
Mackenzie part 1

ah yes, the time old tradition of the average drinking adult, the unmerciful hangover All right, you know what time it is. time to whip out. your eye got drunk checklist number one. did you make it home on time? you clearly recognize your surroundings seeing it's the same messy apartment you always wake up at. so check number two were you stabbed again, you quickly lift up your shirt and start feeling around your body to see if there were any new wounds but nothing worth riding home about number three. do you still have your wallet? you get out of bed to try and find it. but before you can continue that you notice something odd which leads to number four. did you come home alone? looking at your bed you see a very familiar face and all to familiar face. Mackenzie, just as you witness her lying in the bed with her arm wrapped around yours, you start to remember the events that had unfold. it started yesterday. you had stalked to your future friend and hopes of furthering your bond. then using contacts clues and asking you found out that their friend is in need of a car repair or a new car for which you couldn't really do anything. but you remembered Mackenzie who majored as a technician currently works at a auto shop deciding to get them connected with each other. you lured her out with the one thing. she loved going out for drinks but because she was still in work you and your future friend Plus dear friend had to wait so you went home in order to clean yourself up because you were standing in a junkyard. you then found yourself waiting during which you remembered you bought a magazine of that model you love for her career, but hate her body. you then proceeded to do what you always do when you buy these magazines. flip through it once to see if there's anything you want to buy tear it out. send it aside so that you can remember to buy it later. then proceed to cut up every single picture of her within the magazine of course. because of how meticulous you are with these matters, you make sure to put it in a garbage bag should you want to set it on fire later. you spend about 4 hours on this project while watching a streaming service. show that you have been binging for some time now. something about a time traveler who's also a doctor. you don't really get the details but the plot seems to make sort of sense in some way shape or form. then you get a text from Mackenzie saying that she's outside your apartment and she's ready to go drinking. you then use this as an opportunity to pass along to your future friend so that they can let their friend know where you'll all be meeting up. heading outside your apartment being as you're on the third floor. you looked down on the railings to see that she or her motor scooter was waiting outside. you imagine how romantic this would be if you two were dating, but then you kick that idea out of your head because that is bad practice for someone you barely know not. of course you still think about it a little bit more because the possibility intrigue you then later on meeting everyone at the bar the four of you start drinking as you talk about things of course you heavily studying social cues. you never start with what you want and always build up to it. so of course you start with a classic. how's work going? fascinatingly enough. she actually shares what's going on with her work even though it's been 3 months since you last hung out. seems she's been doing pretty well and that her employers are starting to trust her to do repairs on her own without having to be heavily supervised you, of course not knowing much about being a mechanic. give her the sense that you are proud of her for her accomplishments. even though you don't understand what she's accomplished, she of course asks you how things are going on your job. you, of course give her as much information as you can without revealing some of the question of black activities you've been doing lately and then somehow it evolves into you complaining about the existence that is Kevin and as things start too, get less interesting. your interests rekindles when that future friend of yours talks about their work environment. in order to contribute to the conversation, you learn a lot about how their work situation is okay, but there are things that are upsetting them and how they plan to do a barbecue later. they also apologize about the whole movie thing having not given a response to if they'll be available or when they'll be available, but you accept the apology hearing stuff that's worth hearing on your end. then their friends starts to go on about what's going on in their life and you lose interest. you can consider the friend of the future friend to not be as interesting and then suddenly Mackenzie asks you a question out of nowhere the question you didn't want to hear. she asks if you're going to Tiffany's wedding in your head. you scream at the top of your lungs having been poisoned at a wonderful meal, you then slam down your beer and tell her you're still thinking about it. everything in your body tells you you don't want to go, but you think that if mackenzie's going it might be worth having at least a small trip, but you still hit the idea of giving Tiffany of all people a wedding gift you thoughts start to escalate into a question of who do you hate more Kevin or Tiffany and you find it surprisingly easy to answer. Tiffany, you don't like Kevin, but he's just being a co-worker, whereas Tiffany is human being who chooses to exist when you snap back from that line of thought, you realize you've had at least seven drinks by then and Mackenzie was asking you a question that you weren't paying attention to you. then proceed to say yeah, not knowing what it was. but then, while you're still on that line of process, you assume it's been a while, so it's perfectly normal to bring up the favorite at this point. you then proceed to queue for future friend