


sunansakti7 · Fantasia
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10 Chs

Chapter 20 : The end of the Rebellion

Mr. Samuel also put the small wireless microphone back into his pocket, he was approached by the beta tester provocateur, Kirrow and several officers who were there shortly after talking through the media speaker earlier. He also seemed relaxed to face the seven of them who approached.

"You're taking too long old man!!!" Kirrow said loudly.

"We request a repeat Instructor!" said the Provocateur who committed the first assault on the officer.

"The situation is out of control Mr. Samuel" said the senior officer.

While there were dozens of others cheering, saying

"Give us justice!!!"

And dozens of others said

"New account!"

While the wounded and threatened say

"Treat us!!!"

Before being surrounded, Mr. Samuel took his whistle back quickly.

"Huah!!!" Mr. Samuel blew after taking a deep breath as he had done earlier only this time it was louder making everyone in the cafeteria cover their ears except those behind the kitchen while looking down even Mr. Samuel himself did so before blowing.

"Eugh!!!"Reaction from everyone except Mr. Samuel.

Fernand's heart

Crazy old man!!!!!

The seven of them who approached him, Fernand and the embers said "Enough!!!" But Mr. Samuel still blew the whistle for a count of 10 seconds.

After blowing and spreading his arms, he began to speak loudly so that everyone could hear.

"Until all the employees and higher-ups are here....don't move or make a sound in this place...."

They were all stunned and swallowed their saliva because of the firmness shown by Mr. Samuel, but not the Provocateur and Kirrow.

"All beta testers!!! Don't pay any attention to this arrogant old man's words!!!"Provocateur said loudly while turning his head left and right for everyone to see his face with angry bulging eyes.

"All remaining officers!!! Arrest this provocateur!!!"Kirrow said in response to the provocateur's arrogance.

The officers were alerted to surround the provocateur and arrest him by dropping his body to the floor and the provocateur's hands behind his back while being crushed by one of the skinniest officers there.

"Let go of me. !!!! It's all your fault!" said the provocateur.

rebelled while wriggling his body but the officer who pinned him down did not budge an inch.

The beta testers who were provoked by the provocateur's talk had not yet had time to intercept the officer because they lost speed because the Provocateur was closer to the officer, after seeing the officer's actions against the provocateur, those who had moved to continue the commotion were silent and swallowed their saliva. The faces of fear and worry about their fate when all employees and officials arrive there.

While the situation was still tense, Mr. Samuel approached Kirrow quickly while folding his sleeves.

"You two follow me!" Mr. Samuel said to Fernand and Bara as he walked away leaving them behind.

"Yes, sir!" Fernand and Bara said in unison.

After getting close enough to Kirrow, Mr. Samuel had already taken the threat of slapping her due to Kirrow's immaturity who even participated in the riot as one of the officials but was held back by Kirrow's burly right arm.

Dek...(The sound of the hand that kirrow held back to slap him)

Without a word, Mr. Samuel's hand, which was held by Kirrow, was immediately twisted.

"Ahk!!!" screamed Mr. Samuel.

While everyone's eyes were fixed on the two of them stunned and the men did not say a word to witness the incident except for the provocateur who was still babbling. Meanwhile, the women suddenly voiced in unison and covered their mouths with both hands

"Let go!!! Let go!!"The provocateur ranted

"Aaahh!" said hundreds of women who witnessed it.

"If you want to hit me!!! Make sure you're a CEO like me!!! Understand?" said Kirrow intimidating Mr. Samuel.

Kirrow let go of Mr. Kirrow's hand after a while Mr. Samuel screamed casually and then pushed Mr. Samuel's shoulder slightly..Mr. Samuel spontaneously pulled the released arm and held the sore spot with his left hand.The look on Mr. Samuel's face was suffering

"Damn!"Mr. Samuel's reaction

Inside Fernand

Kirrow is a bastard!!!

Kirrow then faced the beta testers who were still conscious and said loudly and haughtily after clapping his hands up.....

Prok...prok...prok (Sound of clapping)

"Listen to me!..... If you're not happy with our system!....!! Then we don't need you either!! Go home!!'

