

As the sun set on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the old house, Eric stood at the doorstep of his grandparents' home—a place he hadn't visited in years. After the passing of his beloved grandfather when he was just a young boy, Eric had distanced himself from the cherished memories that the house held. It was only now, after the recent passing of his grandmother, that he felt drawn to return one last time before embarking on a new chapter of his life in a far-off country.

With a mix of nostalgia and sadness, Eric wandered through the house, his footsteps echoing in the empty rooms. Memories of his grandfather telling him stories in the cozy space by the coffee table flooded his mind. There, Eric's grandpa would often take a moment to catch his breath and write down tales in a weathered book—a book that held the essence of their cherished bond.

As he stood beside the coffee table, he noticed an old box tucked away. Curiosity getting the best of him, Eric lifted the lid and found a treasure trove of his grandpa's books, each filled with fantastical adventures and heartfelt wisdom. His eyes fell upon his favorite book, and a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

As he opened the book, a paper fell from its pages—an aged, hand-drawn map with familiar riddles and markings. It was a map for the usual treasure hunt game he and his grandpa played during his visits. The memories came rushing back—the excitement of exploring, the joy of solving riddles together, and the bond they had shared.

For the sake of preserving their memories, Eric decided to play the game one last time. Following the clues on the map, he embarked on the task at hand that led him around the house and outside the property, while reminiscing the memories he had when he was a kid. With every step, he felt a connection to his grandpa, as if he were guiding him from beyond.

As the final clue on the map led him to a small storage house in the garden, Eric's heart quickened with anticipation. He swung the door open, expecting to find a hidden treasure or a sentimental memento. But instead, he was pulled into an unknown force, stumbling and face planting on unfamiliar ground.

As he picked himself up, confusion washed over him. The world around him was different—brighter, livelier, and filled with vibrant colors. But what surprised him the most was his own reflection in a nearby puddle—he looked younger, resembling the boy he once was when he visited his grandparents.

'Did I just lost consciousness and now I'm seeing this?' That though passed in his head until a small hand appeared in his vision and a soft juvenile voice interrupted him from his bewilderment,

"Hey what are you kneeling there for? Did you knock your head hard on the ground or somethin'?"

Before him stood a girl with a face that looks oddly similar as his and that brought back his confusion as he tried to revel in this situation. He unconsciously pinched his arm and felt the pain that made him feel even more troubled. He look at his small hands and

"Is this possible?", He uttered loudly enough for the girl to hear and raised a brow

The girl

claiming to be his parents, and a sister he never had in his own world. Eric realized that he had somehow been transported to a parallel universe—a world that held both familiar echoes and unexpected twists.

Feeling lost and without a way to return, Eric had no choice but to embrace this new reality. As he navigated this uncharted world, he discovered a guild of adventurers, a realm brimming with magic, and comrades who welcomed him as one of their own. He found battles to be fought, legacies to be made, and friendships to be forged.

In this world, Eric rediscovered the joy of childlike wonder, and with each new adventure, he felt his heart grow lighter. He knew that in the midst of the unknown, his grandpa's spirit lived on, guiding him to find new stories and create a legacy of his own.

As he embraced the life that unfolded before him, Eric couldn't help but feel grateful for the hidden treasure he had found—an adventure he never thought he'd embark on, in a world he never knew existed. And with each passing day, he discovered that the greatest treasure was not just the memories of his past but the adventures that awaited him in the unknown.