
Obtaining 10x rewards! Reincarnated into a novel as a side-character!

After being hit by a car, Oliver wakes up only to find himself reincarnated as the 4th young master in one of the most powerful clans in the world. However, just after his birth, he is declared to be useless by his mother. Devastated, he later realizes that he has been born into the world of a novel that he used to read. This world is plagued by war between exorcists and demons, where only the strong survive while the weak are devoured. In such a cruel world where death is only a mile away, he, born without talent, is expected to only suffer his whole life until he hears it... [Ding! Conditions met. Binding System has been activated.] A system that guarantees a 10x reward... [Ding! Target has awakened one of the 4 special eyes!] [Obtaining 10 times the reward....] [Host has awakened the...] It is not only a matter of time before he can reach the top of the world and live comfortably! _____________________________ Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/winterdragon573 Discord server: https://discord.gg/YXHmERu2mH

WinterDragon_1 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
218 Chs

What did Bella do?

Chapter 106

"Move your hand."

Nadia's eyes blazed with an intensity that made those around her step back, sensing the storm brewing within her.

Even Evelyn felt intimidated by the air.

Nadia said again as she forcefully tore Bella's hand that was still gripping Oliver's.

She could not express this moment, but when she saw earlier Oliver getting defeated even after hiding that dark power and strength to defeat a minor-level demon, her mood had soured and was a little disdainful as well.

She could not believe that he still got defeated by that girl.

However, when she saw her moving up to him even after defeating him and roughing him up, her blood started to boil.

She could not control the sudden urge in her mind to kill Bella at that moment. It was an overbearing urge that almost made her lose her temper.

Before she knew it, she was there, stopping her hand.

She didn't know why…
