
Old Fashioned Love Story in a Modern World

What would happen to two old-fashioned people living in a modern world? Would they blend into society? or stick to their beliefs? NOTE: This story was an idea I have from a long time ago but I'm not really a writer. Instead, I used the help of AI and see what it could do when it came to writing stories. Again, the idea was mine but the story was completely written by AI. I might change some inconsistencies here and there.

Marvin_Villalon · Urbano
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6 Chs

Thinking About The Future

Despite the challenges they faced with their families, King and Adrianna's love for each other only grew stronger with each passing day. They had been together for almost two years now, and they were more in love than ever before.

One evening, as they sat on the couch in King's apartment, he turned to Adrianna and asked, "Do you ever think about the future? About us?"

Adrianna looked at him quizzically. "What do you mean?" she asked.

"I mean, do you ever think about what our life together would be like? What our home would look like? How many kids we would have?" King replied.

Adrianna smiled, feeling her heart swell with love for this man who had captured her heart so completely. "Of course I do," she said. "I think about it all the time."

King grinned. "Well, then let's talk about it. What do you want for our future?"

Adrianna took a deep breath and leaned into King. "I want to be with you, always. I want to build a life together, a home filled with love and laughter. I want to have kids with you, raise them to be kind and compassionate human beings. I want to grow old with you, watching the world go by, knowing that we have each other."

King felt tears prick his eyes as he looked at the woman he loved. He knew that he felt the same way. "That sounds perfect," he said. "I want all of those things too."

They spent the rest of the evening talking about their hopes and dreams for the future. They talked about where they wanted to live, what kind of careers they wanted to have, and how they wanted to raise their children.

As they talked, King realized that he wanted to do everything in his power to make Adrianna's dreams come true. He wanted to be the man she deserved, to love and support her in every way possible.

In that moment, King knew that he wanted to propose to Adrianna, to ask her to spend the rest of her life with him. He knew that they had already faced so many obstacles together, but he was ready to face anything as long as they were together.

But before he could propose, King knew that he had to talk to Adrianna's father. He wanted to ask for his blessing, to show him that he was serious about spending the rest of his life with his daughter.

The next day, King drove over to Adrianna's parents' house. He was nervous, but he knew that he had to do this. As he walked up to the front door, he took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

That was fast lmao. AI can't write as well LOL

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