
Of the Streets

Sam spends his days among juvenile delinquents, trying to reach their hearts and teach them a better way of life. At night, however, he takes a more hands-on approach to change people's views.

Habsazin · Ação
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14 Chs

Episode 1 - The First Night (2)

It was obvious that Tyler was the most capable when it comes to fighting out of the three. I used the time his friend's arrival bought me to get back on my feet and prepare to strike. This time I would aim for his sides again, the same way I did the first time.

As I began my swing, Tyler prepared his guard and blocked my strike again, but was thrown off balance more than the first time. I used this moment to quickly swing again at his friend who attempted the same block as Tyler. Unlike him, however, this one flew straight to the ground.

-Shit, Tyler, we need to get out of here, this fucker is serious.-

Tyler looked at his friend falling to the ground.

-No chance, I'm not gonna let some random geezer push me around like that.-

As Tyler looked at his fallen friend in rage, my bat was already in full swing towards him. This time he had no time to put up his guard and anticipate my strike.


He was obviously in pain but refused to go down and put both of his arms into his jacket pockets.

-If that's how you want to go at it, fine!-

He pulled out a pair of brass knuckles and put them on his hands. Before I had time to react, his right fist was in full swing for my face.

-Ha, you fell for it.-

His fist abruptly stopped as I put up my arms to block it and his left began moving towards my stomach. The protective gear helped, but I could still feel the impact.

-And another.-

His right fist was already in full swing towards my jaw. Through sheer luck, my hands managed to move in time to deflect the punch with my bat. Slowly it became clear, he was fully focused on this, as if the only thing inside his head was the will to survive. In his eyes, this was probably a fight to the death.

-Is that all you have boy?-

Another of his punches was headed for my stomach.

-I've got a lot more where that came from.-

He continued throwing punches and I continued blocking them as best I could. Teenagers these days really are something else. Maybe this kid was a boxer or something of the sort.

Wait, that's it!

The barrage of punches continued and I tried using every chance I got to get a glance at his legs. It was difficult to see clearly for more than a second, but eventually, his speed dropped and I managed to get a clear view.


He briefly paused at my laugh.


I was right. He was a boxer, but he forgot to keep track of his footwork. Unlike how a boxer would usually be light on his feet, Tyler's feet were planted hard into the ground, not budging in the slightest.

I used the gap in his punches to swing my foot at him. This probably wouldn't have been enough if it weren't for the steel caps in my boots which added force to my swoop.


Tyler was finally down on the ground, but there was another problem. His friend who had come to help him was finally getting up. I readied myself to strike him with my bat again when...

-Screw this Tyler, I'm out of here. You have fun with this psycho.-

He began running and their other friend soon followed suit.


Tyler was left alone on the ground, beaten and bruised by my bat.

-Your friends are gone, just give up, go home and get your life together.-

Upon hearing my words, Tyler got up immediately and readied himself to punch again. At the same time, I was preparing myself to attack his legs again as I had done before, but he was different.

-Hmph, home, yeah right.-

I didn't know much about boxing, but I knew enough to know that both his posture and technique looked like that of a pro boxer this time around.

-Listen to me Tyler, just go home, your parents are probably worried sick about you.-

As soon as my sentence was finished, my face got greeted with a punch.

-Stop talking shit like you know anything about me.-

Another punch hit me, this time in the stomach.

-You have no idea what my parents worry about.-


-Why don't you go home?-

Another one to the face.

-Maybe your parents are worried about you?-

Two more to the ribs.

-What would they say if they saw you getting pummeled by a high schooler?-

Two punches to the face.

-You think you can beat me just 'cause you're older?-

One more punch straight in the jaw.

This kid. He reminds me of Benjamin.

-I should really be ashamed of myself.-

This wasn't the person who killed Mr Sasaki, this was just a kid with anger management issues.

-Hey Tyler!-

His punches stopped and he gave me a puzzled look.

-Why that man? Why did you decide to take your anger out on him? He didn't do anything to you.-

Tyler's eyes were like two bonfires that had just begun burning to their fullest.

-Maybe he didn't do anything to me, but how do you know he's innocent. What if he gambled away his family's money and left his wife and child penniless? What if he ruined someone else's life because of his own selfish actions!-

The years I had spent working with problem children made their way back into the forefront of my mind and it all began making sense.

-Tyler, I need you to stop this.-

It was clear that he was considering stopping for a moment before he snapped back into his previous state.

-I'm not gonna stop this until I beat you.-

So that's how it was, he just didn't want to lose.

I threw my bat to the ground and took off my armguards. Seeing this, Tyler scoffed and threw away his brass knuckles as well. He had some sense of honour at least. We looked each other straight in the eyes and began moving closer.

-Alright, if that's how you want it.-

The first punch echoed through the emptiness of the night.


I probably won't be publishing a new chapter until at least Saturday as I have some things to tend to. There definitely won't be a new one tomorrow, but if I take care of everything soon enough I might be able to drop a new one on Friday.

Habsazincreators' thoughts