
thoughts on weddings?

it's your day off. you love those and while you are enjoying your day off, you're standing over the fish tank, feeding your piranhas, some fish you and thought from the freezer. keeping these guys alive is a troubling task for you. you can't just feed them any old fish products because of high blood pressure unless you have to make sure that it's frozen fish or fish that isn't processed or has any form of salt treatment on it. thus, you either go to the fish market or the supermarket and buy frozen fish after checking the label to make sure that the fish is not had added salt. you love your little guys there has to take care of but it's also a joy in a way when you got them. you got seven in total and you need them all. Dave why because you find it funny whenever it's morning afternoon or you leaving you just say bye Dave seven times but recently You've been saying it eight times which is strange cuz you only have seven. so while beating the Dave's you decide to do a head count. and as you suspected there was another day come from. it wasn't small enough to be a baby. maybe you picked up another one while you were drunk but you don't have any transactions on your account. that would say that you bought one and you don't like to carry cash so when you're checked you only saw that same dollar that's been in your wallet since the beginning of time. mental note, you need to buy a new wallet anyways while you're contemplating the existence of another Dave. you ask yourself the obvious burning question. what are you going to do about Mackenzie? it's not that long until the end of the year and she wants you to move in with her or at least she plans to ask you again at the end of the year. you didn't want to move in with her the first time because obviously you're in love with her and you don't want to move in with her and then she find out that you're a creep/ weirdo and if that isn't problem enough, you need to do something about Tiffany's wedding. your phone has been going off every other day now with her bragging about her wedding and making sure to tag you because you still haven't RSVP'd. not to mention the others keep bothering you about. are you going to go or not? of course, if you couldn't help it, you wouldn't go to her wedding no matter what. your motto is always the same thing. Tiffany sucks why you complain about not wanting to go to Tiffany's wedding. you find yourself subconsciously looking on your usual internet shopping apps on your phone to find a perfect wedding gift. realizing what you're doing, you start to grow. concerned that you're taking this too seriously so you throw your phone across the room. is her fed you move over to the note you received this morning? as you're aware, there's a couple that live in the apartment complex. the rules of the building are as simple. everyone gets a space. you only get one space which means if you're a couple or you're dating someone who's in the building, you still have to use the guest space if it's an extra car. even if it's just one person, you only get a single space because those are the rules. there's only enough space for everyone to have one space. the rest of the parking spots are for guests, visitors and the delivery crew get their own specific spot. but since you don't drive in the couple who lives in the building as well has a whole family including children. they don't like that. they can't park both of their spots next to each other and your spot just so happens to be next to their spot. since you didn't drive, they persuaded you into giving it up. you of course agreed to that under the table without the landlord knowing. but now that you have a vehicle, the vehicle is always there in that spot. they of course feeling upset on the matter protest you using your spot to hold your car because that feels unfair in their opinion considering you gave the spot to them to begin with. you honestly do feel bad about the situation considering you did in fact agree to let them use a spot and you have no use for a card to begin with yet getting rid of the car seems to be a hassle in itself considering there is no address for the lot on the paper work for the car's purchase and you also did get it registered. which cost you a good penny? basically, even if you don't use the car, you've already sunken in too much money into the car. the other day you got insurance for it. when you first purchased the vehicle you had to pay for the registration as well as the license plate that arrived last week and does your contemplating the pain of having a car your door gets to knock on it. you go to the door and see the most familiar and a familiar faces. your brother who is supposedly bigger, but you're about the same. hide in the same height range. also dear old mom is here who is limit because you've been dodging your calls since 2 weeks ago. you'd rather not give the old explanation of how you purchase a card and haven't been in the hospital for weeks and just didn't feel like answering your calls. knowing that you can't get out of this, you let them in your brother taking a spot on the couch after raiding your fridge for beers and a mother who decides to complain about the fact that you still haven't cleaned up your apartment with clothes all over the place after everyone settled down and sat