The arrogant words caused a stir among the beta testers there so that the situation that had been quiet was noisy again.

A dozen beta testers spontaneously approached him wanting to gang up on the long-haired man who liked to make noise while others besides Fernand, Bara and friends in Fernand's line said harsh words.... ....

Tap tap tap (The sound of footsteps of 18 men approaching Kirrow)



"Damn corporate!!!"


"Should be taught a lesson!"

Those were the exclamations of the beta testers, whether they approached him or not.

Kirrow prepared to pick up his muay thai stallion to continue where he left off while the three officers stood by to protect him.

"Stop that brat!" shouted Mr. Samuel to Kirrow.

"Already!!! Don't continue!!!"Bara and Fernand said in unison wanting to interrupt.

But before there was a clash, they all aborted their intention because the sound from the speaker that echoed throughout the building was seen from those who stopped and stared at the speaker in the east corner of the cafeteria.

"Report!!! The head of division 2 from the 3rd floor has reached the 2nd floor with 50 employees using 2 elevators!!!"

"Continue!" said Bondan Kirrow through the same medium.

18 Beta testers took a few steps back and looked worriedly towards the hallway leading to the cafeteria, while Kirrow and the officers rushed towards the hallway. The horde who acted like Rifanno just sighed simultaneously including Fernand, Bara and Mr. Samuel


Everyone except the 18 Beta testers and provocateurs who were still in custody acted on their own as the officers and Kirrow entered the hallway. There were dozens of people who immediately gave first aid to those who fainted, some surrounded Mr. Samuel, Fernand and Bara. There were even those who approached the entrance to the canteen and saw Kirrow and 3 officers meeting the officers and employees from the 3rd floor.

Fernand, and Mr. Samuel explained at length about the anomalies that occurred while in La priarki to those who surrounded them including Astrid and Nippona, while Bara just silently listened.

Not long after, finally the head of division 2, employees from the third floor, three officers and Kirrow reached the cafeteria. Dozens of beta testers who blocked the entrance opened the way after being warned by three officers.

"Open! Open!"

"Get out of the way!"

"Get out of the way!"

The three officers said while gesturing with their hands stretched narrowly.

Tap Tap Tap (The sound of footsteps of people who just arrived)

The head of Division 2 was in front of and next to Kirrow, and then the horde of people until the echo of the speakers throughout the building could be heard again.

"Report! The heads of divisions 5,6,7 from the 5th floor along with 80 employees have arrived at the 2nd floor using 3 elevators!"Said one of the division heads

"Report! The head of division 4 and 25 employees from the 4th floor will get there after taking turns using the elevator!" Said the head of division 4

"Proceed!" said Mr. Bondan.

*Fernand's heart

How many employees are there here?

"Woah!!!"Reaction of Bara and several beta testers who surrounded them.

Mr. Samuel immediately gave instructions to the beta testers who could still move freely and the employees who had just arrived at the place. He took the wireless microphone back from his pocket

"Beta testers who crowd me and the head of division 2 please gather in the South corner!!!, For employees from the 2nd, and 5th floors please help bring unconscious people to the nearest clinic or hospital!, While employees who have not arrived here please clean up and tidy up the chaotic state of the canteen!!" Mr. Samuel emphasized

"Do it!" said one of the division heads from the 5th floor.

"Yes, Mr. Samuel!" said the head of division 4.

Meanwhile, the head of division 2 who was already in the cafeteria did not pay attention but instead immediately ordered the 50 employees he brought with him to carry out Mr. Samuel's orders.

"Hurry up! Follow his orders!"

"Ready!" said 50 employees simultaneously and rushed to the 45 people lying on the ground.

All the beta testers except the Provocateur and the unconscious ones gathered to the west corner although their crowd was not neat as directed by the officer earlier.Fernand and Bara were the slowest to the west corner of the cafeteria.

The 12 catering employees finally came out and helped those who were lying down.

Kirrow, who had been holding back his anger, vented it by speaking through the wireless microphone he took from his pocket and spoke loudly....

"Divisions other than 2 don't help the dying beta tester!!!"

