
Obsidian Firebird: Soliel Book 2

After Phoenix disappears, Onyx is tasked with finding her and bringing her back to the Ironshade gang so that she can be killed. However, that isn’t why Onyx is searching for her: he wants something else. Meanwhile, Phoenix begins killing off Ironshade members, starting with Xinth, the archer who would have killed her if another hadn’t stepped in. But her plans change when Advandth comes to her for help of her own: save Anthrax, Onyx’s father. Phoenix soon learns why Onyx did what he did, and Onyx soon learns just how deeply he hurt the only one who gave his life any kind of fun. And both are brought together by Anthrax’s rescue. Will Phoenix do as she promised and kill Onyx on sight, or will she give him another chance? Will Onyx put aside his overwhelming rage and give Phoenix the chance she deserves, knowing his leader set him up?

Patricia_Levy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

*Intertwining Plots*

Phoenix was garbed in a dark cloak, her hair and face hidden beneath the hood. She spread charcoal over ever unveiled inch of skin and made sure to carry at least ten knives.

It was three days after Advandth had come to her, and she wanted to see the man for herself, to know if he was truly alive and being beaten before she believed the woman. She wanted to get a glimpse of the face that begged her to run while Tariel Ingerina murdered her family and stole their jewels. She needed proof.

So she ordered Advandth to go on her weekly errand as usual. She said to act as she usually would, but that Phoenix would be nearby. Advandth didn't protest, however looked nervous.

Now, as Phoenix watched, the other woman was spitting curses at the guards to move out of her way, while they eyed her up and down with hungry smiles. Phoenix was surprised Advandth didn't knock them on their asses for their arrogance. The woman was strong and lethal, but she did nothing when it came to men who wanted to hurt her in the most violent of ways. It made her want to slice their throats open and watch them bleed out while they begged for mercy.

Advandth finally got through the men and unlocked a steel door that seemed to lead into an abandoned building. Phoenix gave a small smile. Neclord was as stupid as he was fat.

As silent as the breeze, Phoenix slipped around the building and climbed up the wall to the roof. She noticed one skylight, and peered down. There wasn't much, but she did see Advandth holding the head of a man who seemed skinnier than her, nearly unrecognizable. But it were the eyes that Phoenix caught sight of that made her breath catch and her heart race. They were the same as Onyx's: a dark brown, they were nearly black.

Glancing around, she saw screws holding the glass in place and used a knife to start loosening them. It took long minutes because they were old and rusted, but she finally managed to remove the glass and sit upon the edge.

"Advandth, move so neither of you get trampled."

A gasp, then Advandth did as she was told, moving the man slowly as to not cause more pain. But Phoenix saw the pain in his eyes, heard it in the sharp gasp he made.

She jumped down int the darkness and stayed on her hands and knees, waiting for any signs that the guards were suspicious. Nothing, so she stood and turned to a candle light barely illuminating a corner of the room where Advandth had slid the man. The man who's eyes had locked onto her the moment she jumped into the room.

"You," he croaked.

She didn't smile, didn't wave or introduce herself. She just said, "After you're free and healed, we're even, Anthrax. What I do with the Ironshades is for myself."

Anthrax blinked, but nodded. "You're alive."

Phoenix shrugged. "By some unknown force, yes. Advandth, make a list of every injury he has and find me tomorrow to give it to me. We can't take him tonight, but I will certainly make sure he is out by the end of the week."

To this, Anthrax became alert. "No! Girl, it's too dangerous! He will-"

"Neclord will do nothing," she hissed. "That fat ass doesn't have the courageous guts to face me in battle!" She met his eyes again. "And if you think this is dangerous, you have no idea what danger means."

Onyx was waiting with Devdan and Ecthrois in the coffee shop for Advandth. They were supposed to go track down another victim of Neclord's, but she hadn't shown up. He had planned on starting as soon as the sun disappeared, but that was three hours ago. And the shop was going to close soon.

Where was she?

She knew when to meet up and where, so it's not like she could have gotten lost, but he was getting pissed off.

"Maybe she had something to do for the Boss?" Devdan suggested.

