This is about the friendship of 6 different people with their unique miraculous ability. You'll read about their daily life, humourous event in the Academy, and a little bit of Romance. Mainly, it's still about friendship, fantasy, and adventures! Novel Types: Fantasy, Romance, Slice of Life, Sci-Fi, Action, Comedy. Don't judge a book by its cover :b Posting: Monday (Maybe), Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Instagram: @oglourineacademy
"Hello Ophelia, sorry for being late"
"It's so okay Adelphia, come sit here"
Yesterday Ophelia invited Adelphia to the Palace to have a little tea party. Forgot to introduce to everyone, Ophelia Mangrove is the princess's cousin. So she lives in the palace just like other royal family members. Plus, her grandfather had dedicated his whole life to the war. That's why the Mangrove family is well-respected more than any other royal family.
"Through the phone, you said that we have something important to discuss". Adelphia sat down on the Chrysoprase chair. "Tell me, what is it about?".
"Have you heard of the student exchange event?" - Ophelia sipped her Jasmine tea.
"I have, from the Principal". Adelphia took a look at the tea board and picked out the one that she likes. "Housekeeper, may I have a cup of Honey Bell?".
"Yes ma'am". The maid gently replied. "Your tea will be ready within 10 minutes".
"Where was I talking about?". Adelphia remembered. "Oh, the student exchange event".
"Can you tell me more about it?". Adelphia continued. "And the Superb Tournament too".
"They've changed the traditional rule, so I will just explain the new rule for you". Ophelia smiled, her face looks happy, but no one can read her thoughts and true emotion, she is too deep to get.
The Council of Education changed most of the rule system of the Superb Tournament. This year Oglourine Academy will have to fight against Margareta Academy, we may have higher academic scores than them, but in the battlefield, they are unstoppable.
As always, the student exchange event will be happening between 2 Academies. The Principal will choose out 2 of their students to send to another Academy. After 2 months of experience, exchange students will come back and report everything to their academies.
The next thing will happen is the Superb Tournament. Each academy will have to present their best team of 5 to the Council of Education. And these 2 teams will be against one another in the battlefield. That's how the new system of the Superb Tournament works.
However, there's a rule that cannot be changed. Members of the Student Council cannot join the tournament.
"So what's so important about it?". Adelphia asked seriously.
"The significance is that Margareta Academy's team is too much for us". Ophelia pulled out her MPad. "Take a look at this basic information".
Adelphia received the MPad from Ophelia: "2 Blessed and 1 Magical????". She read it out loud. "Ophelia, is this even real???". Adelphia was shocked.
"Yes it is" - Ophelia ruminantly spoke.
What are they talking about?
Transformation is the higher form of your ability. It allows your whole physical body to combine with your soul to a celestial form, so you can use your true vigor. To be simple, a transformed form is the proof of your breakthrough.
There are 3 ways to achieve the transformation.
First is through divine blessings. Example, Elise Scarlet with the Sanguinex Bracelet. It is called Blessed.
Second, by your own self, break through your limit, that's why it is called Magical. Example, Beatrix.
Third is by using the Bio-tech system. You will unify with the bio mecha machine through an extremely difficult surgery. This method is called Mecha.
People with transformation are something else, they are extraordinarily strong. The government or the royal family hates to deal with these types of rebels the most.
"You said 5 right? What about the other 2?". Adelphia checked through the MPad.
"We don't know yet, maybe they are still deciding". Ophelia let the housekeeper pour out some more tea. "Your tea has arrived, take a sip".
"Hmmm, delicious". Adelphia happily said. "Thank you Miss, you did a very good job".
"My pleasure, Miss Adelphia". The housekeeper spoke pleasingly.
"All of those 3 can transform". Adelphia turned to Ophelia. "The only one who can transform in our Student Council is you, how can our students have a chance to win?".
"Let's just put our faith in fate" - Ophelia viewed the sky.
"I believe our Principal will have a good plan for this" - Ophelia said meditatively.
"I hope you're right". Adelphia signed when she thought of her classmates.
"Oh by the way, I saw the stats of your friends". Ophelia turned on the tech screen. "I even showed it to the Principal too".
"He said that Esserine and Maria could be good Attackers for our Academy's team". Ophelia continued speaking. "And Kayden is a great Supporter, you have really good people".
"About their fantastic ability, I have nothing to complain". Adelphia hesitated a second. "BUT. Miss Lenormand and Miss Henderson are competitors, they always fight for no reason!!".
"Let's go back to the problem, I forgot to tell you this". Ophelia combed her hair. "You and I will be the 2 students that go to the Margareta Academy".
"What?!" - Today Adelphia has had too much panic attacks.
"The Principal has decided, and the Vice President, Everado will take care of everything when we're gone". Ophelia explained. "He said that we are strong enough to not be bullied by Margareta students and we are wise".
"Okay, that was a good compliment but I still don't trust that Everado could deal with the battle of our Miss Fire and Ice versus Miss Shadow". Adelphia pulled a joke.
"Oh dear, he's mature enough, just give him a chance". Ophelia stood up. "He's older than you, remember?".
"Alright alright, if he screws one thing, I'll release my fury on him". Adelphia took a sip of Honey Bell tea. "Deal?".
"Deal" - Ophelia confidently said.
After having fun for a period of time, it was almost dinner time so Adelphia said goodbye to Ophelia and then she went home.