"Eh?!" said one of the division heads from the 5th floor.

"But!!!" said the head of division 4.

"Don't make it up, boss!" said division head 2 who was still next to him.

"Don't listen to my son! You got it!" said Bondan Kirrow.

"Jack!!!You're suspended!!!....!!!!!!!" said Mr. Bondan.

"Ready, Mr. Bondan" said the head of division in unison through the same media

The beta testers who had been furious with Jack Kirrow cheered when they heard this, including the provocateur who was still locked up.



"Feel it!

That's how much they cheered as if mocking Jack.

While Jack could only look down in shame, and immediately turned towards the elevator in a hurry.

"Damn!!!"Jack kirrow reaction

Not long after, finally all employees in the building except from the first floor had gathered with Mr. Bondan and his men who came last.

Division 2,4,5,6,7 did what Mr. Samuel told them to do.20 out of 45 beta testers had woken up from their stupor including Budian and Sentanu.

While the others including Joko were still in a semi-conscious state due to severe bruises. They were placed on chairs.

While Division 8 employees brought by Mr. Bondan secured several beta testers who were considered provocateurs as they had seen in the cctv footage.After 15 minutes of solving all the problems while waiting for the restoration of elevator access to the 1st floor, finally the division heads, Mr. Samuel, and Mr. Bondan faced the beta testers to listen to their demands.

Mr. Bondan was at the forefront among the higher-ups, he began to speak using the wireless microphone that he had used to mobilize all employees.

"I am Mr. Bondan Kirrow, the managing director of this branch company. So... What are your demands!" Mr. Bondan said.

"We demand a reset!!!"

"Reset all our accounts!!! Reset!!!"

"We want the same portion!!!"

That's what they think about their demands, in essence they are asking for a re-beta testing with a reset account in order to get the same portion during the blessing at La Priarki.

The officials had a brief discussion, the beta testers could not hear their discussion because they were blocked from a dozen meters away by Division 8 employees who formed a circle so that the conversation could not be heard and intervened, after a few minutes they finally decided.

"We decided that the Indonesian branch of Beta testers will get a repetition!" Mr. Bondan said.

The Beta testers who protested earlier were happy and rejoiced at that.

"For today, all of you will be dismissed without deduction of your salaries, while those who are injured and hospitalized will carry out beta testing activities in the hospital for a few days!"

But there was a moment of silence as there was an announcement over the media speakers, this time from the chief officer on the first floor.

"Report! The first floor elevator access to the upper floor has been successfully repaired! The traitor has been arrested by the police! We will follow if ordered!"

Mr. Bondan also replied through the same media

"No need! You all just wait downstairs! The employees here will take dozens of victims of this tragedy to the hospital!"

"Yes!" replied the chief officer.

Everything was resolved and the injured, including Fernand, were taken to the nearest hospital at exactly 3 p.m. Before the beta testers dispersed from the cafeteria, Mr. Bondan also announced several things in the form of an increase in wages from the contractually agreed 30,000 Usd to 35,000 Usd and hospital costs handled by the company.

The 3 provocateurs from the beta testers were also taken to the police station and had their contracts revoked while the saboteur who collaborated with the traitorous officer 'Tomi' could not be found.Before we left, we were forced to delete all video evidence so that it would not be spread on social media and become evidence by the officers.Mr. Samuel took Fernand to the hospital with Bara, Astrid, Nippona & Rifanno.

After arriving at the hospital, Fernand was escorted to room 106 on the 3rd floor.Mr. Samuel told the five of them including Fernand that tomorrow's beta testing activity would be carried out at 1 pm because the account reset on Felipe-2 took a long time because it would also add 10 pieces of Debusing elixir to the new account so that there would be no rebellion like earlier.As for the beta testers who were still recovering and had to be hospitalized, the Felipe-2 set would be delivered at 3 p.m. tomorrow, while the employees but not officers involved in the brawl in the cafeteria were fired including Jack Kirrow's aide after their treatment was completed.

