
Odyssey story of a slayer

Centuries ago a time were history had not even been recorded. There lived warriors of god, chosen and gifted with supernatural abilities to defend mankind and the earth. This was a time a peace and prosperity were the ‘’God of slayers’’, The kamui lived and protected all. But not all was peaceful, for not far from the paradise of man lived horrible evil creatures that could not be explained. Monsters who’s only desires were to eat and destroy, demonic beings known as THE VIRUS a scourge on the earth that roamed the land. Their origins unknown till this day. They went around killing, eating, corrupting and destroying everything good in sight. These monsters were being held at bay in the forsaken lands until their king, Azalos had arrived. This being was the most powerful virus mankind had ever encountered. He destroyed nations, desecrated cities and divided continents. Mankind’s time on earth looked as though it was about to an end when HIRUDOSHI, The God Slayers, the kamui came down on a dragon to vanquish Azalos. Their battle was fierce, it tore apart the clouds, turned the sky blood red and made the earth shake. The battle had gone on for days with no end in sight, but then in an attempt to destroy Hirudoshi, Azalos released a powerful blast that destroyed Santon city (HOME OF HIRUDOSHI). Hirudoshi survived and although all seemed lost for him, he decided to sacrifice himself to win the battle against Azalos. He used the last of his power after a long and hard battle to attack Azalos, and in a bright flash of light, Azalos along with Hirudoshi vanished off the face of the Earth. As the bright flash of light diminished, a giant emerald emerged out of the ground, it is believed to be a gift from Hirudoshi, a symbol of hope for generations to come. That emerald became a monument in what was once Hirudoshi’s home town, now known as EMERALD CITY. It is told, that before Hirudoshi encountered the virus scourge, he left a message, a last wish to his people: That all slayers lead a world of peace, and this is a story of the people who will do that. This is the story of the will bring the change and peace into the world, this is the story of those who will fulfil that final wish, this is…ODYSSEY: STORY OF A SLAYER

Himoyamaro99 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

injustice 0.4

Days pass and finally the court date for Yamato's trial arrives....will there be judgement or will there be injustice?

(A Lot of people have arrived for the case of Yamato Toshido. The jury is filled with superstitious citizens and concerned family's from all around the island, but the good news is that on Yamato's side are people who were friends of his parents and often played with Yamato and helped in his upbringing. On the other side of the court room are people who wanted to have Yamato killed as a child because of his white hair. A security officer walks into the room to address the court. After he addresses them judge Russo walks into the room. At the sight of him made people to feel the pressure of his intense wickedness in the atmosphere and for a pretty warm morning but you could tell that everyone else felt cold)

Court Security Guard: This court is now in session...With Judge Russo presiding.

Judge Russo: (to the court) We are here today for the trial of the people of Dejo Island against Yamato Toshido,on the charges of first degree murder of the retired blacklists no 2 Yoshi Toshido and blacklist no 1 Mira Toshido (looks at the court as there is loud mumuring going across the court,hits his small hammer on the table)order, order in the court. (Continues as the court room regains silence) Will the Prosecutor come forward please

Koloha: (to the judge) good morning judge Russo

Judge Russo: (to the prosecutor) Koloha good morning. I thought Daisuke would be with you today to help with the prosecution

Koloha: He was but then he said I should handle it myself saying he had other things he needed to attend to

Judge Ruso: Alright, how does the prosecutor see the accused

Koloha: (adjusts his suit tie) Guilty your honour. (Faces the court) Now children, parents and the elderly,I'm sure you have all heard the stories that our grandparents and even most of our parents shared with us about the scourge of the children of white hair,but that's all you probably thought of it as..just stories. This island isn't an island where we have ever had serious crimes before and yet look what happened. Two citizens where brutally killed by this thing of legend.. (directs his right hand at Yamato) This devil that we dare not call human, a child that was of their own blood, Yamato Toshido came back from school and got into with an argument with his parents, an argument so intense that the boy awakened his powers out of rage and frustration and what did he do with his powers right after he got them you ask? Well its simple, He fought with his parents and murdered them in cold blood. (Walking around) Now this is all hard to believe... he couldn't have, I mean he is just a child,isn't he? That's probably what you're all thinking.... But isn't the proof already in all our minds,the proof of the ruthlessness of the children of white hair. This all happened a hundred and more years ago, the proof is out there in history and as you can see it has finally happened again here in our very own town,so I ask you good people,do you really think we can risk our safety just because of some child. I say we take care of him now before he is a real threat.... the next victim could be you,or your wife, your child, your husband, your friend, your neighbour

Man:(stands) hey it doesn't seem right to pass such judgement on a kid like that

Woman:(also stands) yeah! Where's you're proof?

