

[Chapter 1]

[Baryon fights Gilgamesh]

[1409 AD]


The bustling city of Istar stands proudly in the heart of the Middle East, with its towering walls and majestic temples reaching toward the sky.

The streets are filled with merchants selling exotic spices, colorful fabrics, and precious jewels from distant lands.

The sound of camels' hooves echo through the narrow alleyways, while the scent of incense wafts through the air, creating a mystical atmosphere that envelops the city.

The people are dressed in vibrant robes, their faces adorned with intricate jewelry and elaborate headdresses.

Children play in the dusty streets, their laughter mixing with the calls of street vendors hawking their wares.

The grand temples dedicated to the city's gods loom overhead, their intricate carvings and towering columns a testament to the city's wealth and power.

And inside one of those temples is a Fox woman named Baryon.

[All about Baryon]

Baryon is a Miracle Fox(and a lucky fox) which has the characteristics of being extremely short, "flat", and having white hair and skin.

They typically sport white clothing to match their natural color.

But why are they called Miracle foxes?

Because of their ability to grant wishes.

But that's not all.

Some of them have learned to use their true power inside of them.

What is that power?

Meta Miracle Manipulation.

Meta Miracle Manipulation is "Users can create, shape and manipulate the ultimate miracles. No matter how hopeless the situation, this power will overcome and solve it. Zero percent chance of success means nothing to this ability and any obstacles facing it will be crushed."

This allows Miracle Foxes to perform any duty at hand.

But what is Baryon doing in this temple?

She's healing the wounds of injured soldiers.

Let's go see who's healing and why.

[Inside the temple]

The inside of the temple is a sanctuary, a place where the outside world fades away and one can focus on their inner thoughts and emotions.

The walls are adorned with intricate calligraphy and geometric patterns, symbolizing the beauty and complexity of the universe.

The space is designed to inspire awe and humility, reminding visitors of the vastness of the cosmos and their place within it.

[Inside the Temple]

Baryon calls for the next person to come up.

A Soldier whose right arm is missing walks up to Baryon and pleads with her to heal him.

Baryon reassures him that he'll be fine.

She uses a wish to instantly regrow his arm.

He thanks Baryon by giving her a sack of coins.

She thanks him and the next person comes up.

It's an old lady and she's got a disease.

Two more people dressed in black come in.

They wait beside the old lady.

Baryon heals her back to full health.

She even says

"You seem kind so I'm going to restore your youth."

The Old lady instantly thanks her and says that


Baryon says kindly

"No thanks, If I needed anything I could just wish for it."

The Former Old Lady then walks out with the two figures in black.

Baryon smiled as that lady seemed very happy.

[Several hours later]

Several hours later Baryon is finished for the day.

She goes outside to a massive crowd of people praying to a large stone statue of herself.

She walks past everyone and stands on the base of it.

She then says

"Thank you all!"

The crowd then gets up and cheers Baryon on.

She then leaves to go to her private residence, funded by the King of the Land.

While walking home a bird with a note comes flying by and drops a letter off.

Baryon picks it up and reads it.

It says

"Ya know I'm tired of you. I know I might sound jealous of you, I might sound fond of you. I know what I am for sure though. Pretty pissed off at you. You do all this and all that and they worship you as a god. I haven't been worshiped in thousands of years. What's so special about you? I hate you. Now travel outside of the universe. You'll see me waiting. If you don't come, something bad will happen."

Baryon reads this and recognizes the handwriting.

The Note was written by none other than Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh is salty that Baryon is worshiped and he isn't.

Baryon takes this information very seriously.

She then uses a wish to warp herself outside of the universe and into non-existence.


She arrives to find…. Some kind of Amusement park?

[Gilgamesh's Prisma Temporal]

Prisma Temporal, an enchanting amusement park, emerges like a vibrant oasis amidst a vast expanse of darkness.

This captivating destination beckons visitors with its radiant lights and thrilling attractions. Nestled within the depths of an abyss, the park's contrasting brilliance creates a mesmerizing spectacle that is both mysterious and alluring.

a dazzling amusement park that emerges from the depths of a pitch-black void.

This captivating wonderland is a testament to (Gilgamesh stealing tech)'s creativity and imagination, as it stands as a beacon of light amid darkness.

The park's vibrant colors and lively atmosphere create an immersive experience that transports visitors to a realm of excitement and adventure.

[Prisma Temporal]

Baryon begins to make her way through the Preiman Temporal.

Because Gilgamesh stole technology from 2018, he can confuse Baryon as she doesn't know what any of this stuff is.

Baryon makes her way through the amusement park and into a small room.

This small room is where the fun begins.


Gilgamesh teleports Baryon to a place Beyond the Amusement park.

Known as the Èder Realm.

Gilgamesh, a deity known for his arrogance, adorned himself in a magnificent ensemble that reflected his divine status.

His outfit was a testament to his power and superiority, designed to command attention and awe from all who beheld him.

The regal attire consisted of a resplendent golden crown, encrusted with precious gemstones that shimmered with every movement.

A flowing robe, crafted from the finest silk, draped elegantly over his broad shoulders, its vibrant hues mirroring the richness of his kingdom.

Embroidered with intricate patterns and symbols, the robe depicted scenes of Gilgamesh's triumphs and conquests, serving as a visual representation of his divine authority.