Nippona, Astrid, & Juni also told the story of how the beta tester clashes and protests against the officers that Fernand didn't see when he was in the Instructor's room started with Baruna who had been secured at the police station along with 4 people from his line showing off while mocking his hidden class job that he got because of their delay in starting the game just like the 3 people in their line. Because of this, the other beta testers panicked and started counting the people who had the same fate as them including Sentanu, Anisa, & Joko.After being collected through self-checking of the beta testers, it was found that there were a total of 37 people, and this caused a negative stigma by them. In addition, the provocateur who pulled the officer's shirt for the first time named Rozi, wanted to report to the Instructor but was detained by the officer on the grounds that Fernand's group had done the same thing. According to the instructor's direction, he only wanted to accept one report for each break and return, not more than that and Fernand's group got the opportunity because they were the first in line to realize it and immediately reported.

Hearing that, Mr. Samuel was sorry for his selfishness in only allowing one chance to report at a time because of his arrogance in believing that their developer's production game could not be wrong.

When they were all still in the hospital room, Fernand tried to answer Bara's questions elegantly and acted normally even though in his heart he hated Bara's cunning. Therefore, Bara did not suspect Fernand at all because Fernand's facial expressions and gaze were constant as usual. Fernand was indeed good at hiding facial expressions that were inversely proportional to his interlocutors so that his opponents could not be easily read if needed and planned.

Astrid & Juni told me about the condition of Sentanu, Joko, & Pak Budian who were hospitalized on the 5th floor of Room 211 of the hospital.The three of them were still unconscious due to the blow to the back of the head by their fighting opponents.Astrid & Juni were informed by Nippona, Anisa, & Lopez via telephone.Apparently when the incident took place, the three of them were beaten from behind by 6 beta testers who intervened when they were busy fighting the first 3 provocateurs with the officers.

The five of them waited for Fernand at the hospital for about half an hour before saying goodbye to go to their respective places.After a while until the last Bara said goodbye home, right after a few steps out of the room.Fernand again received a message notification, and sure enough Fernand was sent a chat by Monolith.

Fernand then entered the forum and opened the chat room.

Monolith#QAI#: Woi Fernand!

Monolith#QAI# : Do you have a problem?

Monolith#QAI# : I'll chat with you in the afternoon!

Monolith#QAI# : Oii....!!! It's done!

Monolith#QAI# : Stupid reply!

Monolith#QAI# : Don't be ignored oi!!!!

FernandJG : Yes, what's wrong? I was slammed by an employee there!!! Sorry for the late appointment!

Monolith#QAI# : Huh? Slammed? What's going on over there?

Monolith#QAI# : Until I was told to go to the toilet alone had to be bullied by people first!!!

FernandJG : It's a long story!

FernandJG: The point is there was a protest from beta testers because of the chaos we planned in La Priarki!

Monolith#QAI# : Eh? Really? So how did it end?

FernandJG : Well...!!! so we were told to reset the account!!!

Monolith#QAI#: What did you improvise in La Priarki, huh? How come they asked for a reset?

FernandJG : Yeah! Just so you know, Silenosa did a Blessing Procession on my avatar, and it looks like she got addicted to it and blessed people who were late to get in there!

Monolith#QAI#: It's your fault! You know yourself that the stopover place is a kind of split dimension but in that place the players experience semi offline!!! That's why players can't gather there and each player is in their own dimension.

FernandJG: Don't need you to repeat it, I know!!! After all, AGD was also like that before going to Middlearth!!! That's basic information!!!

Monolith#QAI# : That's because you're acting on your own! I said that when Hakamon transformed you distracted him with a sling to destroy the Altar, then distracted him again to enter the basement. Then remove Silenosa's cage and make him indebted to you then he kills the transformed Hakamon and asks him to use the 'Ultimate Teleport Place' skill to Hius Grece.

FernandJG: I was careless!!! Because I accidentally shouted and my hiding place was discovered! Good thing Silenosa was able to remove her own cage!!!

Monolith#QAI# : Eh? Really? So how did you find her face?

FernandJG : Satyrs are weird! After checking my status attributes he was immediately nice to me!!!

Monolith#QAI#: Then I was wrong, right? Keep going Fer!

