
The Beginning


Anna's Diary Entries:

12th December, 1987.

I am Anna Lopez.

And recently, I am not feeling safe.

There is this constant creepy feeling of being stalked by somebody that I feel after having joined college from two months.

Is someone... Stalking Me?!


26th October, 1988.

I know this sounds really crazy but the moment professor Samuels walked through that door, I knew we had a connection. Well, I can be crazy because almost half of the class was staring at him, but maybe I felt that he was interested in me too with the way he constantly kept looking at me and smiled everytime our eyes met.

Okay, I'm really crazy to think that my Econ professor would be interested in me!


15th November, 1988.

Ohkay, I have to admit this! Something really crazy happened today and I'm still shaking with excitement rushing through every fibre in me.

So, I have been having extra-classes with professor Samuels after college as he offered to lecture me, the fact that my Econ scores sucked last semester.

We have been jelling together well and became something more than just a student-teacher.

And... He asked me out on a coffee with him after lectures today!


Do you think he might be interested in me as well?

Well, I hope so too!


20th December, 1988

So, Professor Samuels proposed me tonight! And guess what I said?

Ofcourse I said yes! duh!!

Remember the time when I felt like he was staring at me in the class?

Turns out he really was!


I know it's against the college rules to date your professor so, we are not making this public. He is 8 years older than me but it doesn't matter.

I REALLY like him.


1st January, 1989

So, it's the new year's eve and Professor Samuels and I went out for a romantic date. I figured he was born on the new year's eve! I felt so embarrassed about not knowing his birthday at all!


Anyways, so he dedicated me a song at the karaoke in front of a huge audience and confessed his love to me.

He said, "I know this sucks that we can't go official about the two of us at college so I'm making it public here! You're Mine and I'm all yours!"

Isn't he the best man for me!

I think I'm blushing hard right now.

And, I also think that I'm falling in love with him.


3rd January, 1989

Something weird happened today.There was a note in my locker. A threat from some psycho stalker telling me to stay away from Samuels or else he would hurt him.

Should I believe these threats?

Maybe it's one of Samuels jealous students?

I don't know, but can someone really hurt Samuels?


5th January, 1989

It happened. The threat was real! And it's not from a girl. It's from a boy. Remember the time I told that I feel like I am being stalked?

Turns out I really was.

From One complete year he is stalking me, he knows everything about me, where I love, what I do, everything!

And tonight, h-he called me! He said that he just hit Samuels bad this time, if I do not stay away from Samuels, he can even kill him!

I am scared! I just visited Samuels to the hospital. He is in coma. The doctors said that he will come back but I'm very scared. About future!


25th August, 1989

I didn't write from a very long time. The truth is, my life was going on on a rollercoaster ride ever since my last entry in here.

But now, It seems like things have settled down a bit.

At least from our side.

We have moved to San Francisco. We, I mean me and my husband Samuels Peterson. Yeah! We got married.

After the threat and the way he hurt Samuels, I decided to stay away from Samuels as far as I can.

I did it for two months, and neither the stalker tried to contact me nor did he do something to hurt Samuels.

After Samuels was back on his feet he tried to talk to me, butI kept avoiding him. That brings us to the spring night of March, 1989

He turned up at my door and refused to leave, so I had to invite him inside. He kept pestering me and finally I told him what happened and why am I ignoring him.

He said he isn't afraid to hold my hand, and he would be there with me through good and bad. He said he loved me and he wasn't going to leave me, ever!

And so we decided to deal with it together.

After me and Samuel came out in open, the stalker had came out of dark too.

Turns out he was a Three year repeater of last semester in English major, Draconian Harris.

And the most shocking thing about all this is the fact that I have never seen him before!

And now that I have, I know that he is a very dangerous man as he works for the most dangerous and strongest mafia group on earth, 'The Whyos!" and his family, the Harrison's comes under their good books.

So, he was making things difficult fore and Samuels.

We went to police, but it didn't work, we tried talking things out but all he wanted was me.

He was obsessed with me, in a very creepy and disgusting way.

He made Samuels to loose his job and got me rusticated from college for dating the professor.

And so, with no other options left, I and Samuels decided to get married and elope from Chicago to San Francisco.

I guess we would safe here!



8th October, 1991

It's been three years now ever since me and Samuels got married.

Samuels got a job in Martinez Corporation as the General Manager and I work in Sen Corporation as the assistant to the CEO there.

Today is special, because Sam and I got blessed with a little girl in our lives.

And we named her...


As beautiful as the Iris flowers, my little girl...