
Office Bliss

In this Romance novel we have our main character Cher Evans (short for Cheryl-Anne), finds the perfect job and even though it's an office job, she seems to being doing well for herself. Her Boss Daniel Sanders knows that Cher is a great addition. Over the course of her working there, he notices her beauty and how kind she is, and he wants to get to know her better. There will be swearing, some steamyness... it is an office romance.

Amy96525 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 1. Cher

My heart is in my ass right now. It's my first day of my new job as a Software Developer and I'm super nervous. Over the past five months I've been looking for the perfect job, so once I saw they were hiring at the Sanders Corp., I knew that I was qualified. In College I majored in Software development, and minored in business. Just last week I got a phone call from Daniel Sanders, who is the head of the company and he did the whole interview over the phone. "Honestly though Ms. Evans, you're more than qualified for this job and we'd be happy for you to join us next week." I was speechless, so I thanked him and that was that.

I start today and I'm excited but also freaking out at the same time. My roommate Kelly, who I've known since the Fifth grade tried calming me down. "Cher, everything is going to be great. You're gonna be the best software developer in the world." She always found ways to make me feel better about myself, she's the only friend that I've had, even though she can be a pain. "Thanks Kelly, I mean maybe not the best software developer, but close." I said laughing. "Get your butt out there and make me proud." She gave me a big hug and off I went. Here I go! No stopping me now.

Actually, the only thing stopping me was the fact I didn't have a car because mines been in the shop for over two weeks. So I had to take the bus to work, which was fine by me. The bus picked me up at 6:30 and I got to the office by 7, and I didn't have to start for another 30 minutes. As I approached the door I paused for a moment and closed my eyes and I said "Please let today be a good day." I opened up the door and walked into the lobby. It was a very elegant looking lobby , with beautiful wood flooring, the mini chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The lady at the desk didn't seem to paying attention though, I walked up to her and cleared my throat a bit for her to even notice somebody just walked in.

"Oh, hello." Her eyes went wide for a moment, "May I help you?" She smiled, "Um, yes, it's my first day here." The lady looked at me as if I had two heads, "Are you here for the receptionist?" It was my turn to look at her like she had two heads. "No, I'm here for software development. I spoke to Mr. Sanders and he hired me last week." For some reason she still seemed very confused. "What is the name, hun?" She sat up and walked over to a file drawer. "Cheryl-Anne Evans." The lady pulled out the E's and looked through to find my name. "Here it is," she pulled out my file and opened it up. "I see, you did apply for software development." I nod at her. "Let me get a hold of Mr. Sanders." She picked up and the phone and dialed the three digit code and then the actual number.

"Brittany, it's Megan, yes," Megan laughs. "I need to speak with Mr. Sanders, yeah." I sat there watching Megan speak, I noticed how pretty she was. Brown hair, put up into a bun, and her nails looked eloquent. To be honest I was feeling a little jealous, she looks so small while wearing this crisp white blouse and a black pencil skirt. I'm just average looking, with average blonde hair and blue eyes, pale, too many curves. I feel out of place just standing here. "Oh my god, I know right." Hearing Megan's voice made me jump, I spaced out for a moment. "Isn't he so gorgeous? I wonder who he's taking to the benefit?" She paused for a moment, "Really? I remember that." Megan laughs again. Come on now, talk to your boss so I can start work. I clear my throat again, this time with agitation. Megan looks up and she seemed to remember why she was on the phone in the first place.

"I have a Ms. Evans here," another pause. "No, not reception. She's here for Software development." She looks up at me and smiles, a fake one but I'll take it. "Yes please..." a few more moments she is put on hold and then I hear a more masculine voice over the phone. "Yes, Mr. Sanders I have a Cheryl-Anne Evans down here." While talking to him, I notice how red her face has gotten. Is she into him? She has to be my age? Isn't he sixty something? "Of course I can. Bye bye." Megan hangs up the phone and stands up and straightens out her skirt. "Ms. Evans, Mr. Sanders is waiting for you." Another fake smile. "Thank you!" I say. "The office is on the third floor." I walk over to the elevator and press the up button. "Thank you so much!" I don't really mean it, but I might as well be nice since I'll be working here. As soon as the elevator opened up I stepped inside. The doors closed and let out a breath of relief.

I pressed the button for the third floor, and as the elevator brought me up I took a few more breaths to calm my nerves. Everything will be okay! Nothing will get in my way! I'm good. And as I took one last breath to relax the elevator doors opened up and there was man standing there to greet me. He was beyond beautiful, really nice suit with a tie, slicked back brown hair, eyes that looked like melted chocolate. And damn, that smile he's smiling, his dimples on display. I almost forgot what I was doing, this guy was very distracting, but in a good way.

"Hi." Was all I could say. "Hello." Even his voice is beautiful. He put out his hand for me to shake, "It's nice to meet you. I'm Mr. Sanders." My eyes got wide, I took his hand and shook it. I could feel my whole face get hot and I knew it was a bright shade of pink. There's no way this guy is Mr. Sanders.