
Ohh! I found my diary

A story about an early 30s married lesbian, while cleaning she stumbles upon her old diary and things go into a spiral... STICK AROUND TO FIND IT OUT!!!

Rick_needsto_eat · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Maid's desire

The maid watched in surprise, when she saw me half naked rubbing my gentiles. There was a grin on her face as if she wanted to join me in... I saw her flushing red.

I quickly got a hold of my self and made my self to look decent again.

I asked "What happened?... is something wrong?" to which she nodded no and left smiling.

(So you might me wondering, whats different with this story... but I'll suggest wait because it's just the start)

I picked the diary again... turned to that page and started reading out loud... "I'm going to do it today... the thing with Liz recommended. It feel kinda gross but anyways why not to explore... I waited so mom can go out and I sat back relaxing on my bed... with body lotion... I undressed my self in the bedroom after locking the door shut... Remove the tshirt and shorts.. unhooked the bra... I started with some squeezing of my boobies. it felt great... and relaxing!!! I was having my time... I started applying body lotion over my body... the tune of silent music was running in the background... and I was ready to take action!!!

I slid my hand inside my panty.... I took a long breadth.. and inserted a finger inside the cave... it was uncomfortable at first but as i stroked the women inside me was getting excited... after a few minutes of back and forth... my heart paced... my breadth became deep and my body felt light and easy... i kept stoking... and cave kept getting wetter...

i could hear my self moan... I lost the control of my hand it was just the tickling feel inside there .... few minutes into this... the silent music turned into hard rock and then came the drop... And with it...."

"And With it you cam!!!" a strange voice said. I turned around to see my maid half naked in her lingerie!!!