
Obsessive Tycoon and His Swan Girl

The eminent Jincheng Jiang Family adopted two sisters, the younger sister Jiang Fanyue was sensible and gracious, talented and beautiful, while the elder sister Jiang Zhe was ignorant, unaccomplished in anything. When their destitute biological family came knocking, the Jiang Family couldn't wait to pack Jiang Zhe off and keep Jiang Fanyue; the family wealth, reputation, the status of being the heiress, the fiancé—all henceforth had nothing to do with Jiang Zhe. . Jiang Zhe stepped into her own family's home, her eyes full of skepticism. Could the precious Tang Dynasty painting on the wall be authentic? Were the bowls used for serving vegetables and soup made from the unique material of gilded cloisonné? What happened to the so-called impoverished family? What, there's also a top-tier fiancé from a leading Beijing family? Can she call off the engagement? . The magnate cornered her against the wall, pulling her into his embrace, "What do you think, Madam?" "I'm so poor in studies I fail everything, I don't deserve to join an affluent family." The magnate pulled out her perfect-score college entrance exam paper. "I'm good for nothing, incapable of everything." The magnate lifted the veil off her identities as a Divine Doctor, designer, hacker, composer... and so on. He tenderly quipped, "I'll work hard, to prove myself worthy of you, Madam." 【Since my childhood, I have been without desires or demands, but the moment I laid eyes on you, for that brief second, I prayed to the gods and Buddhas—I yearned for you—Qin Jingchen.】

Sweet Sago · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
97 Chs

Chapter 28: Unfounded Rumours

Translator: 549690339

Gu Jiashun's complexion turned a shade paler.

"Jiang Zhe, you..."

"Can it be fixed?"

Gu Jiashun knew it obviously couldn't be fixed and shook his head subconsciously.

"It can't be fixed, so what's the use of apologizing?"

Gu Jiashun's mouth opened and then he bit his teeth together.

A cold indifference and a hint of red glistened in the corner of Jiang Zhe's eyes, seductive and provocative, yet utterly ruthless.

"The water's here." Xiao Meng came over with three bottles of water, handing one to Gu Jiashun and one to Jiang Zhe.

Taking a bottle, Jiang Zhe said, "Gu Jiashun, you can't make decisions for Xiao Meng."

"Is that so?" A mocking smile curled at Jiang Zhe's lips.

Xiao Meng nodded, "Jiang Zhe can completely represent me in making decisions."

A succession of paleness and flushes swept across Gu Jiashun's face.

Jiang Zhe left with Xiao Meng.

Watching Jiang Zhe's fading figure, Gu Jiashun couldn't quite articulate the mix of feelings inside him.