
petty for love

When your friend is getting married, some of the most typical responses is your resentfulness for how happy she is as you sit there watching her trial and dresses and making a full scene about how things are going so well. The only natural thing that forms within the back of your mind is how much you really want. This relationship with her is to fail which you wouldn't say out loud because you actually like her and you don't want to make me feel bad because You're single. At least that's what you're currently thought is saying Tiffany is trying on dresses and you not knowing anything about wedding dresses aren't quite sure. What you're looking at is correct or not throughout history. It's fairly common that wedding dresses are white yet while hers would technically be considered predominantly white. There is blue trimming all over the place well maybe that's turquoise you have a hard time. Remember the difference is between the two she seemed rather focused at the time, not on you but on which she wants to wear for her veil. Does she want to do off tiara or does she want to do a hair band with the veil dangling both in and out when she suddenly turns to get your opinion on what she's currently wearing you? Of course give her the TV show response of, but how do you feel about it concluding? That means that you approve. She starts acting even more excited thinking that the two of you are on the same page. Well, you complain to yourself about how you would rather be watching that TV show about Vikings right now and then you find your hand moving towards your phone and trying to search online about purchasing a Viking act so that you can mount it on your apartment wall when you spot a message from gym bro, it seems that he's checking up on you and your progress. He truly is a bro when it comes to being healthy but of course reflecting on how things have gone. So far you have worked out 3 days in a row but in the same consecutive three days. You've also had five sodium high fat and not enough protein which all you report to him well responding to his message you notice that in the main portion of the chat someone else had submitted a very problematic question he just randomly pops into the main chat and says just got back from a club. Checked my coat pocket and there's a bag of drugs. What should I do for which everyone responds with the same answer go to the cops? Nobody would say anything other than that because you never know who's watching well respond and you decide to go through your other messages considering it's been a minute since you've been on your phone for a long period of time. Nothing out of the ordinary so far except for something else. That was a bit of a surprise to you. A text message from future friend. It would appear that they finally got back to you about wanting to see that movie well they couldn't do it today. They were looking forward to doing it later on in the month if that was fine with you. You of course give them the response of your currently out of town at this time. So if you make it back before the month is done, you'll consider going. This was the highlight of your week considering everything else that's unfolded so far returning back to the wedding dress situation. It would appear that Tiffany has started to look like the queen of England. For some reason you choose not to say anything. Hoping that this will make her happy in the long run. It hits you since you're at a tailor anyways, you might be able to get them to adjust the dress so that it fits you better. Of course, in order to do that, you'll need to check your expenses cuz Taylor and address is not cheap. Looking at your accounts you 've really taken a hit and the funds in this account were all the things you said aside during college and so on. From all the kids you did, you were getting a lot of tips. You of course check that up to you being a good bartender, but the fact that you made so much you decided to set up a good portion of a side in case you needed it for something later on emergencies and such. Not of course as time went on it's got to be rather large. Not large enough to build a self. A small fortune but larger enough for a yay and with no recent purchase of a car, the apology beer for using your brother's work clothes to do things that are probably considered illegal and covering rent this week because of the shortage of cash due to being suspended. You cash is really hitting the bottom of the bucket right now. You start to think that maybe you should take up more gigs like you used to do. You and Mackenzie would often go on trips around the country to different hotels and bars that were hiring and earned enough cash to boost up your wallets in your opinion, but it looks like tailoring the dress would be far too much, especially after you just paid for that wedding gift, which Mackenzie is currently on her way back to your apartment to pick up why you were distracted? You didn't notice that the Taylor was talking to you something about bridesmaid and get a proper fitting. He won't really trying to pay attention to say just agreed to it and continued messing with your phone while you were doing such a lady was doing something around you that you weren't really that keen on watching after a few more hours you finally find the ax you were looking to buy but it was rather expensive so you'd have to put up pin in that one for a while. Another time you were done whatever the lady was doing and already been taken care of. So the two of you head out to your next destination while traveling there. Tiffany does decide to stop and show you something that you really don't care about, but since you are riding with her you go along with it. It's a small building with a bunch of plants growing around the side of it. You wonder if there's a type of person that can get rid of those and if you decide to start your own small business, you might want to look up one of those guys to get the plants removed considering