

JoshTheWriter · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

The Recruitment

We ate and partied till late that night, everyone was having a surprisingly good time. I was off to the side, just observing the liveliness of the party. I went to sleep to the sounds of laughter and happiness, something I had seldom heard. When I woke up the next morning everyone was still asleep, so I went for a walk. I started in the direction of what was the village entrance. I had walked for not even four steps when I saw massive shadows approaching. I raced to meet the shadows, as I raced closer I noticed a lot more had begun to appear. From what I counted there were roughly twenty men, I rapidly ran through who it could be. It wouldn't be The Duty Of The Sword, they would have sent a lot more men. We really have no other enemies. I kept rushing forward when I noticed they were injured, all of them. I got close enough to see them and saw that it was a group of thirteen boys and seven girls. I managed to catch one of the boys as they collapsed to their knees, I screamed for help as they all began to drop like flies. Moments later both Diane and Storm came out of the same cabin, rushing in my direction.

I began barking out orders, "Get them all in the tents, treat the more injured ones first and proceed accordingly."

They barked back, "Yes sir!" and began following my orders. Moments later they had all of them in the injury tents. I was pacing around the six tents that they were laying in, waiting for one of them to regain consciousness. Diane came out dripping sweat, "They're all asleep, they'll live but they are severely malnourished and dehydrated." She said,

"All of them?" I asked.

She nodded, "I gave them some small amounts of food and water and herbs to lessen the pain. They'll sleep off the pain and then wake up." She said,

"Good work, If we didn't have you or your family's medical knowledge we'd be screwed." I said, placing a hand on her shoulder, causing her to blush.

Her face was red as she began to speak back, "Storm said she needed to see you.." She said meekly.

"Where is she?" I asked, she pointed to the nearest tenth.

"Thanks," I said as I walked towards the tent.

I pulled open the curtain and saw storm kneeling over one of the females,

"What did you need?" I asked.

Her eyes didn't even move, she just said, "They're from the next village over.."

"Hass Village?" I asked.

She nodded.

"That village has over two hundred people.. Did they get attacked too?" I wondered aloud.

"Yeah… those bastards.."

A weak voice replied, my eyes shot to the person nearest us and saw that his eyes were slightly open. But I remained calm, and began asking some questions.

"Was your entire village destroyed too?" I asked.

He nodded, his chest heaving.

"Are you the only survivors?" I asked.