Ecthrois snorted. "He knows she comes with us on every mission."

"That doesn't stop him from using her."

"Shut up!" Onyx growled.

The other two shut up.

Fifteen minutes later, the woman arrived looking disheveled and exhausted. "I'm sorry, Onyx! I got held up with something else."

Onyx glowered, but stood and began to lead all three of them away. They were going to find a merchant who apparently robbed Neclord. Onyx didn't care. He didn't have the energy to try.

A man stepped out in their path and put his hands on his hips. Onyx stiffened, recognizing him as the one who taken Phoenix from the Ironshades. Something about him didn't feel right to Onyx. He didn't know why, but the man just felt…dark.

"Going on a hunt?"

Onyx bared his teeth. "Not one you're interested in, I'm sure. You only care about women who are locked in a cage."

The man smiled. "Not in particular, my friend."

"We're not friends."

The man shrugged and let his arms fall to his sides loosely. "Semantics. However, I am interested in you, Onyx."


"You have skills I need to find someone and keep them within range until their use comes around."

Ecthrois snorted for the second time that night. "Hardly."

Onyx fisted his hands but said evenly, "Who?"

"The name is Gavida. She lives in Ethereal."

Elliot was frustrated and confused. He was following Aurora through town because she had found someone who knew where her sister might be. He was doubtful, but had promised to come with and watch her back.

It was slightly chilly and dark without moonlight. For Elliot, he had never felt so at ease with the dark until Phoenix found him. She was his protector, his light from all the shadows and evil within the world. But she was also someone he cared for. He cared so much, that she had hurt him the last they spoke and she rejected his claims.

He was just disappointed she couldn't see what he saw. She couldn't see just how special she is. She was blinded to it by the rage coursing through her blood, the need for bloodshed. The need for revenge he still didn't understand because she wouldn't tell him. Neither would Aurora. He had a feeling Onyx knows something too, but Elliot wouldn't pry anything from that man.

Aurora stopped and looked around. Elliot did the same, not seeing much except for houses lining the street to both sides. He sighed, but before he could say anything, a light flashed in an alley.

"Come on," Aurora whispered.

"Who is this again?"

"I don't know."

Elliot grabbed Aurora's hand and stopped her, spinning her around to face him. "You don't know? And you're meeting them in a dark alley with no one around?"

Aurora scowled. "Elliot, I am going to find my sister no matter what."

"By endangering your own life?" Elliot shook his head. "No. It's bad enough she's gone missing without a word to me. Bad enough everything has gone downhill since Onyx stepped into the picture. I am not letting you get hurt by meeting some creep who just happens to tell you what you want to hear!"

She stared at him in astonishment. Then, her face smoothed out and she smiled. "Then go check out who it is for me."

Elliot's mouth flapped open and shut, unsure how to respond to such a command.

Aurora tilted her head. "You're so worried? Be the big knight in shining armor who saves my life." Her smile turned amused. "That is, if there's anything to save me from."

Elliot let her go and stepped back, feeling trapped. But he began to walk ahead, feeling around for a weapon he knew he didn't have. When he glanced back, Aurora was waiting in the same spot.

Elliot turned into the alley and looked around. He saw not one, but five figures waiting at the end, big and bulky. When one flashed a light, he saw they also looked cruel. "You're not the girl!"

"What do you want with her?" Elliot asked, but it wasn't strong like he hoped.

All five grinned. "She's made a trade. We give her information if she does a favor for us."

Elliot swallowed the lump in his throat and closed his eyes, trying to imagine what Phoenix would do. "What kind of favor?"

"The kind only women that pretty can give!" the leader sneered.

Elliot turned and ran. "Run!" he shouted to Aurora. "Run! They're going to-"

There was a scream that traveled across the archipelago in every direction. A woman who was crossing the bridge heard and thought some poor lady got herself mixed with wrong company. A group of five heard and one immediately hurried towards the sound while the others wondered who it was. A dog heard, and flicked its ears, recognizing it. But it slumped as it wasn't the one he wanted. However, after a moment, he, too, ran in the general direction.