you believe they're bad for the infrastructure or something. Turning back in you see that Tiffany's talking about wanting to buy this place for herself. Your guess this is probably where she wants to set up an office for her therapy sessions. Other than that or she's wants to take up real estate. Another way you don't really have much to say on the matter, so you're just tell her that she is welcome to do it if she wants. Just be prepared for the economical downfall that comes with these sort of things. You remember that time you bought a food truck and then you start to remember if you ever did sell it but then you think that you do recall putting it inside that storage unit where you put all your stuff from your old college place but that's probably an issue for another day. Looking around the place, does The building is rather spacious. Look like the perfect place to start up an operation. There were plenty of windows and the carpet was a bit okay, but nothing to ride home about at some point. While looking around you realize that Nicole's been with you the whole time which was mind boggling because for the two of you left the house till now. You could have sworn it was just the two of you and now that you think about it even more, she's been quiet since you've arrived at Tiffany's house and how is she even here? She supposed to be in Zimbabwe. Working on a project you try to strike up a conversation with her but she's not talking. Something is definitely up. You try looking her in the eyes but she's not trying to look at you and when you look at her cheeks they seem rather full. Clearly she's gotten herself into something she's not supposed to all your instincts from knowing her for years. You try to pry open her mouth but she's resisting with all of her. Might you call for Tiffany to give you back up? Tiffany runs in and tries to hold her back through her shoulders. You try prying more and more but she just won't open up when you get her mouth to open up just a bit you start to smell something familiar not just familiar. Very familiar. You reach into our pockets and find a bag of gummy worms but not just any gummy worms Bridget's special gummy worms. You wonder how long she could have possibly been eating them? You try to recall when's the last time you heard her say anything. Of course she was distracted by the cat when you arrived and she didn't say anything during dinner. And now that you think about it, she might have been with you when the two of you went to a bar yesterday, which means she might have been eating these things for about 3 days now. You wonder if Bridget knows? Either way you should probably confiscate them. It's clear by how many were in there. The last time you saw a bridge of eating them till now she's definitely gone beyond reason mentally. You decide to stick them in your backpack for the time being. Nicole tries to get them back but she falls over due to her lack of balance. The two of you sigh out loud carrying Nicole back to the car. The moment you set her down in the back seat she immediately starts laying down and counting the fabric on the ceiling of the vehicle where did she make a car sick? You lower the window a bit. The two of you were turned to doing your own thing, but looking around the building didn't seem as interesting anymore. So instead you go to the nearby coffee shop to spend some time while you hope that Nicole might sober up in the next few minutes The coffee shop seem to be normal runner the mill place dead-eyed employees peculiar customers of all different lines of work. Out of the corner of your eyes you can see a guy with a staring at you specifically he was staring at your cargo pants. Judging them rather thoroughly you try to ignore him to get your orders ready while explaining to the clerk what you want in the clerk. Only sort of listening and just saying things that come to mind that sound like what you just said. You try to make sure that they got your order. Start to know this more that the dude with a pony tail is staring at your cargo pants. Because what's the big deal never seen cargo pants before. The guy is bugging you on so many different levels by the amount of steering that he's giving it and it's not the sexual kind of staring where a guy's just oogling you. You've seen guys do that before each other girls and you know for a fact that this isn't it. It's that annoying stairway. It's like they're staring at something but they're questioning. What exactly are they seeing you would stop talking to the clerk and walk over and punch him. But the thing is there are too many witnesses in your currently with someone else. The last thing you want is to make trouble and embarrass yourself in front of everyone so you try your best not to pay it any mind. Of course, not only pokes your ego more and more, making you want to punch the guy even more as you clinch your fist resisting the urge to do so. The store starts to noticed your bald fist and out of concern for their own well-being. They focus really hard and get the order right. This lightening up your mood a bit although the guy is still staring. You go back to Tiffany who is on her phone right now looking at something you ask her what her deal is and she says that you got to text from her fiance about how he's excited that the dress fits and that you like it. Today is just not your day. Is it as you humor her and her love sick moments? You also remember that you didn't order anything for Nicole. When she wakes up she's probably going to be hungry. Figured you'd probably get something at the counter again when they call you up for your order. Trying to have a meaningful? Conversation with Tiffany. You notice that that guy is staring at your cargo pants again. You look down at your pants to see if there's something going on, but it's the usual military style. Beige said that you normally wear nothing sticking out is not a thing really wrong with it. So why is he staring at them? Tiffany notices you staring at