FernandJG: I was told to find a seal paper that neutralizes mana and skills!!! Then I found Zurvan's Holy Grail there instead.

Monolith#QAI# : Holy Grail? You're great!! Did you use it??

FernandJG: I did! To kill Liliah! She's a female Centaur, commander of Prusius kingdom intelligence and ambush!

Monolith#QAI#: What? What a shame! You could have killed the Hexaroth Dragon!!!

Monolith#QAI# : You're being targeted by Prusius Kingdom intelligence officers? What are you doing? It's not like it's in Loug Canata!

FernandJG : Yes I was there!!! I killed her cousin's husband's aide and intervened in their mission to find Cappari's father's necklace. Cappari is the Dark elf who was killed by Jafox, her Centayr cousin! In a fit of rage, I fought back and killed two of his aides!

Monolith#QAI#: Dark elf heritage necklace? Tell me the details of the name! It's crazy to be targeted by the kingdom of Prusius.

FernandJG: His name is Descendant of Talisto!!!

Monolith#QAI#: What? !!!! That's a Gear item Rank R!!! You know how passive that item is!!!

FernandJG : Yeah!!! I know! It can neutralize all kinds of magic, right?!

Monolith#QAI# : Exactly, but that's not all! If you use a job type Magic caster at least category Legendary class!!! Job that conflicts with the passive is the point! Then your skill doesn't need to use 'mana'! And the cooldown is reduced by 50%!!!

FernandJG: wow!!! That's great then!!! And I also met an ancient race earlier!!!

Monolith#QAI# : Oh my God!!! That's the biggest stupidity!!!

FernandJG: So what?

Monolith#QAI# : I'll explain!!! Explain the details!!!

FernandJG : Make me in pursuit of liliah Bastard's men!!! Then I went into the cave and found the chest!!! I destroyed it using the Horn of Anung Un Rama.Well after that a strange alien-like creature came out!!!

Monolith#QAI# : Alien? What do you mean?

FernandJG: From his status, he is an Annunaki race, his name is Petranus Ollikust. My Dwarf avatar was evolved by him to Gnome and I was Re-Blessed by him, even though it was only with an imitation Rubik orb made from the holy grail. But I got the Warlord job from him.I also received punishment from the system in the form of leveling down to 1, leveling up locked, not being able to Enhancements and Amplifyments items for up to 5 years Padmaloka time!!!Oh yes, he is said to have evolved to siccin and has been injected with Zombosa serum by Loki just like Silenosa.

Monolith#QAI#: You idiot!!! Why are you releasing an apocalyptic figure into the world!!! He was the troublemaker between the time span of Ragnarok 2 and 3 for 1000 years!!! He's the one who caused the problem of evolving the Monsters 2 levels!!! That's why he was locked up in Abyssal Aesir!!! If it's about punishment and others, it doesn't matter, you will also repeat the beginning again!.I warn you once again, don't let you go down in Loug Canata!!! There must be devastated by it!

FernandJG: Oh my! But he knows how to return a favor! Besides, it could be the Abyssal Aesir's evil plan!!! He was injected with Zombossa Serum just like Silenosa!

Monolith#QAI#: You don't know anything about the Padmaloka game!!! He was good to you because you freed him!!! Maybe now your Avatar on the account you played this morning is dead killed by a monster that evolved carelessly! Anyway, in your new beta test account, don't go to Loug Canata!!! Period!!!

FernandJG: I have to go!!! I have business! Not just about the necklace, but I have to find Asvatam who is the ashura race to deliver Silenosa's message!!!

Monolith#QAI#: Asvatam?! He's even worse! Maybe the alien is fighting with the demon you're looking for! Then Loug Canata has become a dystopia!!! Don't go there!!!

FernandJG: Then I have a solution!

Monolith#QAI# : What is it?

FernandJG : To ensure the safety of my avatar in Loug Canata, I have one question!

Monolith#QAI# : Write it down.

Finally Fernand and Monolith confer about the next plan so that Fernand can ensure the survival of his avatar while in Loug Canata on the second account experiment that Fernand will use the next day.

~To Be Continued~