
Obscurum: The Darkness Within

In the shadowy remnants of a once-great world, Tasha finds herself at the heart of a divided society. As the grip of authoritarian rule tightens, Tasha embarks on a journey, driven by the belief in democracy's resurgence. In a land cloaked in secrets and fear, loyalty, love, and a relentless quest for justice will lead her to confront the darkness that looms over her beloved home.

Jamie_Strudwick · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Forming a Legacy

In a spacious room dominated by a large round table, Tasha found herself in the midst of sombre deliberations. The absence of President Reynolds, a void both tangible and emotional, lingered heavily. The room was filled with individuals, familiar and unknown, gathered to navigate the aftermath of victory in the war. The grandeur of the table, polished mahogany gleaming under the soft glow of pendant lights, stood as a symbol of the weighty decisions that hung in the air. Tasha, now acting as the interim President, faced the challenge of leading this diverse assembly through the delicate process of rebuilding Ravencroft and paving the way towards justice.

"Thank you all for attending," Tasha began, her voice tinged with a subdued resolve. "As you know, the War Committee has entrusted me to serve as interim President until an election can be organised."

A moment of solemn silence embraced the room, acknowledging the weight of the decisions that awaited. Tasha, suppressing her own grief, looked towards Deanna, a pillar of strength in these trying times.

"We've won the war, but now we face another battle," Deanna articulated. "Two nights ago, the High Arbiter and her accomplices were apprehended. Our task now is to decide their fate."

The suggestion of execution rippled through the room from an unfamiliar voice, met with an immediate rebuttal from Tasha. "Nothing about this is simple. Before Valeria declared war, we were crafting something unique in Ravencroft. Reforming our justice system and striving for a different path."

Resolute dissent came from a few voices around the table, demanding a harsh example for those who had committed treason. Tasha turned to General Stephens, seeking his perspective as the leader of their defense.

"What we witnessed these past months has been extraordinary," General Stephens began. "Terrifying acts of violence, the murder of our President in her own home, innocent civilians slain on our streets. Valeria orchestrated this, and she is responsible. But true justice cannot be served through execution. Amelia Reynolds aimed for better, and we must carry on that legacy."

Deanna interjected, emphasising the gravity of the decision. "A criminal trial is not an option. The resolution must be forged within this room—a decision that delivers justice while appeasing the growing calls for action. We must send a clear message that attacking us comes at a steep price. Yet, there's another crucial aspect we cannot overlook."

"Obscurum," Tasha added solemnly. "The clock is ticking. Drastic changes were needed, and Amelia started laying the foundations for those changes. Our society evolved under her leadership. That's not a reflection on you, Deanna. You faced a challenging situation when you assumed the presidency, and your commitment to change in Ravencroft has been extraordinary."

Deanna Lewis nodded appreciatively at Tasha's words. "Thank you, Tasha. President Reynolds laid the groundwork for a new era, and it's our responsibility to continue that legacy. However, we cannot disregard the immediate challenges we face, both internally and externally."

The man who had suggested execution earlier spoke up again, his tone insistent. "But we can't afford to appear weak. Executing Valaria and her accomplices sends a clear message that if you attack us, you pay the price."

Tasha held up a hand, urging for patience. "I understand the desire for a strong message, but we must consider the broader implications. A rushed decision could lead to unintended consequences. We need a solution that brings justice while ensuring the safety and stability of Ravencroft."

Deanna chimed in, her gaze focused on the assembled group. "I propose a tribunal. Not a criminal trial. A body of Deciders and citizens to assess the actions of Valaria and her associates. This way, justice is served transparently, and we demonstrate our commitment to a fair and lawful process, and then whatever is decided there, we uphold."

The suggestion sparked a mix of reactions around the table. Some nodded in agreement, while others remained skeptical. General Stephens, a voice of experience in matters of conflict, added, "A tribunal ensures due process and aligns with the principles we stand for. It distinguishes us from those who act without restraint."

Tasha, sensing the need to address the urgency of the situation, continued, "While the tribunal proceeds, we must also strengthen our defences. The threat from Obscurum remains, and we cannot afford to be complacent. General Stephens, I would like to appoint you Commander of the Guard. I believe your expertise would be invaluable. The law will be upheld. We must fight the threat of Obscurum."

General Stephens nodded in acknowledgment. "We need to bolster our security measures and prepare for any unforeseen challenges. Ravencroft's safety must be our top priority."

Deanna leaned forward, her eyes scanning the room. "Our actions in the coming days will shape the narrative for Ravencroft. Let us proceed with wisdom, considering not only the present but the future we aim to build. Justice, resilience, and progress must guide our decisions."

As the deliberations continued, the room filled with the weight of responsibility and the collective determination to navigate Ravencroft through the complex aftermath of war.