
a wedding for a moose

Things seem to be going well. Everyone woke up one time and was getting ready for the wedding of the five of you only. Tiffany and surprisingly Nicole know how to do makeup and since Tiffany's getting married, Nicole was in charge of doing everyone's makeup with adult supervision. Things were surprisingly handled professionally up to now where she's trying to stick a pencil for eyeliner into the outlet Bridget is currently trying to stop her while you watch this. Go on the radio you were given in order to coordinate the wedding on Tiffany's behalf goes off someone at the front door once to ask you about an ice sculpture. You didn't hear anything about a nice sculpture so you decide to go out and see what's going on. At the front there is a guy with a huge truck out front. He insisted he was told to drop off statue here of a giant monkey riding a banana which you find to be odd for a wedding. I'm trying to think why that is being brought here and the only thing you can think of is the venue owner. You call him up to see you if he knows anything according to him. That's for next week's event banana fest call. Going to one of those and always so fun. And the banana pudding is to die for especially the banana bread. But you also recall that last year's banana fest a guy got arrested for claiming to be selling banana flavored vodka, but it turns out it was moonshine according to the police as The confiscated bottles from anyone who bought it while also giving them a refund The owner instructs them to have the guy go around back to the industrial freezer and deposit. They were supposed to deliver it before but since it was already delivered if they send it back it'll be destroyed and they'll have to make another one and it won't be made in time. So you kill him around back and while you are guiding him there with his truck you notice a bunch of people and children gathered around a bush. You decided to tell the guy to keep going. He'll reach the eventually while you figure out what this is. As you see him off driving away, you decide to turn your attention back to the people rather around a bush. And you're a surprise. There was another large moose in the bush. Not only is he large but also very muscular like you're almost convinced that this caribou frequenced the gym. Anyways, there is now a problem. A wild animal has decided to take up refuge in the bush of the venue for your friend's wedding. You got to do something about that. I can't slide so you attempt to call animal control to get rid of the moose well before you could. The radio goes off again. It looks like there's some squabbling going on in the main area where the food and drinks are supposed to be during parties and dance. You decide to put a pin in the moose problem and go deal with that since the moose doesn't seem to be harming anyone as you leave people start to taking out their phones and recording and live streaming the moose and the bush. No way this could become a problem inside the venue. The waiters and bartenders are arguing over tips. The waiters complain that they should get half of the bartenders tips since they're doing more of the heavy lifting and the bartenders argue that everyone should just have their own tips because that's just how it works. You're being a bartender yourself. Understand where they're coming from but you're trying not to be biased and take the situation seriously. You decide that the best move would be that people who serve the same table have a right to split the tips left at that table and then the bartender is would split whatever's in the jar, considering that's how it normally would be in cases like this feeling you resolved the issue you decide to get back to the problem with the moose, but just as you're leaving the then you through the entrance you're stopped by. Jennifer who insists that she hasn't received the playlist and would really like to get a look at the list so that she knows what all supposed to be played while she's setting up. She still said either the groom or the bride has it since you were with the pride all morning. You know for a fact she doesn't have a flash drive on a person which means the groom. Brian? Has it you tell her that she'll go find him and get it for her as soon as possible. You then try to recall where you last saw him. Thinking back when you first came in he said something about going to get breakfast at a fast food place so you decide to see if his car is in the parking lot. It would appear that the crowds surrounding the moose has gotten a lot bigger you tell yourself you should really do something about that, but all these pending issues leave you no time to actually resolve the problem. You stand around the parking lot and the little cars that have entered in for a preparations during before the actual wedding begins, you spot his vehicle all the way in the back and you think you see him inside you hastily make your way over to him to try and see if he has it on his person. When you run up to the car you bang on the window starling him. But what you didn't account for was he was eating a breakfast burrito which had a lot of sauce in it. When you banged on the window you startled him. He squeeze the burrito rather hard and some of the innards landed on the The chest of the blazer he was wearing this could be bad. You ask her if he has a spare or a method of cleaning it faster. He needs to stay. He hasn't even know the first thing about cleaning a blazer and that he thinks there is a shop with a tux that's open back in town. But he have to hurry to see if they have anything that fits him before he goes you. Ask him if he has the flash drive containing the songs for the playlist. He said that he did but he gave it to his best man, whoever he is and that he was supposed to go straight towards the DJ. You assumed that if he was with him until a minute ago, he probably spotted the moose at the entrance in somewhere around there so you decide to make your way back after giving him your credit card to buy a new blazer after all. It's least you could do you then try to make your way back to the moose to deal with that issue and find the best man. When you get a text message from your mother of all people rather surprising one of that her words were as followed. Hey I didn't know you were making such a scene at that wedding. You were going to also put some clothes on. She sent a video along with this very insulting message of the moose that everyone's been live streaming for about an hour now. You definitely need to do something about the moose Make me a way to the moon you start to look up the number for animal control while scanning the crowd for the best man. You really don't know what he looks like, but you assume he's going to be looking similar to the groom considering that's how that works. You try to think of what the faces of the friends who went to the bachelor party with him looks like and see if he spied any of them in the crowd. Either there it or they might know who's it is your line of thought. But while you're looking around and still looking for that number, you're stopped by the truck driver. Again, he explains to you that the industrial freezer is locked. Well. At least the back door is and he doesn't have the tools to escort it through the building to get it in. Plus this was supposed to be a fast trip so the freezer that's hooked up to his truck is running low on cooling fluids. So now this is taking priority over the moose and the music. So now your texting the owner of the vent you to see what he can do in the issue. According to him, he left his office unlocked and that there's a key to the industrial freezer in his office on the back panel so you go back inside to head towards the office on your way there you're stopped by Bridget. Nicole, it wouldn't appear that Nicole somehow went from doing makeup for the bridesmaid to painting the faces of all the children brought by the parents who are helping set up the wedding into '90s rockers you know the type pale white makeup crazy designs, black lipstick the real intense ones. Also, the time that you see a lot of golf do when they're trying to be extra. You really think you should intervene before the parents spot their children like this. But after thinking about all the things there is for her to do around here, it's better she does this than something that could be more problematic. But you try to get Bridget to do something about the moose out front. Hearing that there's a moose out. She immediately grabs her phone and runs off leaving the cold and the children alone. You want to do something about that but you kind of have your hands full so you keep going heading towards the office inside the office it was basically you'll run in the middle sort of deal. Wouldn't ask. Probably oak potted tree and corner. Probably a ficus if I get a tree American flag posted South? You don't have your compass with you and behind The desk on the furthest wall is a metal panel with the word keys written on a metal name tag you open it up and aren't that many keys on there losing them off? There's the key to the pool. The key to the club room upstairs the key to the garage down stairs and the key to the industrial fridge, but it isn't one of those normal keys. It's one of those weirder ones. The small round ones that look like they go to a padlock instead of an actual door door which is weird because it was definitely a full metal door. Listen again, you never held a key to an industrial fridge before you do have a smaller scaled one at work, but the boss always holds onto the key after acquiring. You think about asking the owner to allow you to use the pool? You don't have a swimsuit but it's not like you can't just slip away for a minute and get one. You Jennifer MacKenzie you can all go swimming together. Bridget too, but then she'd have to spend the time teaching Nicole how to swim since the last time you all went swimming. She and you were the only two that went familiar with swimming. You didn't learn how to swim at the time due to the swimsuit you had had the words pig written across the chest area. You owe that to your mother. You send a quick text to the owner asking them if he could borrow it and then proceed to head back to the main area so that you can help the guy outback get into the industrial fridge on your way there. Are you into the foyer where the wedding is supposed to be held? And what do you know the moose is inside?