
I loved him.

I loved him. Or so I thought.

He told me it wasn't love, It was a severe obsession. I knew it wasn't an obsession. I felt it from my heart. The waves of emotion I felt whenever I saw him was entirely different from the emotions I felt with others.

He likes Rita. To be honest, she's very beautiful but her character sucks. I thought guys like girls with good characters no matter the beauty.

'I'm sorry, Viva. I really don't like you. You're pretty and all but there are certain characters you lack...' he was saying.

'Like?' I cut in.

'You don't have what I need in a woman, I love Rita and I hope to get married to her soon' he replied.

I thought of how I gave up most of my life to be the type of woman he wanted and I still got this feeling of being unwanted. 😭My romance life sucked.