
Friend Zone

"Onii-sama, it's time for breakfast," Miyuki raised the basket in her hand, "Kokonoe-sensei and Leon-kun too, would you like breakfast? I had prepared enough sandwich for everyone."

"Miyuki... you are a lifesaver." Leon eyes lit up in happiness, "Now I don't need to visit the cafeteria this early in the morning."

"Glad to be of help," Miyuki's tone is rather light.

As if remembering something important, Leon reached into his pocket, searching for something, "Tatsuya, I got this mobile terminal from that Blanche member last night, but it's locked with a password. Do you know someone who can hack this terminal? I'm sure there will be something useful in there."

"Hmm, perhaps. I will take it with me, maybe I will be able to do something about it." Tatsuya takes the mobile terminal from Leon.

"No problem, it's useless for someone like me anyway." Leon was rather helpless but had to rely on Tatsuya to hack the device, he is just a noob in something like this.

"So Tatsuya, are you aiming to be a magic engineer?" Leon asked in between bites. The sandwich is very good.

"That's right. My practical skills are lacking, so I'm planning on becoming a magic engineer." Tatsuya nodded.

"Onii-sama is adept at magic engineering, so hacking a single mobile terminal is not that hard," Miyuki smiled, she seems so proud of her brother's talent.

Even though Leon already knew that fact, he still plays along with Miyuki and pretending to be surprised, "Ah, Is that so... then I'm relieved to leave the mobile terminal in Tatsuya's care."

Miyuki narrowed her eyes. She has mistaken Leon's subpar acting as though he didn't believe her words, so she added after a few seconds of silence, "My CAD was also maintained by Onii-sama."

To maintain someone CAD, one must possess the knowledge and an exclusive skill needed to access the CAD's system. It's pretty rare, especially for a student.

Miyuki is basically boasting about her brother amazingness to Leon. It's too bad that Leon had no idea how CAD operates, not to mention the skill required to maintain it.


Leon gave Miyuki a puzzled look, not knowing what she is trying to say. This made Miyuki very pissed and the temperature suddenly drops drastically.

Ice started to form on the wall and floor.

Looking at the frozen sandwich in his hand, Leon is very confused about this situation.

'What makes Miyuki so angry?' Leon pondered while studying Miyuki expression, 'There don't seem to be another chick trying to hit on Tatsuya.'

After a series of comfort from Tatsuya, Miyuki finally stopped her tantrum, though a very rare pout could be seen on her face.

Sitting in front of Miyuki, Leon was dumbstruck with fascination.

This is the first time he saw something like this and he had a feeling that he won't be able to erase it from his memory.

Leon never knew she can make that kind of expression. It's very cute and beautiful at the same time. He just wants to run up and hug her.

Leon impulse was stopped by Kokonoe's amused voice.

"Oh... this is the first time Miyuki shows this kind of reaction to someone other than Tatsuya-kun."

"Eh? Sensei, are you talking about me?" After observing everyone in the area, Leon pointed at himself, rather confused. There are no other people here other than them, but he didn't remember doing anything to anger Miyuki.

"Sensei! I'm not angry, you must be mistaken." Miyuki shook the basket in denial.

"Hmm, I don't know... Miyuki's angry face is very cute and it seems Leon was captivated by your beauty." Kokonoe raised the corner of his mouth, mischief twinkling in his eyes.

"Sensei, you are good at joking." Leon averted his face from both Tatsuya and Miyuki inquiring glance.

"So, sensei, what are you going to teach me? is it chakra? or magic?" Leon added, trying to change the embarrassing topic away from him.

"Oh? Leon-kun, do you know chakra?" Kokonoe raised his eyebrow.

"Someone used to say that my eye's ability needs chakra to function, it's supposed to be that way. But personally, I don't really know if I used Psion or Chakra." Leon said, "It's kind of reflex... or maybe intuition? when I want to use my ability... Well, I just kind of did it."

"Hmm, first let me explain what is Chakra."


"Some people call it Chakra, though many prefer to call it Chi."

"They are the same thing?" Leon asked.

"Indeed, we are a practitioner that use and manipulate Chakra to enhance our physical body to their limit."

Leon widened his eyes in realization. No wonder Tatsuya's pure physical speed was able to exceed some Magicians that used Acceleration Magic, so this is the reason.

"How can I control it? my chakra." Leon asked

"Before using your chakra, the first step is you must be able to sense it."

"I see..."

The moment Leon calmed down, Kokonoe continues his explanation, "Both Chi and Chakras can be easily compared to a River."

"River?" Leon titled his head.

"That's right, the water in the River is Chi, while the path the water or Chi takes is called a Meridian, and swirling pools where water or Chi gathers before moving on into another river is called a Chakra."

"Ah, is that so." Leon smiled in understanding, "Are you going to teach me how to manipulate my own Chakra?"

Kokonoe nodded and said, "If you were able to sense and manipulate your chakra, you will be able to determine whether your eyes consume Charka or Psion."

Psion is like fuel or MP to Magician, those without Psion will not be able to cast magic. Mangekyou is also the same, it used either Chakra or Psion.

In the end, there is no ability that draws power from nothing.

After he spent two hours of practice under the guidance of Kokonoe Sensei, Leon is finally able to sense chakra in his body, it's an amazing feeling. He can't wait to explore this feeling.

Too bad it's time for school, so he had no choice but to continue his training with Kokonoe Sensei later.

The trio walked out of the gate with Leon following behind Tatsuya and Miyuki.

But before he leaves the temple, Leon turned his serious face towards Kokonoe and asked, "Sensei, can you help me to find someone?"

Kokonoe raised his eyebrow, then smiled, "Maybe..."

Leon and the sibling used mini railcars to go to the school as there is no longer a train from his past life.

The public transportations are also very different from Leon's previous world. Looking at them made Leon somewhat lonely as if stranded in a faraway place.

They are now sitting in a small vehicle called the Cabinet, which consists of a four-seat car, so the seat beside Leon is empty, while Tatsuya and Miyuki sit together.

The car then moves slowly along the track. After a few minutes, it shifts into high speed towards its destination.


After parted with Tatsuya, Leon and Miyuki headed together towards class A, as it turned out they had the same class.

Along the way, he saw many glances from the fellow blooms directed at him and Miyuki.

But there is no dissatisfaction or anger from the crowd. The man being handsome must be one of the reasons. It's like they are watching a couple walking side by side.

After Leon and Miyuki entered class A, there was significant chaos in the classroom, many students in groups surrounded Miyuki and Leon, asking various questions and doubt regarding their relationship.

As a representative of freshmen with outstanding beauty, Miyuki is pretty famous in the school and every student knew about her, be it freshmen or upperclassmen.

So when Miyuki entered the class with a handsome man, it piques their interest.

Faced with these questions, Miyuki showed no interesting reaction and calmly denied her relationship with Leon with a graceful smile, "We are just a friend."

Though it's true they are just a friend, Leon by her side can't help but get annoyed inside when he glanced at Miyuki.

Leon didn't know why but unknown determination started to sprout inside him that day.

It's a weird feeling, and also new to him.

There are many new things he keeps experiencing from the first day he arrived in this world.

Though some of them are strange, they don't seem to be that bad.

Looking at Miyuki, Leon's mouth curved into a smile.

As the first bell rang, the students stopped disturbing Miyuki and Leon, and come back to their own seats.

There is a personal terminal on every student's desk.

Just like the other students, Leon's terminals also started up automatically and a message appeared on the screen at the front of the class.

"Orientation in five minutes?" Leon raised his eyebrow. He had a feeling that today is going to be the most tiring day of his whole life.