the guy who staring at chew and she asks what's the deal you try to explain to her that he's been staring at you for a while now, specifically your pants and you don't seem to get why she immediately jumps to thinking that it's some homosexual harassment for which you would normally interject. But in this case, if Tiffany flies off the handle in your stead, you wouldn't have to confront him and you guys could probably leave right away because it's what Tiffany wants. But then after realizing you just paid for coffee and the coffee wasn't cheap. You immediately de-escalate the situation you ask her to look over your pants for you and see if there's something that you just don't notice that he's possibly staring at. She agrees to so you stand up and do a full 360 while she looks. She points out that aside from the keychain on your wallet sticking out of your back pants, there's nothing. Your wallet is rather large, which you usually either keep in the jacket or in a backpack. You're not used to carrying it inside of your hands due to small pockets. Even cargo pants have a hard time keeping the whole thing inside of it. One time when you're decided to carry it around as is it fell out and you almost had everything inside it's stolen you think maybe staring at the key chain on your wallet but that would make no sense your wallet was in your hand then it couldn't be the military style pants. Because why would anyone want to stare at those? They're made for practicality not for fashion maybe he's just a jerk staring at your rear and disappointed that you're not as round as others, but you thought that could be the case because if it was a disappointment he just move on to any of the other females within the vicinity The unknown nature of his staring causes you to want to ask him so you decide to get up and casually walk over. Not trying to make a big scene out of it. As you reach his table. You sit down in front of him making sure to make it look like you two are just having a normal conversation and this is not a confrontation of any nature that could lead to drama and get you kicked out and lose your order. The guy feels a bit startled by you coming up so quickly. You look under the eyes and ask what is deal is his response was rather mind boggling. In fact, he explains that like you, he's a collector of items more suited for camping and international exploration. He could have swore that he had the same pair of pants in his own wardrobe but he just couldn't pinpoint if that was right or not considering he wasn't at home looking at them the more he thought about it, the more it bugged him that they looked exactly the same but he's still not sure. He asked if the one you're wearing came with a lever belt came with two notches too. Thoroughly hold it in place or if it was the store brand ones that have a metal loop around it that you would use the two rings to hold it in place. You explain that yours has neither the notches nor the loops. It's more of an old fashioned brand one with a fabric belt band and a metal clasp that loops around and through you of course aren't wearing the belt because you're not going camping. If you are going camping and people tend to stare when you wear it, especially considering it came with a special side bag that clips onto the belt that you still haven't figured out how to remove. These are the one he would have had a similar situation but his didn't come with a full class but just came with a clip that you pull on and off. The two of you spread up a very long conversation about how the bags just seems in practical and a backpack is way better. But then again the side bag does make it easier to get certain items out that you don't have to take off the backpack for and then you got into a debate over. If leather backpacks or fabric backpacks are better. Backpacks are better because the materials lighter and doesn't chase your back as much but you are argue that a leather backpack is better because it doesn't fall apart as easily. Plus, carrying limits don't really apply to it as much because if you're carrying a lot of heavy duty items that are stretch the backpack. The weaving for a fabric backpack will typically get loose end up and cause holes which could lead to things falling out later down the road. If not taking care of properly. Lever backpacks are pretty great and your opinion. He then proceeded to brag that he was going to get an old school motorcycle with a combustible engine. You said that you contemplated that idea back in high school, but after having a very long talk with a doctor over a bicycle accident, she suggested that you stay away from those because you just be donating organs. At one point you realize that you didn't come here with him and that talking with him while entertaining was not helping the situation. You then apologize for the miscommunication and decide to go separate ways. Of course, exchanging chat room IDs. In case you want any heads up on future materials or items that might be going on sale, you then proceeded to return to Tiffany who lives very confused on the matter and seemed very prepared to come in and fight them. After explaining to her what went down she decided to let it go and instead took a call from her fiance. Well you were being called up to the counter to pay for coffee while getting coffee. You also pay for a muffin so that Nicole has something to nibble on when she comes back around. But of course the thought does cross your mind to poor little pepper inside of her coffee just as a little prank because of how annoyed you were at her constant flirting. But considering she was willing to stand up for you when she thought you were being harassed, may you let go of the thought that and plus she probably blame the store and cause you to get in trouble for slander after retrieving your drinks, the two of you sat and drank it for a few more minutes before heading back to the car. Hopefully by that time Nicole is either down to earth or taking a nap