
Chapter 26

The next day,Kit and the boys had gone riding the horses again.

Cal and Derek had taken a nap,and were lazily making out on their bed post-nap.

“There’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while,”Derek said when they went from kissing into cuddling mode again.


“Yeah,I…it’s something that I think we need still.”Something about Derek’s expression was troubled.

“All right.What is it?”Cal had no idea what this was about,but he’d go with anything Derek wanted.

“Could you shift for me?Just…it’s something that requires you to shift.”

“Okay.Right now?”


Cal got off the bed and stripped out of his clothes,then called the cat forth and jumped back onto the bed.

The feeling was completely different now.He was an equal to his cat,not trapped,not holding onto the reins with shaking fingers.His cat appreciated him as much as he did the cat.They were one again,as much as they could be.

Derek didn’t sit up,but instead,patted the pillow next to his.