
The demons! Secrets of past...

Chapter 62

"All the children are now here. I will now proceed to brief you all about the event. First of all, the event will be happening in a forest this year, a forest owned by the clan."

"After that, we will be assigning you with a sealing talisman specially made by our best experts; use that carefully to capture the demon… once used, it would not be usable again. If you feel that you have defeated a strong demon, then use it. If you feel that you can do better then kill the demon and move forward."

"The test duration would be 1 day. As soon as the time limit is over, you will be directly brought out of the forest no matter what. Onto the next matter, competition is good but threatening the life of others intentionally will lead to harsh punishments and disqualifications. Of course, if you try to kill another candidate, prepare for the worst."