Judge Ruso: (looks at the prosecutor) Looks like the people will need a little more convincing,Koloha. Do you have any proof to these claims?

Koloha: Why in fact I do sir ( carries a remote,directs the courts attention to the courtrooms television and shows the people a few slides of the dead bodies of the victims)As you can see here folks, the victims were found brutally burned and these were the pictures taken by the forensics team. Even clips of a huge burn mark on the ground where he probably launched his attack, this is the reward he gave the parents who raised, loved and protected him what more do you think we will get.

Judge Russo: (satisfied) Very good Koloha. But ...… do you have any witness to this battle to give your claims substance

Koloha: (Grins) Witnesses you say,Aren't we all witnesses? Did we all not see the huge explosion that darkened the sky on that day? It could have only been caused by him. But clearly you all need to know for yourself the horrors this child can cause. Before Yamato had gotten home he had already caused some carnage in his school for his classmate who goes by the name Porky

Judge Russo: Is the boy here now?

Koloha: Sadly he could not physically come to give his testimonies because of the terrible injuries inflicted upon him by this boy but, he offered to give his testimony by use of a screen.He only desires that his face be covered by a black screen so you would not have to see the things done to him.

Judge Ruso: (sits up) I have no problem with it.

Koloha: Thank you your honour

A cover screen attached to a stand with wheels on the bottom for mobility is brought into the courtroom and place it on the stand. Miss Murakami and Karin are seen sitting behind Yamato among the people. Miss Keen and Dax are absent from the trial for reasons unknown. Miss murakami bites her lip and squeezes the wooden rail in front of her when Karin tries to calm her down as tears stream down her eyes. Yamato all this while has said nothing and has not looked up once the entire trial, he leaves his head down so no one can see his face or the expressions they think he might be making. He stands there alone without a lawyer to defend him because the Judge had managed to get everyone to back off from helping Yamato...So he stands alone to fight this battle against injustice

Koloha: (looking at the screen)Porky, are you with us?

Porky: Yes sir I am... I can hear you loud and clear

Koloha: That's very good. So Porky, please do you think that you can help us with your account of what took place when you met with Yamato

Porky: Yes sir, Well it was getting windy and I was leaving the premises after school was over. I had just gotten outside to talk to my friend Al, a senior in another class...

Miss Murakami and Karin: (look up at the cover screen in shock)

Koloha: Yes, tell us what happened next

Porky: Well, we were talking when all of a sudden Yamato walked up to us out of nowhere. I backed up a bit to gather myself but when I looked up I saw Yamato send Al flying into the benches with just one punch. I tried to save him and defend him but, Yamato beat me up to so I ran and forgot Al behind

Koloha: And you didn't go back or turn around for anything? You didn't see anything else

Porky: No I was too filled with fear to turn back, I couldn't face Yamato

Koloha: And this fight happened without Yamato having powers..correct?

Porky: Yes sir it did

Koloha: Okay thank you Porky

Porky: Not a problem sir. And I would just like to say I think Yamato should be put behind bars for the sake of the people. So that what happened to me won't have to happen to them

Koloha: We will make sure that there is justice in this court Porky. For you and for the murdered blacklists. (Faces the court) So you see folks, he is a living proof of the carnage this white hair devil brings, look at him he can't even bring himself to look up and face his sins. People of this island I hope I can count on you to make the right choice and put this menace to society behind bars. Thank you, the prosecution rest

Judge Ruso: (clears his throat) I would've liked to ask if the accused has anything he would like to say but, you clearly cannot defend yourself and all the evidence is stacked against you so it's clear what needs to be done. Can we have the…..