and their friend to ask her about the car. at that point they do start talking about cars and Mackenzie being really into cars. seeing is that was her whole reason for starting to become a technician in the first place you stop caring and start messing with your phone. not knowing what to do. you decide to just do one of those things that everyone does every once in a while when they're bored and there's nothing good on social media. text a random person that you haven't texted in a while. you find Bridget's phone number and start messing around with the text message function on your phone. not sure what to send her. you want to send her something that shows that you don't think of her as just someone your texting because you're bored even though that kind of is true. so you send her a message saying are you busy right now you then start to let the text sit before another text pops in from her saying not really what's up. this is the most conversation you've ever had. you then follow with another texts saying I'm out drinking right now. figured I'd hit you up. she didn't responds again with a almost immediate text of. are you inviting me to hang out with you? you then knowingly sending an invite. respond no, not really. you're welcome to come out and hang with us. I'm not trying to force you into something you don't want to do. this was your attempt to fix a mistake that you drunkenly made, but it's still a drunken attempt of recovery. she then texts back. she's got nothing better going on. she can meet up with you. where are you at? things start to get interesting for you. of course this also may ruin things if you make the wrong move. not sure what to do. you'll realize you haven't responded in a minute, so you then just send your location to her now realizing that you've just invited Bridget someone you haven't had a real conversation with for drinks, what are you thinking you think? you should probably tell Mackenzie what you just did, but she still deep in conversation about cars with the other two. so you then decide to keep messing with your phone even though you really should stop you open up your social media account and immediately spot. Tiffany making a post about her future coming wedding and she's apparently tagged you to this post. then annoys you because you know that this is her attempt. tagging you on for not RSVPing her invite. he then spot that no one has commented on her post except Nicole, who seems to be very confused on Tiffany having a wedding despite Tiffany's stating in her reply that you were invited and that you replied that you would be there. you start to worry about Nicole's future before you know it and Bridget is at the restaurant with you, Mackenzie, your future friend and the other guy Bridget was dressed as usual. a punk rocker. she seemed to be not in a good mood nor a bad mood. she was very interested in everything that was going on here but not enough to be considered invested classic. Bridget places her order and before long the other start to noticed she was here having been a while. Mackenzie asks her. how are things? she responds with an explanation about how she's been doing gigs every once in a while and then occasionally showing up for working at her bartending gig. the same pub you work at. of course he both laughing off when Mackenzie asks. how is working together considering you two almost never see each other. the only time you see each other is the typical you getting off her clocking in whenever she decides she wants to work funny enough! today would officially be the first time you two shared words. other than the greeting or departure statement, you start talking about work since that's the one thing you two seem to have in common besides your interest in music. as you both talk about work, the only thing that really resonates is how much you both dislike. Kevin, he really does. suck is the standing opinion Bridget then asks you the same question Mackenzie does about if you're going to Tiffany's wedding to take another full gulp of the whole glass of beer before answering and your answer is still the same. I'm not sure and then at some point you and her start talking about a rock group that's currently got a concert out of town. she brings up how she's been wanting to go but hasn't had anyone to go with and you of course bring up that you've been looking forward to that concert as well and has even planned around going on your day off before you know it's you. two were making plans to go to a concert together. Mackenzie feeling left out and says that she also joins, but when you both explain the exact date of the event she realizes she couldn't go because she has work on that day. but your future friend coincidentally never having been to a rock concert besides to go as well seeing as they have a day off on that day and thus a party was formed. after that, things start to escalate more and more with the usual shenanigans. drinks start to become bigger and bigger until you start desiring a whole picture. then it devolves into everyone taking shots of vodka before heading home. after that, your memory is a lot more haze here and you own your member being carried on someone's shoulders and thus your memory starts to become static but then something else starts to come to mind. you remember that today is mackenzie's birthday and also while you've been reminiscing, you realize that someone's been knocking at your door for a while now so you decide to get up and answer getting out the door. you open it to see a strange man in a jumpsuit with a baseball cap and a clipboard. he holds out the clipboard and say sign. here you give him your John Hancock then he hands you. your driver's license you feel very confused along with it. he hands you an envelope and a pair of keys. then he tells you good day and walks off. you start to wonder what just happened. being very confused with the series of events that had just unfolded.