
Odyssey of a King (ASOIAF)

This is the life of a man, who will cause great turmoil and change the course of history as it was known. Will he succeed in his goals? immortalized throughout the annuals of history, praises sung high and low of his character. Or will he be remembered as a fool who had flown too close to the sun? *I do not own or claim the cover book art or any characters within this book except my OC’s, I do not own ASOIAF or any franchise that might be mentioned indirectly.”

Grand_Castor_ · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

New Beginnings


"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." ~ Seneca





It was a dark stormy night in the year 83AC, thunder was sounding and lightning was flashing heavily.

A maid carrying a bucket of water rushed down the hallway to a half opened set of double doors that a multitude of people were rushing in and out off.

Walking past a few people, she observes the prince pacing back and forth nervously as the crown prince stands next to him muttering words that could not be heard from this distance over the storm, she hears the cries of a woman from the door she approaches before slipping through.

As the maid enters the room she observes the chaos, as people move about the room to and fro from a bed placed in the center.

Passing the bucket of water to awaiting hands, under the cries of pain from the women in the bed, she moves to the side giving space for the other people moving about the room.



The window took a moment of her attention as a flash of light came from the closed wooden window, followed by the crack of thunder. Various thoughts passed through the maids head as she listened to the largest storm she's ever recalled in her lifetime, as she heard guards shouting outside frantically and panic in the city as the storm caused chaos.

Turning back to witness the cries of the silver haired woman in the bed.

"Push your highness, we are almost there. The head is visible." exclaimed the wet nurse.


The Princess grunted in response before painfully moaning as she pushed, the hustle and bustle continued around the room.

Until a flash of light and the strike of thunder, at the same time a shockingly loud cry of a baby was heard as everybody stood and witnessed the baby born the same day as the biggest storm ever witnessed.

"It's a boy." Said the maester stoically, uncomfortable if anybody had watched him intently.

"Give him to me." The princess Exhaled heavily. The maester passed on the baby to the wet nurse as she washed the baby in warm water before wrapping him in a blanket, walking up to the princess and handing him to her as she cradles her child weakly with all love she could muster.

The doors burst fully open as the prince barged in with the crown prince following behind him, worry etched on the prince's face he briskly walked towards the bed, "Is everything alright Alyssa?" He asked with concern arriving at her side,

"Everything is fine my love." She replied weakly, as Baelon hugged her to his chest.

"See," his brother calmly continued, "I told you everything would work out. You need to lighten up Baelon.".

"Not now Aemon." Replied the Prince Exasperated.

Walking back towards the door, hands up in mock surrender Aemon said, "Calm down brother, tis was only a jape to lighten your foul mood."

Baelon glared at his brother in annoyance as he left, he was about to respond.

"What shall be his name?" Interruptered Alyssa

After a few seconds of silence from Baelon as he pondered on the subject, before he replied, "Aegon…. shall be his name. A great name for a babe born on the day of such a great storm. "

"It's wonderful, mayhaps it's a sign of the mark he shall leave in history as his namesake.", she said

"Aye." he said

For a few minutes a period of comfortable silence descends.

"They call me Baelon the brave," the prince spoke, "but you are braver than me. I would sooner fight a dozen battles than do what you have just done."

She laughed weakly,

"You were made for battles, and I was made for this. Viserys and Daemon and Aegon, that's three. As soon as I am well, let's make another. I want to give you twenty sons. An army of your own!"

Little did they know that as history was being made it was not to be.

The story of their youngest would be sung through the annals of history forever immortalized.

They say the circumstances around a child's birth is a sign of its future, accruing a name to any child born under special events or circumstances. How accurate would they be? The validity of such a practice is questionable, though the birth of this babe on this day many shall call a sign for the deeds he shall do for the future.

Aegon I Targaryen first of his name, Stormborn the world would call him.

(Author's note: yes I am stealing Daenerys title, why? Cause I feel like it.*shrugs*)


"Each day provides its own gifts." ~ Marcus Aurelius



Red keep

Aegon Targaryen

*5 year time skip*

Birds chirp, the early morning sun shines through the room as the noise of the city in the distance is faintly heard. On a big bed, a beautiful white haired child can be seen resting, frowning softly as if disturbed by a dream.

The picturesque scene was interrupted by the door being abruptly opened, waking the child up.

"Aegon, wake up!" Shouted the platinum haired girl, walking in behind her were 3 other similar girls following in tow.

Getting into a seated position while rubbing my eyes, the boy sighed "I'm up Daena."

"Good! Now get up, I've got a lot of things for us to do today." She Said boisterously as she walked to the foot of the bed with a wooden sword in hand.


"What?" She exclaimed, "why?"

"We have classes with the maester today." Spoke the girl standing beside Daena holding a book to her chest.

"What's your point?" She shrugged, "Our lessons can't possibly last the whole day, at most 4-5 hours."

"You've made your point Daena," a third girl said with a small smile "but I assume Elaena was implying that because of the lessons, our master would prefer to do his own thing today."

"Now, now, let's not get all ahead of ourselves. Let's hear what our 'master' has to say." The last girl teased With her hand covering her mouth.

The boy exasperated, "Rhaena I have said it before please don't call me that, you never know when someone might be listening."

"With your paranoia? The likelihood of that happening is zero at best." Snorted Daena.

"That's not the main factor, I just prefer you guys don't call me that despite the circumstances regarding it. I do see you all as more than servants." The boy's reply brought smiles to all the girls' faces.

"Although my thoughts on the matter differ, I shall respect your wishes, Aegon." Replied Rhaena.

"Alright fine I'll agree, leave now, I'll go get ready." Said the boy exasperated.

"Great!" Exclaimed Daena as she and the rest moved towards the door.

I got out and moved toward the bathroom, he sighed and thought fondly, 'when God said he'd give me loyal companions, he never mentioned how troublesome they'd be….. But I'm grateful, despite everything I wouldn't change them for the world'

*knock* *knock*

"Come in" called Aegon.

The door opens and a throng of maids enter, most headed towards the bathroom after bowing and greeting Aegon except one, he remembered her… she was at his birth.

"My prince, we have been informed you are awake and ready to take a bath. Please excuse me while we get your bath ready."

"Thank you Elizabeth."

She bows, and heads towards the adjacent bathroom.


"You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength." ~ Marcus Aurelius


Walking down the hallway towards the dining hall, I thought about the past 5 years and how my birth has changed so much - my world view has been completely upended, which hasn't been helped with the memories of 7 extra people in my head.

Something like that can do it to a person, I've spent many nights looking at the ceiling lost in an Existential crisis and having broader views on the meaning of life.

Thankfully the memories I 'inherited' gave me a strong will and mind, coming to the logical conclusion that the events were not in my control - Otherwise who knows if I would be sane after being dropped in such a world with memories of different people. If such a thing came to pass, most would come to the conclusion that my famously incestuous family blood had a hand in it - they would be wrong.

Huh, Wasn't that a trip - finding out you were going to be born into world thought fiction, though it wasn't too bad considering my 7 memories of great historic figures of my world and fictional characters once only a Imagination in our minds.

With all that going in my mind, finding out I was going to be reborn in a world part of a franchise I love very much wasn't much of a shock as it should've been, 'In fact In my view I would say that I handled it pretty well.'

As the boy was walking in thought, as if he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings - but as if he was supernatural he stepped to the side as a foot obstructed the path he was walking on from a passage he was about to walk past. Avoiding the attempt at tripping him,

"Nice try Daemon, better luck next time. Maybe I'll fall and hit my head next time. " Aegon said dryly.

"Tch, sot off, you're just lucky." A silver haired boy Replied walking into the hallway with a red face, clenching his fist tightly.

A third boy older than the other two walked in behind daemon with a placating but awkward smile, "Now, now little brother, daemon wouldn't want for that to happen - it's all in good jest after all, right Daemon?"

Unwilling to answer, Daemon looked away.

Aegon, the youngest of the three already walking away from the two turned partially, looked back with disinterest for a few seconds, before he replied, "Sure Viserys, if you say it as such.".

Whether he noticed the sarcasm or not, he did not show it - as Viserys laughed he walked faster to catch up, putting his arms around the Aegon he smiled brightly.

"So brother, are you on your way to break fast? Mind if we join you."

Despite Aegon not feeling like having breakfast with his brother Daemon, he felt compelled to accept Viserys request seeing him try to reach out to him and not wishing to tarnish his brother's efforts - Despite knowing no good result would come from agreeing.

"Sure," he replied softly,

"Great," Viserys laughed.

"Hmph," grumbled daemon walking behind them.


"That man is wisest who, like Socrates, realizes that his wisdom is worthless." ~ Plato




Standing on Rhaena's right I hear from the field below me, as I observe the knights and squires train in the yard from the balcony above.

Watching as the knights touch up on their skills was the most interesting to me, observing the similarities and differences between each knight who is martially better and comparing techniques to the techniques in my mind is interesting.

My thoughts are interrupted, by a smug voice, "Looks like you have lost again Sister."

Turning around to witness the game of Cyvasse between Daena and Eleana.

"Curses," Daena grumbled," it is always unpleasant playing against you."

I chuckled, "then why torture yourself, Knowing you won't win?"

Getting up She shrugged, " I like the challenge and it is a good way to pass the time."

Walking up to the rails and standing on my right, she looks down to the field disinterested. Turning to look at me sideways she curiously asks, "Why do you observe them, it's not like there is anything special."

Taking time to formulate my thoughts, I respond, "insight can come from the most insignificant things in life, despite not learning anything extraordinary - I have categorized the general fighting style, behavior and character of a lot of men in this castle. As Well as witness the general behaviors of the ladies who come to watch." Glancing over to another balcony across which have a few noble ladies who stopped while passing by to observe and gossip about what has been happening in court and gushing about the men training, while a few of them - especially the younger ones - were taking glances in our direction.

"Mmmh, which would give us a general idea of the happenings going on in the castle." Chimed Vaela from her seat, nodding along with my remark.

"Arrgh, I get it. The attention is Annoying, I just feel particularly bored about it - especially when I feel like we could be doing more." Sighed Daena.

"While we share your sentiments, what could we do that would amount to much at this age? Getting any results would be an uphill battle with our age - Any progress we make now would be invalidated by what we would be able to do when we are older. Plus with all that has happened mother and father would have unsavory suspicions if we were to be gone with no witnesses for too long of a time throughout the day. " Pointed out Elaena.

"Yes, yes, I get it four against one. " She flicked her hand in dismissal, disinterested from continuing further.

"Rhaena hasn't stated what her stance is yet." I smirked.

"Yeah, but what are the chances of her disagreeing with you?" She quipped.

"Touché," I responded, looking up at the sun, quickly determining the time to be around 13:00. I turned to observe my left as I looked at Rhaena who was observing the field - either not having heard our previous conversation or the complete opposite and she just chose to ignore it.

Getting an idea, I said, "how about we all go get some lunch?". I chuckled seeing her perk up instantly at the word 'lunch', turning around and moving towards the hallway - she grabbed my hand and said swiftly,

"Yes, let's go."

My expression softened, the corner of my lips lifted slightly, "Sure," I replied "let's do that".


"Time is a game played beautifully by children." ~ Heraclitus



Forest close to kingslanding

Vaela Targaryen

*3 year time skip*

Eyes remained closed as her back and head moved, up and down, breathing in sync with the great beast that she was lying on, nasally breathing and low guttural sounds was all she heard, yet she felt relaxed even if meraxes breathed on her face - thinking back to her memories, feeling as if she was smoking the soothing herbs her inheritance used to enjoy in the jade chamber when working or stressed.

Feeling the bond between herself and the dragon, she thought about the memories she was born with.

Remembering the numerous years, beautiful scenery, vast power, skyscrapers, floating buildings, mountains being split, the Tower that fastens the outer layer of the World and islands being erased.

Letting such memories wash over me, reliving them as if I was right there, memories that if were told to anyone in this world would be seen as nothing more than fancy children's tales at best and signs of insanity at worst.

Abruptly two memories that I haven't wanted to think about surfaced, remembering her face and hair the same as my own at that time, I sighed knowing that the likelihood of us meeting again was close to zero and I've made peace with that - having the viewpoints of multiple beings including immortals gave me immense perspective. Not to say the shorter lives of the others were not equally amazing in their own right, God knows the half with a more human lifespan would have achieved mindblowing results with immortality and their talents - it's just that viewing such long lives gives you a unique perspective no short life can achieve.

Being born in this world with such memories that felt like I was there, yet knowing those people were not me - was a very jarring experience. Knowing my purpose from the very beginning, created by a powerful being and bound to a boy through absolute loyalty.

Maybe her feelings on the circumstance have been influenced by the being that created her and her sisters souls, But she cannot help but feel appreciative, she can think of numerous ways things could've been worse short of the worst of not existing at all.

Are my thoughts normal?

Arguably not, but not many would agree considering they do not see it from my perspective.

Knowing that fretting over it would not get me anywhere.

If Aegon were here, all he would say is,

"Worrying about past events that you have no control over will not bring you any benefit or change anything.

Rather than consider the things of old, Learn from it.

The future is ahead, prepare for it.

The present is here, live it."

Thinking about the boy, who is her sole reason for life - she got lost in thought.

If any were there to witness they would've been witness to a beautiful soft smile appear on her face as she quietly rested on top of a majestic white dragon lost in thought about a boy.

History shall document just how close the two were yet none will know just how intrinsically entwined they actually were.


"Blessed are the makers and maintainers of peace: for they shall inherit the earth(they shall be called sons of God)." ~ Jesus Christ



Red keep

Rhaena Targaryen

"Start!" Shouted the Lord Commander.



Watching the training match from the side between Aegon and his older brother as they face off, moving with great speed, their match to the moderately trained eye looked even - if not tilting a bit towards the older brother who relentlessly attacked - though to a seasoned fighter one could tell Aegon actually had the advantage. Weaving and parrying anything his older brother sent him responding with less aggression but every swipe of his sword struck true and slowly chipped away at his defense.

She lets herself be immersed in the familiarity she feels from witnessing the bout and hearing the familiar clanging and noise that come from men training and swords clashing. Her focus returned to the match as she realized it was coming to an end, observing the two clash swords before taking a few steps back and distancing themselves.

Daemon had a look of frustration as he glowered at his brother, Aegon looked back unfazed, sword held at a standard guard stance. Daemon seemingly having had enough charged at Aegon, seemingly wanting to use his age and perceived advantage of strength to break through Aegon's guard directly. Raising his sword with both arms as he reached his brother, Daemon brought down his sword - Aegon brought his sword up in response seemingly as if to meet the clash head on, before he changes the wooden sword's angle as it raised at the last moment. Catching daemon by surprise and causing his sword to be redirected with little effort. As Daemon expected to be met in a clash he lost his footing, Aegon took the opportunity by tripping Daemon and knocking his sword out of his hand, pointing his sword at Daemon's neck as he sat on the floor stunned.

"Yield!" Aegon glared.

Daemon came to his senses as he heard Aegon, glared back and opened his mouth, but before he could say whatever he was going to say, the master-at-arms intervened.

"That's enough!" He Declared, "The match goes to Aegon, now shake hands"

Watching as Aegon walked up to Daemon and held out his hand as a sign of peace and sportsmanship, Daemon's face reddened and he clenched his hands, looking up at his brother from the floor he shoved his hand aside, got up and walked away.

"Well that could've been better." Aegon Said dryly.

"Worry not my Prince," Ser Redwyne smiled, "Your Brother is probably just frustrated losing to his younger brother."

Daena scoffed next to me.

"Mmmh" Aegon replied, not bothering to comment further on the subject.

Maybe realizing his attempt is not going to make any ground, he changed the subject.

"Your progress has been exceptional my prince, one would think you have been born for the sword.

It is amazing how much progress you have made in a couple months, but don't let your success get to your head - you still have a long way to go." Said Ser Redwyne.

nodding his head with a small smile, Aegon replied, "Thank you for the compliment, I shall take your advice to heart."

Smiling again at the short but humble response, "Good, now go on training is over, I am sure the Grand maester is awaiting your arrival."

"Yes, thank you for your guidance" Aegon Said, lowering his head and turning around he walked toward us.

Turning and walking in step with him, I smiled fondly at him and said, "You did well."

He smiled back, something he does rarely to only a few, he said softly, "Thank you."

Before she could form a reply Daena spoke, "mmmm yes you did well, I have been itching to fight, but agh stupid medieval culture and their Biased views on women, are we doing our private training later?"

Chuckling Aegon responded, "While the views on women are problematic, you can't act like average women would be equal to the average man in combat, that isn't to say there are no exceptions. You guys are the anomaly with your gifts. Men and women aren't the same, and they won't be the same. That doesn't mean that they can't be treated fairly. What is needed is equality of opportunity not outcome."

Listening, I agreed with them both, knowing that views on how women are treated in this society are wrong. Changing them would be difficult and extremely time consuming if trying to force it unnaturally or naturally, knowing the experienced firsthand from the memories she inherited, remembering how she had to act like a man to be accepted as a new ruler, I did feel like changes should be made but making such changes would take considerable time, effort, power and patience - but also knowing with the memories of former rulers that forcing unqualified people into positions of power on the basis of 'equity and equality' would be the height of folly.

Having my thoughts paused as Aegon turned to Daena and said fondly, "Rather than complaining about something we don't have the power to change now, let's do things that are in our power - like the training we will all do together."

Daena, feeling a bit flustered, turned and looked the other way. Her cheeks heated up as she said softly, "I will hold you to it."

Aegon's smile widened as he said, "sure."

Feeling a bit left out but enjoying the moment and feeling happy for my sister I observed silently.

Perhaps noticing my feelings, Aegon turned his face in my direction.

"Let's hurry on, I still need to freshen up. The Grand Maester would probably prefer we arrived punctually."

Flustered at maybe my childish emotions being read, I felt happy at the same time for his care.

Curling my lips up into a soft smile I replied, "very well"

Feeling happy and content I thought of what awaits our future,

Feeling content knowing that as long as we are together

We can overcome anything.


"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence."

~ Albert Einstein



Red keep

Aegon Targaryen

Sitting next to Eleana, both of us quietly enjoyed a book as we awaited the arrival of Grand Maester Elysar. Enjoying a book on the history of Westeros, while most would find what I am reading plain since this book is not on the era of heroes. This book is about the historic conflicts and interactions between noble houses.

The saying in my world, 'history always repeats itself' is a great observation and the one who has that knowledge will be given an advantage. Having made learning this world's history a priority given that my meta knowledge might lack in various areas and have blanks. Filling in any blanks gives me more insight into what is happening presently, facts that could be missed or changed because of my presence and what could happen in the future.

Feeling amused at my habit of learning and preparing for any threats, back in my previous world we used to make jokes about a certain hero for his broken plot armor and contingency plans - now I have his habits.

Glancing to the left at Eleana I observed her reading a book on the era of heroes.

Outside of studying it for contingency reasons, it is a very interesting period - I do admit.

Perhaps feeling my gaze she looked up and locked eye contact with me, her eyes twinkled as she brought her lips up into a teasing smile she said, "enjoying the view darling? Perhaps have you finally fallen head over heels for me?"

Feeling amused at her teasing, I bite back, "over you? Come back when you look more like an adult."

Feigning shock over the insult she responded, "You take that back, I'll have you know that by next year my assets will be very noticeable - thank you very much." Her face turned mischievous as she continued, "If you don't take your chance now you might never get it again - what are the odds of my heart being stolen by a dashing young Knight?"

"Not gonna happen", I deadpanned at her, she burst out laughing at my face - as I smiled fondly seeing her joy at our banter.

"Yes unfortunately, it brings me great sorrow for all the knights in the realm shall have their hearts broken - for my heart belongs to you." She sighed dramatically.

"Oh yes, the horror." I said dryly.

She cutely giggled to herself before a comfortable silence descended as she shifted a little closer.

A few minutes passed before, the double doors to the library were opened, coming through the were all of Eleana's sisters - arriving a few minutes before the Grand Maester is set to arrive.

Vaela seemingly amused at finding us here early alone covered her mouth and teased, "Oh my? It seems we have interrupted, my deepest apologies."

Eleana smirked back, "No worries Vae, Aegon and I were just reading - we had our moment before you came."

"Oh is that so? Thank you for easing my worries."

Knowing that responding would just continue the cycle Eleana decided to remain silent and turn to read her book.

Seeing she wasn't going to get a rebuttal from her sister, Vaena elegantly moved to sit down next to me.

Daene wasn't too pleased - so she voiced her dissatisfaction, "Sister, I was going to sit there. Would you be so kind as to move from there?"

Turning her head the other direction in dismissal, "unfortunately, I think you have heard of the saying 'first come first serve' Right?"

Daena frowned slightly before moving to a nearby seat, "very well." She grumbled softly, Swiftly delving into playful banter with all her siblings.

For 10 minutes I observed the by-play with amusement, until footsteps were heard in the distance.

"Seems like your fun is over, it's time now to actually be studious, huh Daena?" Said Rhaena as she teased her sister.

Feeling indignant she replied, "Huh? What are you trying to imply? I'm not an idiot, reeling with boredom when you already know what is taught or better is normal. You're the abnormal one."

The two further debated between each other seemingly ignoring the approaching footsteps as an acolyte entered.

"Greeting your highnesses," he said jovially

Raising an eyebrow because despite his joyful appearance, I could tell he was hiding several emotions.

To my knowledge I have never interacted with this man much, yet the emotions he displays are yet more evidence for my suspicions.

For the emotions I saw were distrust, envy,





"People fear what they do not understand and hate what they cannot conquer."

~ Andrew Smith


AC/ was it good? This is my first book,

I still haven't decided how often I'll post chapters but we shall see.

Currently I would write around 500-1000 words a day, depending on how inspired I am.

Give me some advice. Would you like longer chapters? Those would take time or would you like shorter chapters around 1500-3000 words but updates would be more frequent?

(Leave your opinion here)
