

On the other side of the world, the people heading to America were finally arriving at LAX. The sun shone upon their arrival. Their eyes squinted as they got off the plane. They were then led to the VIP lounge as they waited for their luggage to be brought over.

Lovis and Morrigan were supposed to leave last, but changed with Amaya and Grell because Amaya wanted to go to Vietnam instead of America, which she had been to several times. Lovis acquiesced and changed the plan.

They sat on the soft luxurious sofas in the lounge. In front of them was a table filled with snacks. To their left was another table, longer, which also had snacks and drinks for them to freely enjoy.

Payton walked to the long table and opened a bottle of soda and a cup of iced coffee. He handed the soda to Mairin who was sitting with a straight back on one of the sofas. Mairin took the soda and nodded his thanks. Payton smiled and patted his head before sitting down beside the immortal teen.

"The flight to Brazil has been changed to two days later," Lovis walked inside the lounge, followed by some staff. He handed the documents to Payton and informed both him and Mairin, "it's the fastest."

Mairin only nodded his head without a change in expression. To him there was no difference whether they departed today or two days later. The portal would still be there. Payton, however, looked slightly downcast.

"You literally only separated for a few hours and you missed him that much already?" Morrigan asked in disbelief and annoyance.

Gwyneth, however, looked at Payton sympathetically. She patted Payton's back in comfort, "we'll reunite soon," she reassured him.

Payton, a guy as big as he was, looked at Gwyneth with big round and sad eyes and however many times they looked at him, his personality and body never seemed to match. Looking at Payton's sad puppy look, Morrigan rolled her eyes in annoyance and turned her head away, lest she impulsively turned the sappy boy into a toad or something.

"This tea is good," Luca, on the other hand, was sitting with his legs crossed, sipping tea leisurely. He had a gentle smile on his lips as he turned to his wife, offering her a taste. Gwyneth smiled and took a sip. Her brown eyes rounded and she smiled at her husband.

"It's good," Gwyneth agreed. The taste was mild and a little mellow, even. The aftertaste was also not overwhelming. Just what she liked.

Luca's smile grew as he took a look at the brand before placing an order with his phone. But then he stopped and turned to Lovis who was chatting with a staff member by the long table. "Lovis, where were Gwyn and I going again?" he asked with a little frown on his face as he tried to remember the information Lovis had presented to him before. His noble and handsome appearance transformed into a look of loss and confusion as he stared at Lovis.

Lovis, knowing Luca's quirks, could only sighed in helplessness before turning to Gwyneth who was giggling by her husband's side. It was a fact that instead of forgetting things, Luca's brain just refused to memorize things. Or so Lovis and the others' thought.

"My love, you and I are going to Algeria in three hours," Gwyneth gently told him. Luca smiled at her, bringing his hand to touch his wife's face with a look of wonder in his eyes.

"Right, the portal," Luca sighed at that and his eyes turned sad once more. Luca was always the one who felt everything first with his heart. Knowing that the world was in trouble, so did his heart.

Her husband was always like this. After his third death, his whole countenance changed. The soul was the same, but it was damaged from so much magic tampering with him during his time of lives and of deaths. But he was still the same gentle, loyal and loving man they know. Only a bit frustrating at times.

That's right. They would be separating in a short while. Lovis and Morrigan were to go to Montana. Payton and Mairin were to go to Brazil. Luca and Gwyneth were to go to Algeria. Amaya and Grell were already on their way to Vietnam. Taking the longest flight which undoubtedly drew Grell's complaint along the way.

That would be their first stop before continuing on the path to close more portals that had been opened. They didn't know how long it would take for them to close all the portals. They were already missing their fellow immortals. Especially Payton who got separated from Grell, the love of his life.

"Something the matter?" Gwyneth approached Lovis who was standing in front of the floor to ceiling window, looking down at his phone with a slight frown. His side profile we basked in the afternoon light, highlighting his mature and handsome face.

"Allerick texted," he said and handed the phone to Gwyneth. "He said they encountered a strange case and are going to take a look at it while they're there. Will probably be delayed going to the next location," he informed the rest of the group as he sat down on one of the empty armchairs.

"What strange case?" Morrigan asked, sitting straight up, frowning. Her aura dropped and her surroundings became even colder than it already was.

"I do not know," Lovis shook his head, "they have not reply again and did not accept my calls," he informed the priestess who frowned even more.

"Don't worry," Gwyneth approached her best friend and hugged her shoulders, "they were probably asleep," she said.

"Who is worrying," Morrigan scoffed and stood up, avoiding Gwyneth's eyes as she glided to the long table and ignored the chuckles and giggles of her companions.

Morrigan was not one who would honestly tell people of her feelings. Especially not that of worry. She used to be unfeeling. No, not unfeeling. She used to hide her feelings, thinking they were weak. She was a high priestess; destined to do big things. Feelings were something she couldn't afford.

But that was centuries ago. When she was lost. But also, centuries passed didn't mean she could change as fast. She still had trouble expressing her feelings.

"They will call when they need help, don't worry," Lovis said, approaching her and handing her a cup of steaming tea, which she took begrudgingly.

"I am not worried. I am curious," Morrigan said. Well, it wasn't a complete lie.

Lovis smiled at her. The love in him poured out unrestrained, making Morrigan unsettled. But she didn't refuse his hand which guided her back to the couch. Lovis then turned to Gwyneth and Luca who were nestling together opposite him, being all in love and enviable.

"Get ready for your flight, My Queen, Luca," Lovis walked to them and reminded them.

"What about you?" Lucac got up, offering his hand for Gwyneth to take and helped her up. He turned to Lovis with worry. He wasn't used to separating either. Not after centuries being together all the time.

"We will go to the hotel first," Lovis informed them, "after Payton and Mairin boarded their plane, Morrigan and I will set for Montana," Lovis told him.

Luca nodded and took his wife's hand before turning his head to look at his other companions. A sliver of uneasiness creeped up on him, but soon kicked away by himself. He trusted in his companions' abilities. As well as their characters. Even if something were to happen, as long as they were still alive, they would be reunited no matter what.

"Then, we're leaving," Gwyneth said after she released Morrigan from her embrace.

After the collective goodbyes and take cares, Luca and Gwyneth disappeared beyond the lounge door. Lovis, having been their captain for centuries, urged them to get up and to head to the hotel so they could rest. Especially those who still had flights to catch the next day and the day after tomorrow. The hotel was right beside the airport, so they only needed a whole 15 minutes to reach their own designated rooms.

They all went to shower and most of them then took a nap. After a long flight, immortals as they were, they still couldn't get used to it.

There were actually many things they couldn't get used to. Especially with the fast-paced world they lived in now, where everything changes in just a year or two, there were many things they always needed to get used to. Also, with so many eyes looking, through CCTV, phone cameras, and the likes, they couldn;t move arbitrarily. The magic users could erase people's memories, but it wasn't always a fool-proof way. Also, too much meddling with someone's head was bound to leave a negative effect one way or another. And hurting humans was definitely not something they could risk.