
Odyssey story of a slayer

Centuries ago a time were history had not even been recorded. There lived warriors of god, chosen and gifted with supernatural abilities to defend mankind and the earth. This was a time a peace and prosperity were the ‘’God of slayers’’, The kamui lived and protected all. But not all was peaceful, for not far from the paradise of man lived horrible evil creatures that could not be explained. Monsters who’s only desires were to eat and destroy, demonic beings known as THE VIRUS a scourge on the earth that roamed the land. Their origins unknown till this day. They went around killing, eating, corrupting and destroying everything good in sight. These monsters were being held at bay in the forsaken lands until their king, Azalos had arrived. This being was the most powerful virus mankind had ever encountered. He destroyed nations, desecrated cities and divided continents. Mankind’s time on earth looked as though it was about to an end when HIRUDOSHI, The God Slayers, the kamui came down on a dragon to vanquish Azalos. Their battle was fierce, it tore apart the clouds, turned the sky blood red and made the earth shake. The battle had gone on for days with no end in sight, but then in an attempt to destroy Hirudoshi, Azalos released a powerful blast that destroyed Santon city (HOME OF HIRUDOSHI). Hirudoshi survived and although all seemed lost for him, he decided to sacrifice himself to win the battle against Azalos. He used the last of his power after a long and hard battle to attack Azalos, and in a bright flash of light, Azalos along with Hirudoshi vanished off the face of the Earth. As the bright flash of light diminished, a giant emerald emerged out of the ground, it is believed to be a gift from Hirudoshi, a symbol of hope for generations to come. That emerald became a monument in what was once Hirudoshi’s home town, now known as EMERALD CITY. It is told, that before Hirudoshi encountered the virus scourge, he left a message, a last wish to his people: That all slayers lead a world of peace, and this is a story of the people who will do that. This is the story of the will bring the change and peace into the world, this is the story of those who will fulfil that final wish, this is…ODYSSEY: STORY OF A SLAYER

Himoyamaro99 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

calm 0.2

Karin: (shaking)

Yamato: (confused)

Dax: (notices Yamatos confusion)… Sorry about that, my sister sort of has issues introducing herself to new people but it's gotten better

Yamato: (excited) Wow… i can't believe that the son of the Kamui is here! (Faces Dax) just why are you here exactly?! when you can school anywhere around the world!

Dax: (closes his eyes and shrugs his shoulders) Well my dad had the idea to raise us in the town he was raised in and take us to the same school he went when his powers developed (raises his chin with his pointing fingers as he looks at Yamato) also something about learning a lesson of humility (shakes his head) or something like that

Yamato: I'm really lucky to meet you guys then, it's a real honour

Dax: (smiles at him) Na, don't think anything of it i would just like to be friends with you… that's all

Yamato: (surprised) Friends with me? Why me… i mean, aren't you friends with everyone else?

Dax: Well you see I'm not really friends with the other students I'm just, what you would call a social classmate. I don't really see them as my friends, i just see them as people who i have to get along with cause they will be beneficial later to me and to answer your question why… well that one's simple, When i came to this school everyone already knew who i was and pretty much hung around me because of who my father is, i saw how they treated other kid's who didn't have powers, looks or popularity and i couldn't stand that, but yet i never did anything about it, I just smiled at their faces that was until today, today i don't know why, what was different or what changed but the thought of Porky having his way with you, forcing his authority on you and doing the exact thing i hate enraged me and i almost lost control, a little bit more and i would have used my powers…

Yamato: (amazed) Wow! so you did all that just to help me?

Dax: At first yes i did, but now i realize i was meant to do that. Not because of i want to be a class hero but because i feel were meant to be friends

Yamato: (confused, looking at him with me eyes)…I still don't get it!

Dax: (laughs a bit) It makes sense that you don't and i wasn't expecting you to. To put it simple, you are the first person who I've met that didn't kiss the ground i walk on or suck up to me just to get close, in fact you didn't even know who i was and that has never happened before. But yet you fought with me and stood up to Porky and you can even talk to me like I'm a normal person and treat me like an average classmate

Yamato: Well that is because to me you are a normal person(stretches out his hand to him) so i hope you and i can become good friends

Karin: (with a duck lip) And what about me?

Dax: (looks at her with a smile) Of course, he's going to be friends with you and its not like I'll do anything without you, you're my sister after all so where would i be without you

Miss Keen: (packing her things) This is all very heart touching and warm but could you hurry it up, I'm trying to lock up here!

Yamato, Dax and Karin: (shocked)

Dax: (to Yamato) Alright then Yamato, lets go

Yamato: sorry, i haven't finished packing and there's someone i would like to follow us if possible, just go, I'll meet you guys at the entrance

Dax: Alright don't take to long now (walks out of the class)

Karin: Yeah we'll meet you downstairs (follows Dax)

As they leave Miss Keen walks towards Yamato and takes a seat

Miss keen: Yamato, you know you're a really special kid, that boy has never opened up to anyone before and you come on your first day and he's like an open book. I'm glad actually, i was worried that if he kept going on like that he would miss out on his childhood. But you changed that, so, thank you Yamato ( gets off the seat and nudges him on his shoulder) take care of that boy for me alright? You're going to have to have each others backs from here on out

Yamato: (surprised) But why?

Miss keen: (smiles) call it a hunch of a crazy old teacher but i feel you two are connected. I want you to have this in mind; The universe has a strange way of leading you to the exact place you need to be at the exact moment you should be there and God has a strange way of bringing people together, nothing ever happens at random or by accident because everything has a reason. I want you to always remember that

Yamato: (looking at her)I will

Miss keen: Now (stands up) get down there quick their waiting for you

Yamato: (stands up) right!

He runs out of the school building and reaches the entrance, as he gets there he sees Porky waiting as he is sitting on a bench in the play ground. Yamato sees him and walks towards the school gate but stops as Porky calls him.

Porky: (stands, smirking) and where do you think your going? you can't possibly leave yet when we haven't had our fun

Yamato: (looking at him) Leave me alone Porky, i don't have any beef with you so I'm going home

Porky: (chuckles) Really? well that's too bad 'cause i had your buddy Haru come all the way out here to come play with us (shoves Haru to the floor) it really is a damn shame you can't help your buddy here (grabs Haru by the head and raises him up to show Yamato his beaten up face)

Al: (in pain) Please get Miss Keen Yamato (faints)

Yamato: (shocked) Aaal! (to Porky) what are you doing Porky let him go

Porky: (smirks) You want me to do that? alright then..

why don't you come over here and take him from me

Yamato: There isn't any need to do this, Al isn't even involved so let him go!

Porky: Your right, i guess there is no need to beat him so badly when your the one i want to beat (smiles maniacly)…How bout you take a seat and watch me beat your friend to a pulp Al( he throws Al aside) there you go! front row seat!

Yamato: (pissed) This doesn't make any sense Porky, why are you doing this? why involve him when he's innocent?

Porky: (frowns) Don't be a fool Yamato no one is innocent! everyone has committed a crime and you have committed the biggest crime of all!

Yamato: (puzzled) But I've done nothing to you

Porky: (yelling at him) YOU ARE WEAK!...do you deny it

Yamato: (confused) What are you talking about?

Porky: Do you deny you do not have any powers? do you deny that you are weak?

Yamato:( looking at the ground) So that's what this is about?

Porky: Do you deny it? answer me!

Yamato: (sighs) No i don't. I do not deny i don't have powers but i am not weak!

Porky: You are weak!. And your weakness is an insult to me!

Yamato: But why do this just because of something like that?

Porky: I'm doing this because you are weak, i have to prove you are weak and i am strong. You can never be strong and how can you when you have no powers?! it's ludicrous! The weak should fear the strong, the weak should serve the strong!

So you should fear me, serve me, stay under my rule and die without honor because that is your place, that is the place of the weak; beneath the feet of the strong. These are the rules that separates the weak from the strong and a world that defies these rules should not exist

Yamato: That not true! None of that is true, the strong are meant to help and protect the weak not trample and look down on them! that isn't what a slayer would do!

Porky: You think that's so huh?(drops his bag on the floor) if you really believe that then fight me!

Yamato: (shocked)…What?

Porky: Yes, fight me and prove that the weak do not deserve to be controlled by the strong

Yamato: No porky! I'm not going to be part of your game! I'm taking Al and were leaving!

Porky: Really? (Moves a few steps away from Al) go ahead then...Take him

Yamato walks towards Al's body just to be rushed by Porky. Porky attacks yamatto with a series of violent jabs and punches

Porky: (still punching him) is this all you have Yamato?!is that really it? You better fight back if you want to save Al and yourself!

Yamato: (trying to block the punches) I...I'm….n….not going…

Porky:(Punches his face, standing over him) I don't want to hear that Yamato, didn't you say the weak shouldn't be trampled on. If you want to prove it then fight me(takes off his jacket, looks into the sky and whispers to himself)I'm not weak

Yamato: (grunts) Stop this now, please!

Porky: (chuckles) please? If you want me to stop so bad end it yourself (sits on Yamato and stats punching him r fight me, fight me! fight me! fight me! fight me! fight me! Fight me! fiiiiiggggghhhtttttt mmmmeeeeeee!! (Stops puching him, stands up and raises Yamato by his shirts neckline) What exactly is wrong with you?!... don't you understand?! if you don't fight you will die! why won't you fight back to save your own life?!

Yamato: (grunts)...Because I don't need to, I don't see a reason to fight you Porky! I haven't done anything wrong and you're not my enemy!

Porky: (frustrated, about to shout in anger but stops as he sees the emerald necklace on Yamatos neck)What's this?(rips it off his neck and throws him to the ground) seems like a new toy for me

Yamato: (struggles to stand) No! give that back it's a gift from my mum!

Porky: Really now? Interesting (smiles maniacly) then I guess ill be taking it

Yamato:(gets up but is barely able to stand) no! I won't let you have it, I can't let you I promised ma I would protect it. GIVE IT BACK!!! (Tries to take it from him)

Porky: (jumps away from him) You got some nerve demanding something from me! Emerald (looks at the emerald then at Yamato) and what happens if I don't give it to you?

Yamato: (glaring at him) I'm only going to tell you one more time (breathing heavily as fire starts to circle his eye pupil)... give it back or ill take it

Porky: (senses a sudden rise of enerygy coming from him, thinking) what the hell?! What happened to the person I was beating up just now?!..... It's like he's releasing some kind of aura and its pressure is intense!!! ....he's powerless right? then what's this energy coming off him?! (To him) so you got serious huh, it doesn't change anything I'll still beat you!

Meanwhile Dax and Karin are waiting for Yamato back at the entrance when they feel uneasy about the wave of energy that passed them by

Dax: (serious) something isn't right here (looks at Karin) Did you just feel that?

Karin: (looks at him) I did... it felt warm and pretty intense (sighs) I'm more worried about what's keeping Yamato tho, It's getting late so maybe we should just go?

Dax: (folds his arms) I'm not to sure we should especially with that surge of energy (thinking) did porky ever leave the school after he left class? (Running back into the school) i think Yamato is in trouble I'm going in!

Karin: (confused) Wait! Dax we aren't even sure what's going on, we should just call Dad!

Dax: (yelling out to her) Do whatever you have to but I have to get in there and help if he's in any trouble (thinking) Please be okay Yamato just hang In there until I show up!