somewhere you at your kitchen table, looking over the paperwork for this card to figure out what you are to do about it. your mother also sitting at the kitchen table mostly to lecture you about your poor life choices and your brother who seems to only have come here so that he could get drunk on your couch without having to worry about being bothered by his own children for a minute there they just went about their usual rules rating your place, but then they decided it was about time to interrogate you about the obvious your new car, dear old mom starts off with the why did you decide to get a car now of all times and your brother bugging you about borrowing the vehicles so that he can usher his kids around. we considering he doesn't own a suv you of course try to stop the endless questioning by explaining to it. then that buying the car was not your initial plan. in fact, you don't even know how the car came into your possession to begin with it just sort of happened for which your mom gives you a very long lecture about paying attention to your surroundings and how it's important to control your spending habits and save your money as fruit fully as possible and big bro and says on bringing up methods of using the car that involve him borrowing it for his own benefit. you of course shrug off their statements seeing as one has ulterior motives and the other is just to punch down at you because it's convenient. your mom then decides to show you some pictures of one of her married friends photos of her children who are doing well for themselves. this is either her attempt at getting you married to someone that you'll eventually hate or just method at making you feel worthless for not being that far along in your life. all in all, not that great. now that the thought of potential partners is cost your mind. you have landed back on thoughts of Mackenzie and moving in with her. of course, the idea of living with our sounds great. but you know at the end of the day you can't help yourself. it'll probably do something that is bound to rub her the wrong way and make her dislike you, which is something you would hate the most. well, thinking about it. your mom brings up something that you didn't expect to come out of our mouth. her exact words were when are you going to RSVP for Tiffany's wedding. how the heck does she know about it? just the initial thought in your process. your mom knows of Tiffany, but she's well aware of the fact that you hate her and as that thought crosses your mind, you then realize of course you would bring it up because it's something you hate and she loves bringing you up things you hate. you roll your eyes and continue to pretend reading your car's paperwork while she goes on and on. about how going to the wedding would be a good thing for you and it might help you find someone to be in your sad, lonely life. yes, she definitely said sad and lonely knife. that is not something that you thought. she said she was very clear and saying it because she said it twice. she then starts to show a bunch of online tabs for outfits you could wear to the wedding. each of them were nice but she still going under the assumption that you are trying to participate in that horrible event. even though not too long ago you were looking at essential wedding gifts, but obviously you were doing that to make sure you had something in the scenario that you do get forced into going. honestly thinking you haven't spoken to Tiffany in a while, it's been about 2 years since she tried to pimp you out to that rich guy in India if had not made a run for it as soon as you caught when you would have been screwed, but ever since then you haven't really spoken much. while it's true, Tiffany did show remorse for that action realizing that it was probably a bit much, but you never said anything to you. instead, she gave you an apology gift with your favorite album and a gallon of apple juice which she assumes you like because you drank it one time in front of her lucky guess. with all of the things she did during college after you two stopped talking as much whenever the group hung out, the two of you would never be alone together. Mackenzie figured you two were fighting and did her best to keep you away from her because Tiffany was always the forceful type. who would get you into bad situations? what you did here rumors about some of Tiffany's activities and even afterwards you've heard some interesting things. she did sort of mellow out a bit. from what you heard she wasn't as aggressive. didn't treat people as much as doormats as she used to. perhaps a second chance isn't an unfair and unreasonable choice to make for her. you are now scared because somehow your line of thought has gone from scorning Tiffany to considering going to our wedding. your blood runs cold and you start to suspect your mom is trying to brainwash you while you're not paying attention as you snap out of your line of thought, you noticed that your mom has picked up your phone and is texting Mackenzie. you glance over to see what she's texting and to your surprise, she's sending her a message saying that you were in fact going and that you want her to RSVP Tiffany on your behalf before you could snatch the phone away. she hit send you scream at the top of your lungs at your mom manipulating you yet again.