

On the other side of the world, Mavi and Allerick had just arrived on the edge of the Valle de Fichi. They went inside the tactical tent followed by their subordinates. There were already people inside. They were from the special operation team from the Underground Council. They were the best in the entire Kalas Kingdom. Trained in both weapons and magic. Their chief commander was the one sent to assist Mavi and Allerick to deal with whatever was happening on the other side of the dense fog. His name was Rigel.

Rigel stood tall in the middle of the tent, by the long table. Scattered on it were reports handed to them by the researchers regarding the fog. There were also a few clear bottles filled with transparent pills. A few other officers were also inside the tent, waiting for Allerick and Mavi.

When the two entered, everyone gave a solemn bow. Allerick walked towards the seat on the head of the table and sat down before waving his hand. Mavi, as usual, took his place behind the king's seat, standing upright yet casual, with a small smile on his lips, making the others calm down even just for a slight.

Rigel, without wasting any time, handed Allerick and Mavi the report on the fog and started explaining after taking a few steps back. He opened his own report and said, "the research showed that the fog is non toxic. However, anyone breathing it would be pulled into a dream-like illusions and fall asleep. So far, it is known that the earliest time taken to wake is three hours, and the latest is 12 hours," Rigel said and he picked up two clear bottles with the pills and handed one to Mavi and Allerick each before continuing, "the researchers have successfully made these pills. The effect lasts for half a day and there are no side effects." Rigel explained to Mavi and Allerick who listened to him attentively as they studied both the report and the pills.

When Mavi and Allerick said nothing, Rigal continued with his report, now heading towards the board with many scribbles and information on it. "We sent scouts to the Valle de Fichi a day ago with enough pills to last them a whole week. However, we have not yet received news from the other side. The equipment, magic and otherwise, seemed to not be able to work inside the village. Magic is definitely involved," Rigel reported solemnly.

"According to the priestess, some of the villagers had moved out before the situation got worse. Where are they now?" Mavi asked, flipping through the documents with a frown.

"They have all died outside the village," Rigel said, handing Mavi and Allerick another set of documents, "the ones we have found so far have died. There are still a few villagers who moved farther away that we have not yet managed to reach. The team handling that side still have no news as of today," Rigel told them, his voice heavy and his shoulders slumped a little at the thought of so many people dying with no rhyme nor reason.

"What about the people they were in contact with after they left the village? Did they contract the disease?" Allerick asked, face darkened by each passing second.

"We have cooperated with the health agency on the human side to monitor those people. So far, none of them have shown symptoms," Rigel answered heavily. It couldn't be said to be good news, since the time taken for the original villagers to contract the disease was varied in the first place. And it had only been a few days since the team came.

Their hearts were heavy.

"What's the plan?" Allerick then asked after sighing heavily. He looked up at Rigel who stood rigid in front of the board.

"The scout had not come back yet so we have no clue as to what the situation in the village is like. However, if we delay any longer, there is no telling if the situation would get better or worse," Rigel said. "We have enough pills for one team of ten to last for a good while. We have enough manpower as well as magic power. Even if we have no idea what we will be facing, I still propose we venture into the village as soon as possible to eliminate any further complication," he said firmly.

"I also thought that it would be better for us to go to the village as soon as possible. I have an inkling that the villager's illness can be cured once we find the source," Mavi said, looking down at Allerick. His expression was that of resolution. There was also worry and unease there. Allerick's heart clenched even further as he reached out his hand to hold Mavi's.

"Then let us prepare for the journey," Allerick said and stood up. The rest of the people in the room bowed slightly, listening intently to his order. "Ring everything that could be of use. No matter how trivial or insignificant, low, bring everything. We will take no chances with our lives. Prepare well. We'll leave once dusk falls," he told them before taking his leave.

"Allerick," Mavi called out softly as they entered their personal tent. Allerick hummed but made no move to turn around to face Mavi. Instead, he took off his regal coat and threw it on the chair and loosened the buttons on his formal work shirt. Mavi sighed and made his way to stand in front of Allerick and helped him with the buttons.

"Why do you look so calm?" Allerick asked with a frown. He knew it was a stupid question once he opened his mouth. But still, he couldn't help it. It always baffled him how Mavi could look so calm even in the face of death. Facing something unknown like this, he knew Mavi would worry but never be scared. At least not for himself.

"There's already one headless chicken in this tent, it would be an overkill to have one more," Mavi said lightly. Allerick was stunned before his face went black and he pinched Mavci's chin in annoyance as well as helplessness.

"Who are you calling headless chicken?" Allerick asked between gritted teeth.

"Who was it that had been pacing back and forth ever since they arrived and barking commands every five steps and then asking countless questions every three steps?" Mavi asked back, eyes locked into Allerick's, not the slightest bit intimidated with the aura seeping through Allerick's body.

Allerick, in turn, rolled his eyes and pulled Mavi into his embrace. Placing his chin on Mavi's shoulder, Allerick mumbled, "I couldn't help but to worry. From the last communication, all the priestess are assumed dead. Dozens of them. Not to mention the villagers. They were mere humans. How did they end up encountering magic in the middle of nowhere?" Allerick said absentmindedly.

"I worry too," Mavi admitted, sighing as he closed his eyes and let Allerick hug him tighter. What he didn't say to Allerick was that he was also afraid. Afraid that this was not an isolated incident. He was afraid that this was just the beginning.

He had heard the report sent by Grell regarding the dead land and the many fairies that perished. Amaya would be performing the cleansing ritual due to that. Also, there was the matter with the hell beast. One hell beast was enough to instill fear in the people. And the matter with Kalas citizens probably colluding with black masters…. Allerick's face when Grell told them their speculation was so heartbreaking Mavi was afraid that Allerick would fall into depression. Luckily, he didn't.

After a long sigh, Allerick let go of Mavi and took a step back. He peered into Mavi's eyes, trying to look for comfort and Mavi readily gave it. He patted Allericks shoulders before walking towards their luggage.

"Come, we also have to prepare our stuff," he told Allerick and threw him a small bag and instructed him, "pack the skincare neatly, okay? I don't want any to spill," Mavi told him with a slight puff as he remembered the last time Allerick helped him pack for travels.

"Why do you still need skin care products?" Allerick, in turn, was dumbfounded. "It's not like your skin needed it. Besides, when will you find the time to use it inside the village?" he asked incredulously at the many products scattered on the carpet in their tent.

"What do you know?" Mavi said with a bite, "I use it because I like it," he huffed and rolled his eyes.

Even though he knew that what Allerick said was true-they didn't need skin care because their skin was as immortal as the rest of their bodies, thus will not age-he still liked putting those on. It felt familiar and nice.

Mavi and Allerick rushed to pack their things and when the sky slowly darkened, they walked back to the tactical tent to meet the rest of the team members. Aside from the two of them and Rigel, there were seven other officers who would be coming with them. Each had abilities great enough to be knighted. They were the best of the best.

The ten of them gathered around the long table as they listened to Rigel, the commander of the operation, for the plan. Their hearts were heavy, but they were also full of fighting spirits. They listened patiently and when Rigel straightened his body and looked at Allerick for further instruction, the others followed and turned their sight upon their King.

Allerick looked at the faces of his subordinates and then at his lover and gave them a slight smile, a reassuring smile. "We defeat those who do bad things. That is our job. We protect people. That is our purpose. But most important, we shall come back alive. That shall be our promise," Allerick said. His voice was powerful and full of conviction. It warmed people's hearts and their passion ignited. They cheered and saluted the King and the Protector of Magic. 

They were ready.