
Oil Tycoon: Let's Find Oil in a Martial World

In a world filled with monsters, Qi, and myriad factions, a rhyme resounds across the land and the sea as Jack is roaming around, searching for a clue of an oil reserve. “I’m looking for some oil.” “I’m looking for some oil.” Jack has been transmigrated to this world with a strange robot. Their mission is to find ten billion barrels of oil. “Hmm? There is a bandit stronghold living above my oil reserve? I shall help the world while achieving my goal, two birds with one stone.” -------- Other Works: 1. I Can Read People's Comments 2. God of Tricksters (Completed) 3. Gacha Sovereign (Completed) 4. The Magician of Sound (Completed) 5. Reincarnated to Bonk in Another World (Completed)

Fixten · Ficção Científica
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42 Chs

A Problem

Good. Proceed with the construction," Li Ming smirked, observing the workers as they built the pipes connecting the oil well and the headquarters.

"Master Li, may I inquire about the reason behind this pipeline?" a middle-aged man approached him with a composed demeanor.

"Liu Bang," Li Ming squinted his eyes. Yes, the person before him was Liu Bang, the leader of the Blue Dragon House. Liu Bang was the most intelligent among the three Dragon Houses and had been assigned as Li Ming's assistant in Li Xuan's absence.

"I apologize if I have overstepped my bounds, but constructing this pipeline alone incurs significant costs. I suggest that if you proceed, it should be done gradually over a longer period of time."

"So, you want me to build things gradually?" Li Ming frowned.

Liu Bang nodded. "Yes, sir. I believe this is the best approach to create a functioning system."

"You are mistaken. If I build this gradually, I will waste a lot of time. Besides, can't you see the size of the pipe?" Li Ming pointed at the enormous pipeline.

"One well won't be sufficient to fill the entire pipeline. It appears you intend to connect multiple wells to this large pipeline, which would undoubtedly reduce costs," Liu Bang fell silent. "However, the cost remains quite exorbitant and will strain the Li Clan's budget."

"You needn't worry about that. Currently, our construction relies on the Li Clan's budget, but soon enough, someone else will bear the costs," Li Ming shook his head. "Do you not wonder why Li Xuan is absent?"

"Is Miss Li securing the funds?" Liu Bang raised his eyebrows, deep in thought.

"In that case..."

"That's enough. I have already informed you of the details. Instead of questioning me, it should be the other way around. This project will generate significant profits once it succeeds. Are you trying to deprive the Li Clan of this opportunity?" Li Ming looked at him coldly.

"What?" Liu Bang was perplexed. He had been assigned to follow Li Ming and learn from him, acting as his assistant. However, upon his arrival, the situation appeared worse than he had initially thought. Li Ming was spending a substantial amount of money on all this. Thus, he couldn't comprehend why Li Ming was threatening him in this manner.

Li Ming, on the other hand, was unfazed and stated, "I will not entertain someone who fails to see the long-term vision. If you cannot understand the reasons behind my actions, then it is best for you to step down as my assistant."

"You..." Liu Bang glared at Li Ming, never expecting that Li Ming would look down on him. But before he could burst into anger, another man grabbed his shoulder, stopping him.

"Who?" Liu Bang turned around and found another middle-aged man, the leader of the Yellow Dragon House. "Li Gang."

"Liu Bang, it is better if you stop now," Li Gang shook his head. "Don't question him."

"Do you not comprehend the stakes?" Liu Bang frowned. His concern was valid. However, he had forgotten one thing. Perhaps due to his position as the leader of a Dragon House, he had become too proud and overlooked the fact that the patriarch and other elders were aware of the situation. With Li Xuan reporting to them, it would be impossible for Li Ming to act without their permission.

With the support of the elders and the patriarch, Liu Bang had no position to complain.

"Liu Bang, do not forget that you are merely a leader of a Dragon House. He is a distinguished guest and partner of the Li Clan. Moreover, even if I do not understand the full scope, I know that time is of the essence. I am aware of at least one reason... Master Li wants to complete this project before the Wu Clan can react, am I correct?"

"Huh?" Liu Bang looked surprised, as if he had just realized something.

Li Ming shrugged. He had grown a bit annoyed earlier but returned to supervising the project. Liu Bang might be his assistant, but Li Gang had become his personal bodyguard in Li Xuan's absence. This was the only way to ensure Li Ming's safety.

It appeared that the Dragon Houses were more insightful than he had anticipated. Even Li Gang could discern that much.

As Li Gang had said, the Wu Clan was one of the reasons. There was a considerable distance between the Wu Clan and the Li Clan. If the Wu Clan wished to cause trouble, it would take them one or two weeks to mobilize. For significant undertakings, even more time would be required.

Therefore, if they accelerated their pace and reached a point where the Wu Clan couldn't impede them, it would be advantageous for the Li Clan.

"How many wells have been drilled?" Li Ming inquired.

"We have completed five oil wells as of yesterday. Two more will be finished today, and two more tomorrow," Li Gang promptly answered, assuming Liu Bang was still too hot-headed to discuss the matter.

"What about the pumpjacks?"

"One has been employed, four have been completed, and three should be finished by tomorrow."

Li Ming pondered for a moment before asking another question. "What about security?"

"We have patrolled the area. Currently, there aren't many issues. However, as the project expands, we may need to enhance the security system and employ additional personnel. Nevertheless, we do face one current problem."

"And what might that be?" Li Ming tried to find the answer within his mind.

"Currently, everything is done manually. As per Master Li's plans, you intend to undertake this project on a large scale. I am afraid that we will soon run out of manpower."

"I see. That is indeed a problem," Li Ming nodded. Training personnel was a challenging task, and given the conflicts between clans, there was a possibility that other clans might try to sabotage their efforts.

This was why Li Ming needed to find a solution.

"Do you have any suggestions to address this issue?" Li Ming inquired.

"Unfortunately, I do not have an answer. Perhaps Miss Li can provide you with a suggestion. For the time being, even if we extend our manpower, we can only manage twenty wells simultaneously."

"Very well. I will attempt to come up with a solution," Li Ming waved his hand, contemplating the problem. Internally, he added, "If only we had a steam engine... Or should I construct one? However, it would take considerable time to complete. We could fuel the steam engine with oil or coal... but that would introduce another set of issues. What should I do?"

Li Ming struggled to find a solution. It appeared that he would have to wait for Li Xuan, who would return in three days after finalizing business discussions with various merchant groups.