Completing the ensemble were ornate sandals, adorned with intricate carvings and embellishments, symbolizing his dominion over both land and sea.

Every detail of Gilgamesh's outfit exuded opulence and grandeur, befitting the arrogant god's larger-than-life persona.

Gilgamesh stands on top of a pillar and says

"Welcome Bayon!"

"I hope you're ready to have fun!"

"Because I've trapped you in this Universe!"

Baryon then shouts

"Trapped? I am not trapped! I can use a wish to get out of here!"

Gilgamesh then laughs and says

"So you don't know huh."

Baryon then replies with

"What do you mean?"

Gilgamesh then says

"This is an Infinite Dimensional Universe, my dear!"

"I've heard all the stories about you using your meta miracle manipulation to affect the higher dimensional planes such as the 7th and the 6th."

"You stopped a conflict I was going to profit from."

"You ruin the fun, ya know."

"But I know you can't conquer infinity."

"You aren't an infinity Fox."

"When I realized that I knew I had to create a Universe with an infinite amount of dimensions."

"Each higher dimension transcends the last and sees it as a mere piece of paper!."

"Your Meta Miracle Manipulation can't break though if there's an infinite amount of things to get through."

"All I have to do is keep you locked here."

"And I win."

Baryon then says

"You'll never win! You're a crook, Gilgamesh!"

Gilgamesh then laughs and says

"Me? A crook? Ahahaha! That's funny."

"Let's talk about your mother then."

Baryon shuts him up by throwing a water bucket over his head.

Gilgamesh knows that he's gotten in between her skin with his comments.

Baryon now gets angry enough to attempt to kill him.

Gilgamesh dodges her attacks and says

"Oh? If you want my head you'll have to first get past my 4 guards!"

4 different guards come in all wearing different outfits.

The attire of the four guards consists of two female guards and two male guards, each donning a uniform that is themed around the four seasons.

The clothing worn by the guards is carefully designed to reflect the essence and characteristics of each season, creating a visually striking and cohesive look for the entire group.

The two female guards are dressed in outfits that embody the beauty and elements of spring and summer.

Their attire features floral patterns, pastel colors, and lightweight fabrics that evoke a sense of freshness and vitality.

On the other hand, the two male guards are clad in uniforms that represent the strength and warmth of autumn and winter.

Their clothing includes earthy tones, cozy textures, and practical layers to withstand the colder weather.

The 4 guards rush at Baryon as she uses a wish to make them all slip and fall.

It ends up working and she runs to the other side of the room.

One of the female guards attempts to punch Baryon but she dodges the attack.

Baryon steps back and gives the female guard who just tried to attack her a kick to the back.

The kick breaks the guard's back, thus causing her to not be able to move.

Baryon uses a wish to summon a giant hammer.

She throws it across the room and uses another wish to give herself a notebook.

She points at all 3 of the guards and says


Instantly all the guards collapse on the ground.

She puts the notebook of Instant Death inside her pocket.

Baryon doesn't intend to use it in Gilgamesh though.

[Room of Gilgamesh]

The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries depicting scenes of conquest and power, while the floors were covered in plush rugs woven from the finest materials.

The furniture in the room was ornately carved and gilded, reflecting the wealth and status of its owner.

As one entered the room, one would be struck by the imposing presence of Gilgamesh's throne, which sat at the far end of the chamber.

The throne was made of solid gold and encrusted with precious gems, a symbol of the king's authority and dominance.

Above the throne hung a canopy of rich velvet, adding to the regal atmosphere of the room.

Despite the lavish decorations and luxurious furnishings, there was an undeniable sense of arrogance that permeated the space.

The room seemed to whisper of Gilgamesh's pride and self-importance, a reminder of his belief in his own superiority.

It was a room that reflected the personality of its owner - bold, extravagant, and unapologetically arrogant.

["His" room]

Baryon burst through the door and holds up a meta miracle manipulation

Gilgamesh says

"Alright then!"

"Our final fight has begun!"

He rushed at her.

Due to his speed being billions of times faster than light, Baryon is unable to catch him.

Baryon knows that she has one shot to end him.

The time is ticking as Gilgamesh sets this realm and the people she cares about to explode.

He keeps on hitting and hitting Baryon and for a while it seemed like she didn't wanna attack.

But Baryon was waiting for something.

She was waiting for an impossibility.

The Impossibility that she could save everyone if the timer hit 0.

With this meta miracle she was going to affect non possibilities, possibilities and impossibilities and she was going to do it all at the same time.

The timer hits 0 and Baryon shouts

"Meta Miracle Manipulation!"

It directly bursts into the air.

Gilgamesh is instantly transformed into a slime.

All of his lackeys are revived and turned into smiles as well.

She says

"Evil will never win."

And with that like Baryon uses a wish to vaporize the entire universe.


The Slimes all wake up in a white room with nothing in it.

Baryon walks in saying

"I've made something more impressive."

"You said that my meta miracle manipulation couldn't get through infinite dimensions."

"So I thought, well why don't I make something bigger."

"This Universe has a Mahlo cardinal amount of dimensions."

"Serval infinites higher."

"That's an understatement but you get what I mean."

Baryon leaves.


Baryon travels back to istar to then fall asleep on the streets.

People stop by and drop off gifts and goods to her.


[Till nextime!]