
Odyssey story of a slayer

Centuries ago a time were history had not even been recorded. There lived warriors of god, chosen and gifted with supernatural abilities to defend mankind and the earth. This was a time a peace and prosperity were the ‘’God of slayers’’, The kamui lived and protected all. But not all was peaceful, for not far from the paradise of man lived horrible evil creatures that could not be explained. Monsters who’s only desires were to eat and destroy, demonic beings known as THE VIRUS a scourge on the earth that roamed the land. Their origins unknown till this day. They went around killing, eating, corrupting and destroying everything good in sight. These monsters were being held at bay in the forsaken lands until their king, Azalos had arrived. This being was the most powerful virus mankind had ever encountered. He destroyed nations, desecrated cities and divided continents. Mankind’s time on earth looked as though it was about to an end when HIRUDOSHI, The God Slayers, the kamui came down on a dragon to vanquish Azalos. Their battle was fierce, it tore apart the clouds, turned the sky blood red and made the earth shake. The battle had gone on for days with no end in sight, but then in an attempt to destroy Hirudoshi, Azalos released a powerful blast that destroyed Santon city (HOME OF HIRUDOSHI). Hirudoshi survived and although all seemed lost for him, he decided to sacrifice himself to win the battle against Azalos. He used the last of his power after a long and hard battle to attack Azalos, and in a bright flash of light, Azalos along with Hirudoshi vanished off the face of the Earth. As the bright flash of light diminished, a giant emerald emerged out of the ground, it is believed to be a gift from Hirudoshi, a symbol of hope for generations to come. That emerald became a monument in what was once Hirudoshi’s home town, now known as EMERALD CITY. It is told, that before Hirudoshi encountered the virus scourge, he left a message, a last wish to his people: That all slayers lead a world of peace, and this is a story of the people who will do that. This is the story of the will bring the change and peace into the world, this is the story of those who will fulfil that final wish, this is…ODYSSEY: STORY OF A SLAYER

Himoyamaro99 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

calm 0.1


Yoshi: (pats Yamato on his head and walks away slowly) Alright son, I'll see you later, have a great first day of school

Yamato: (waves at his dad) bye dad! (faces the school) Now! it's my first day at school so time for my first challenge.(stares at the school) making it to class

Student: Hey! (walks up to Yamato) your a new kid right?, nice to meet you, my name is Haru Saito Aldente but you could call me Al or Haru (shrugging his shoulders)

Yamato: (surprised, smiles) Oh! hi …Al, my name's Yamato Nishida

Al: well it's nice to meet you Yamato ( both shake hands) do you need any help finding your class?

Yamato: (scratches his head) Yeah i actually do

Al: don't worry then ill help you with that(walks into the main building)

Yamato: (follows him) oh! Wow! thanks a lot, you have to be some kind of angel

Al: (embarrassed) Oh please its no problem at all, i usually help the new kids

Yamato: Wow you're a really kind person if your always helping kids like me out

Al: Don't think to much of it (stands, looks at Yamato) where exactly is your class?

Yamato: Oh its (checks his student ID card) um… Block B, Class silver

Al: (smiles) Then i hope you like walking short distances when going to class (stretches his right hand to the class next to them) because this is your class right here

Yamato: Wow your right that was a short walk, Well thanks a lot

Al: (walking away) No problem, well i should be off to class now

Yamato: (confused) what do you mean, this isn't your class?

Al: Nope, not at all my class is two more classes into the building. But don't worry if you ever need my help you can come meet me any time

Yamato: Alright thanks um... i never did know if it was better for me to call you Haru

Al: Don't worry bout it Al is just fine(runs down the hall as he waves at Yamato) I'll see you later buddy (disappears)

Yamato: What a cool guy (opens the door and walks into the class)

Bully: (looking at Yamato) Hey you!

Yamato: (points at himself as he looks left and right) Wait...Me?

Bully: Do you see anyone else standing at the door, yeah you!

Yamato: Oh (gulps) well uh… (nervous) can I help you?

Bully: (smirking)Yeah! The names Porky, it's not my real name but I'll tell you my real name if you can earn it (in a terrifying voice) GOT IT FRIEND?!

Yamato: Yeah sure (thinking) what exactly did i do to this guy and what's up with that threatening voice (notices Porkys height) Is he even meant to be in this class? he's so huge!

Porky: (puts his left arm around him) Come on pal ain't no need to worry, you see if you follow my ground rules we can be friends… you get me?

Dax: (walks up to them) Get away from him porky or do you want me to get physical with you?

Porky: (scoffs) Stay out of this Dax, i ain't bothering the boy so mind your own business

Dax: Is that so?, then why don't you ask him yourself?

Porky: Fine then (looks at Yamato) am i bothering you ( leans into his face) FRIEND?

Yamato: (smiling nervously) well if I were being completely honest…you are kind of bothering me…just a bit (thinking) I'm dead!... and on my first day of school too

Porky: Is that so (removes his arms from Yamatos shoulder) Well then( walks to the class board and charges at Yamato) DIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Dax: Oh no you don't ( runs towards him and gives him a round house kick that sends him flying across the class and crashing into his seat, crouches then stands straight) Hmph! serves you right! ( rubs his hand through his hair)

Porky: (gets up) Damn you Dax! I'm gonna end you! (tries to throw the duster he picked from the board at him)

Yamato: Watch out!!( jumps over Dax and kicks the duster back to porky)

The duster hits porky in the face and he begins to bleed from his mouth

Porky: (grunts) Damn you both…I'll kill you both!

Miss Keen: (standing at the open class door) That's enough from the both of you!!...don't turn my class into a battle ground!

Dax &Porky : Miss Keen?! when did you get here?!

Miss keen: (closes the door) That doesn't matter, what matters is the punishment I'm going to give to both of you (At her table) for you Porky it's for bullying and attempted assult on the new student and for Dax it's for fighting, but since it was for the right reason your punishment will be mild

Dax: (lowers his fist and sighs) Thank you Miss Keen

Porky: (protesting) That's not fair miss keen, you have to let me teach that brat a lesson, he was acting cocky and i cant let that slide

Dax: Cocky?! don't label me like that, i was simply being a hero doing what a slayer would do

Porky: Yeah and what was that

Dax: (puts his hands in his shorts pockets) Simple, expelling the evil that prevents the presence of GOD from dwelling here and stopping you from embarrassing yourself, this class, and this school. After all the, job of a slayer is to eliminate anything that threatens people and eliminate what defies the will of God (pointing at him) and that pride of yours is a sin. Flaunting and forcing your authority on others and making people submit to you is not acceptable! So no i couldn't stand back and allow that. What i was, was a hero…no i was being a slayer in the making and if you think i was being cocky so be it

The class began to cheer for Dax and celebrates his heroic efforts as Porky sat there licking his wounds and tending to his pride. Yamato on the other hand was still confused and lost by all that just happened but didn't want to stress himself thinking to much about it.

Miss keen: I want all of you to be quiet now ( continues as the class becomes very quiet, sighs) Honestly, you all just need to behave yourselves sometimes and give me peace. Besides, this is no way to welcome a new student (to Porky) Dax is right,you embarrassed yourselves and should be ashamed (points to Yamato) Please come forward and introduce yourselves to the class

Yamato: (inhales and exhales) My name is Yamato Nishida…

Miss keen: (interested)…Nishida?

Yamato: (looks at her) Yes mam

Class: (murmurs)

Miss keen: (smiles) I knew i remembered that name. Your Dad is Yoshi Nishida… Blacklist number 2 the wood and plant user…correct?

Yamato: Umm.....Yes but how did?

Miss keen: We use to be team mates back in the day until he got paired up with your mum, that was before they met and that time he was blacklist number 4 and I, number 5. (Folds her arms) You get home and greet them both for me alright,

Yamato: (nods his head) I will

Miss Keen: and also… (adjusts her glasses with a serious face) tell that father of yours to pay me back what he owes me!

Yamato: (terrified) Yes ma'am (thinking) oh GOD… just how much did he borrow?!

Miss keen: Anyway, Yamato…you can have your seat (to the whole class) let the class begin


Miss keen: (sighs) Alright guys, that's the final bell. Go home and remember to turn in the assignments i gave today tomorrow…Porky and Dax.

Dax &Porky: (look at Miss Keen)

Miss Keen: …On a normal day i would take you both to my office, punish you accordingly, call your parents then send you home either with suspension or expulsion, but lucky for you, this isn't one of those days, there won't be any time for me today so go home I'll deal with you tomorrow

Porky: (walks to the classroom door, to Yamato and Dax) I'm going to make the both of you pay some day… mark my words! (To Yamato with a smirk) Yamato... Dax won't always be around to protect you, this isn't over not by a long shot! (Looks at Dax) And Dax… when you let your guard down I'll be there mark my words

Yamato& Dax: Bring it!

Porky: (storms out of the class)

Yamato and Dax: ( look at each other and laugh)

Dax: Hey (strectches his hand for a handshake) …Yamato right?

Yamato: (shakes his hand) yeah

Dax: (puts his hands in his pockets) well, its nice to meet you and it was pretty cool what you did back there… you know, with the duster

Yamato: (scratching his head) Oh that was nothing (relaxed) but you were pretty skilled yourself, that kick was amazing

Dax: (shrugs his shoulders) Well i have to be good since i want to become stronger and people expect me to… with who my Father is and all

Yamato: (smiles) Really, wow then your Dad must be really important

Dax: (smiles) Well yeah he is after all he's… (realizes something) Wait! you don't know who my dad is?

Yamato: No...should i?

Dax: then… that means you don't know who i am either

Yamato: (scratches the back of his head) Oh yeah, sorry i never did ask your name, it completely skipped my mind cause i was still thinking about the whole fight thing

Dax: (laughs)

Yamato: (confused)

Dax: (still laughing)…Wow this is the first time I'm meeting someone like you (laughs hard as he falls to the floor) youtre something else… (stands up and stops laughing as he smiles) Ok then…since you don't know who i am ill introduce myself (points at himself with his thumb) my name is Dax Tamuro… son of Kenji and Towa Tamuro

Yamato: (surprised) Kenji Tamuro... (Yelling) YOU MEAN YOU'RE THE SON OF THE ACTUAL KENJI TAMUTO?!

Dax: Yep (feeling really pleased with himself)

Yamato: (excited) that's insane! Wait… if you are how come I'm only finding this out now

Dax: It's probably because my dad never mentions us outside and stuff….doesn't really see a need to

Yamato: (surprised)Us?

Dax: huh?... (Laughs with his eyes closed) Oh yeah i forgot to introduce my Sister, how rude of me (turns to a direction) meet my sister, Karin

Yamato: (turns in the same direction) hm?

At that moment, a frail looking girl with a turtle neck and long hair walks up to them with her hands holding her clothes over her mouth

Karin: (very nervous and shy) Hi i...i… I'm…K…K… Karin

Yamato: oh (smiling excitedly) hi! it's nice to meet you I'm Yamato!