
Obsession: i love you

Start: 08/07/2021 End: (?) ___ Everyone has an obsession. His own mother's main obsession was money. No, in fact, money brings. It's the social environment. He could not exist without his money. It was nothing. Talk as much as your money. Her self-confidence could only be measured by the large stones on her finger and the shiny pearls on her necklace. His father wasn't even himself. It was just an undesirable blemish from an undesirable accident, from coercion. The more her mother looked, the more she thought of that disgusting night and cursed her. He was obviously homeless. Or so it should be. But that person... had unknowingly become his obsession. This obsessive heart is the kind that a thousand bugs tread and itch. Blended with regret, she was so numb to him that she looked at him with bright eyes as she smoldered... And himself. He has no obsession. Or so he thought... To call it obsession is a little childish. It would be more appropriate to call it regret, desires, and the thousands of complex underlying emotions. ____ Master x apprentice relationship in the world of magic. Warning: Although the main character is a girl, she is disguised as a boy. Since the element of love begins without knowing the gender of the male character, this fiction also falls into the category of 'gender bender'.

_Kazuki_Kirigaya_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs


author: This fiction really starts from here. You didn't read the previous chapters for nothing, of course, there was a connection, but this was like a preview. As advertised. Now the general plan of the fiction has settled down a bit. At least enough to open it. Let's see. Fiction that will take shape over time. It's a bit like being a sculptor. I don't even know what that rock will wait for before the work is finished. All in all, Mr(s) Boss wasn't such a bad series either. I loved it wholeheartedly and I think I did a good job. I hope I can show a similar or even better performance here.

Good reading.