh, no. Don't even think of it. Besides she's still in a relationship even though he's an asshole."

Tony chugged the remnant of the contents of his cup before he placed the empty cup on the edge of the railing and walked towards Adele properly ignoring his best friend.

Adele cast a worried look at her wristwatch, her boyfriend was more than half an hour late and he had never been this late.

"Gerald, where the hell are you?" She muttered to herself looking around worriedly before moving a little away from the party and the noise, backing them, and redialing his number.

"Gerald Montreal, leave a message and I might reply." His melancholic voice came through.

She huffed.

"Looking for someone?" A voice asked from behind her, startling her.

She whirled around, "Tony? Jesus, you scared me."

Tony smiled, "then I'm sorry. Are you okay? You don't seem to be enjoying the party."

Her shoulders sagged, "oh, the party's great. It's just-," she paused looking at him sheepishly, "I can't get to Gerald and I'm worried. He hasn't called back since earlier and now he isn't picking up calls."

Tony gritted his teeth to control himself, "maybe he's with his parents."

"That's the thing his mom called earlier in the car and said to tell him to pick up his calls."

Updates would be frequent every Sunday forgive me if our timelines are different