

They woke up the next day ready to head back to hammerhead for the car. Raya was drinking a ebony as they walked. She was thinking about what she would say to titan. "RAYA LOOK OUT." she snapped out of her thoughts to see a unit of mt's had dropped in front of her. "That's not cool making me drop my coffee," she yells

Nyx chuckled. "They are in for it now." The three watched their friend take out the whole unit in seconds. She wiped her hands on her jeans. Nyx smiled at his wife. she had his dagger on her leg and another one from Insomnia the king gave her on her other leg. "Starlight remind me never to come between you and coffee." she looked at him. "Good idea not to that's how my first husband died." Nyx's jaw dropped as he watched her walk away.

Raya saw him look at her and smiled to herself as she headed to hammerhead. The others all ran to catch up with her. When they walked into the garage they saw Prompto standing next to Cindy. "Hey, blondie. What brings you out this way?" He laughed. "Can't a man come to see his wife?" Raya laughed. "Sure but I get the feeling there's more to it than that." Cindy giggled. " Prompto wants you to go check on the Chocobo post."

Nyx walked in at this point after turning in the hunts and collecting the reward. "What's up?" he asked as he kissed Raya. "Yeah, we have been getting reports of a behemoth in the area for a few weeks. Then they just stopped. I can't get out there so I was hoping you all could go?" Nyx smiled he knew she was gonna take it. "Sure I don't mind. Just text if there are any other pit stops you want us to make. We really don't mind helping while we are out this way." he saw Raya smile at the kings best friend.

Raya was back in the driver's seat as they pulled out of Hammerhead. Nyx handed her a new ebony making her smile. They were driving along when something told her to stop. Raya pulled over making everyone look at her. "Babe you okay?" she didn't answer him.

Raya closed her eyes and felt everything around her when she opened her eyes and took off running her weapons in her hand. Raya warped over to a house as a woman screamed. Raya ran up to her. "They took my son. They went towards that cave. Please save my son." Raya nods. "I will go get him to stay here and let my friends know what you told me."

Raya took off wondering were this speed came from. he found the cave and went in. It was covered in ice she knew the boy wouldn't make it long in here if she didn't find him soon. She only took a few steps when the entrance of the cave collapsed. She went back to looking for the boy and found him in to back tied up and trembling from the cold.

Raya ran over and cut him free. Thankfully she had her leather coat on. "Put this on okay it will keep you warm." The boy did as asked. Raya heard her com go off.

Nyx: Starlight come in

Raya: I'm here hero

Nyx: Where are you?

Raya: Some cave it collapsed when I entered. Nyx you need to hurry the cave is full of ice.

Libertus: Did you find the boy?

Raya: Yeah but he won't make it long

Raya was talking when something hit her knocking her to the ground. She turned to see a Ronin. "Stay back okay." the boy nodded and moved away. Raya didn't have much room to move as she fought the daemon. As she moved to the left the daemon hit her shoulder the leg. Raya finally killed it and looked to see the boy was okay. "Come here, child. Sit in my lap so you're not touching the ice." She heated up one hand with fire magic to help the boy stay warm.

Raya: Nyx hurry

Nyx: We're here baby just trying to get in. Hold on

Raya was getting weak from blood loss and cold. She don't even know she had closed her eyes.

Nyx and the others finally got the rocks cleared away. "Raya where are you?" he said into the coms but got no response. He know she had to have been hurt bad or she would have answered. "CAN ANYONE HEAR ME." he yelled into the cave. "Over here hurry she won't wake up."

Nyx took off to the voice and found a little boy sitting in her lap with her coat on. "Libertus get him out of here. Crowe help me with her." the boy looked up at Nyx. "Mister tell her thank you she kept me warm somehow." Nyx nods and takes her coat from the boy.

Nyx goes over to his wife to she had used magic to keep him warm the marks going up her arm. Her arm had blood all over it as did her leg. Nyx picked her up and got her out of the ice cave. Once out in the sun, he laid her down so he and Crowe could look over her. "Starlight you need to wake up baby... Come on open your eyes. Raya wake up." Crowe had healed her and gave her a potion but she still didn't wake up.

Nyx looked at Crowe what'ss wrong with her?" She shook her head. "I don't know Nyx. She should be awake." He looked down at her. "Come back to me Starlight." Then it hit him as Libertus ran up. "I need you guys to trust me and watch over us. I know where she is and only I can reach her." They both nod. "Go get our friend back hero."

Raya was in a darkroom being held down as Ardyn stood above her. "No one can help you here dear." She screamed out as his hold on her neck tightened. "Put my wife down." she heard Nyx yell as he warped to her side knocking Ardyn away. "How can you come to this realm?" she stood up next to Nyx. "Because he is the other half of my soul. So where ever I'm my soul can follow." Ardyn took a step back then bowed

"Well played my dear. I will be seeing you soon." When he left they were sent back to there bodies.

Raya sat up and looked at Nyx. "Thank you, hero. I owe you." he smiled and pulled her into a hug. "You and everyone else." Raya playfully smacked his arm. When she moved away he stopped her. "I see any injury you get in there you get here as well." She looked at him confused. "Your neck is badly bruised it wasn't before." She looked down. "yeah I guess that's the case." Looking up again she looked around. "He's safe and at home with his family again."

Nyx helped her up. "Nyx you drive I'm gonna nap on the way to the post it's a 4-hour drive so nap time for me." she gave him the keys as he helped her back to the car. "Here." he gave her his hoodie she loved to wear. "Thanks, baby." She gave him a kiss as she got in the car and laid her head back. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep.

Nyx looked over to his friends in the back. "Ardyn is trying to break her down. We need to watch her and be there for her." the other two nod. "Always"

They pulled into the Chocobo post. "Starlight were here hun." She opened her eyes and looked around the Chocobo's were no were to be seen. She got out of the car when someone came running up to them. "Names Wiz are you guys here to help with the behemoth?" Raya nods. "Yes is it really bad?" The man nods to her as a loud roar is heard from somewhere in the woods. "Let's go take care of this behemoth." Everyone nods and follows after her.

They slowly walk along the behemoth tracks keeping there eyes open. they jump down into some ruins and come around a corner to come face to face with a king behemoth. "Shit this is gonna suck," Libertus says as everyone ready their weapons.

They had been going at this for 30 mins already and were starting to tire out. "We can't keep this up for much longer," Crowe yells out. Raya watches as everyone is almost warned out when she once more felt her magic flow and a power come to her. "Everyone get back trust me please."

Raya feels the magic moving all around her when the behemoth comes running at her. Just as it was about to attack her Rayas head snapped up.

Raya's body changed in seconds as she tossed her hand out a shadow slammed into the behemoth and smoke came out of no were she nodded at the tiger. Raya and Smoke fought as a team quickly taking out the behemoth. Raya bowed to the tiger and kissed her head. "Thank you, my friend."

Nyx was not sure what just happened. He saw her change back then walk over to them. "Starlight you okay" she smiled at him. "Yeah, as long as I keep you all in my head I won't fall to the darkness." He pulled her to him and kissed her.

Once back at the post they let Wiz know it should be safe once more for his Chocobo's. "Call me if any other problems come up we will come back as soon as we can." They all got in the car Raya was driving once more as they headed out to Lestallum.

The closer they got the worse her head felt. Nyx noticed the grip she had on the wheel. Before he said anything Raya pulled over and got out holding her head as she dropped to her knees. "Starlight what is it?" She looked at him. "Titan doesn't want another god in his area. We need to go to him first. Nyx please drive me there now." he nods and helps her back in the car.

Raya tries not to get sick from the headache she was having. "Starlight were here baby." Nyx helped her out of the car as the four of them walked over to the cliff edge. "Stand back guys I don't want you to get hurt." When no one moved she looked at them. "We are at your side Raya no matter what." she smiles and looks towards the spot Titan was.

"Titan I call you forth to aid me in ridding the world of the shadow trying to destroy it," she called out. There was a loud noise and Titan rose up. "What gives you the right to ask anything of me You're a fallen Goddess." She looked at him and calmly said. "Titan I don't ask you to help. I demand your help. You are in this world to protect it's people so do what your meant to do."

Nyx watched his wife she had so much confidence in herself and her cause. "You can't demand me when you don't even know your true name." Nyx looked to see the Titan raise his hand to attack them. