
Odyssey In The Shadow Realm

Amidst a world plagued by the terror of Goblins, portals into the Shadow Realms emerged, providing a means for humans to fight back and reduce their numbers. Despite being born during this tumultuous era without any inherent talents, Kaito Akira journeys through the shadow realm with unwavering determination and an unshakable will to gain recognition and power. With each step he takes, he rises closer to achieving heaven-defying physical prowess and abilities that will set him apart from the rest. No longer will he be a low-life met with nothing but hate and disappointment from others. But will that truly be his fate? Release Schedule: 3 per week (I'm human, so things can happen. Don't trust the schedule fully). If you like it support the book but if not recommend the book to someone else who would like it (as much as I wanted to say leave the book if you don't like it, I can't because I need support). My discord - thephoenixgod100 Discord server - https://discord.gg/R7U7bw4AFf

ThePhoenixGod · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Falling Stars

He could hear the slashes deep in the void, and a strange ringing resonated in his head.

His eyes felt heavy as he slowly twitched them. He was in a semi conscious state, filled with anguish and pains.

Hos body aches with each breath he took, but with his remaining strength, he tilted his body upright, with his back perpendicular to the floor.

His eyes, still closed, observed the sky trying to ascertain his current location.

"It's still very dark, which means I'm still in this endless void," he thought.

He tilted again to his left, and attempted opening his eyes. Immediately, he was struck with a thought.

"No. If the creature sees my open eyes, he will subject me to death itself,"

He flinched, and turned away from the creature. Although the use of his eyes of confidence had been disfigured, he could still sense the presence of the creature.

The winds once again cast its cold intensity on his skin. He could feel the void expanding, and worse, an external power was being imposed on him.

He felt compressed, as though gravity had increased. He pushed his body upwards, and slightly raised his eyelids.

From afar, he viewed the morphed creature, equipped with swords, and clothed in dark reflective robes and jewellery.

"Where'd that crappy looking creature get those riches from?" He asked rhetorically,  ejecting his torso even further.

After countless trials of escape, and slight groans of pain from the force laid upon him, he was immediately noticed by the weird creature.

It turned its head to Akira's direction, its long tail wiggling. It struck the two swords he held in each hand against each other and chased after Akira.

With a stirn gaze, the creature approached Akira with great speed, extending its arms at its back.

Immediately Akira made sense of its actions and understood its intentions, he rapidly thrusted himself away from the creature regardless of the pressure imposed on him.

As he ran furiously, he could feel the unsteady tug between two forces. They clashed against each other, and in the process, interrupting Akira's steady gait.

Akira pondered upon the origin of the forces, as he earlier thought the morphed creature was a subset of the red eyes that hovered above the void.


The wind passed swiftly, carrying away Akira's robe. The area felt more eerie and the strange ominousness increased.

The whistling winds invaded his ears, obstruction the flow of sound. He grunted with his tiring legs collapsing. He rotated his head to sight the hunched creature even closer to him, with immense speed.

"There's no use!!!"

He suddenly stopped, particles of dust slowly trailing away from his feet. He stared at the creature with red, bloody eyes filled with despair.

"What do you want from me!!"

He screamed louder and louder, with a greater frequency. Even with the high-pitched scream, the relentless creature continued its chase.

He heard the sound of a sword slicing through the air, accompanied with irritating groans and screechings from the creature.

Luckily, the attack of the creature was an inch away from Akira's position. He quickly withdrew, and surprisingly, the light emanated from his eyes, and his sight was fully restored.

Now few feet away from the creature, he stared back down upon the reflective floor. The blue rays of light once again enveloped him, and he felt his confidence growing endlessly.

The ground reflected the lights from Akira, and stretched out to the creature. He looked back at the creature and snapped his fingers.

"You'll die!!" He screamed running up to the creature.

With all the strength he could muster, he approached the creature fearlessly. Because, that was the only way he could defeat it.

Two seconds into his run towards the creature, he sighted a metallic disc approaching him.


"No, two."

He looked closer, and saw a multitude of sharp discs rotating towards his direction. With all that, he wasn't fazed - not in the slightest bit.

He was confident in his strength, and agility, so he placed his survival solely in them. Swiftly, he dodged all the discs, to be slightly blistered by few.

With few bleeding body parts, he ran with unimaginable speed. The creature kept its position, staring blankly at Akira.

He looked at the red eyes, and to his surprise, they were shut. Immediately, he saw the creature enclosed in a transparent box, frozen in time. Seeing that, he withdrew in surprise.

His demeanor suddenly changed, but he quickly returned to his initial intent. With a flash, he appeared at the face of the creature. He made little observations, circling it, and stroking his chin.

He then clenched his fists, tightening it to the extent, that his skin turned red to the color of blood, and then yellow. He took his arms backwards, and immediately struck the creature.

"It landed! I didn't expect that."

Somehow, his attack had bypassed the box that the creature was enclosed in, and made contact with it. The red eyes opened, and stared down upon Akira.

A strange noise arose, and the ground began quaking. The stars fell from the sky and impacted the ground. He quickly ran away saving himself from the falling stars.

The winds moved ferociously, cutting anything in its path. The stars kept raining down, and the creature was still enclosed in the cuboid. The stars - like spherical rocks - rained down, and sealed the creature from every corner.

Akira halted, and turned back to the direction of the creature. His thoughts had changed, and the event no longer presented itself as a coincidence.

Soon, the eyes arose. Behind pillars of stone, a scaly entity emerged. Around the stone pillars, was a small entangled item that was sealed off in a cave.

He squinted at the item, attempting to grasp it fully, but was interrupted by the large scaly entity that continuously stretched out endlessly.

It's width was a combination of the two stone pillars that stood in front of it, and both pillars combined summed up to a width of an entire city.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. I really need your support to help my novel grow!

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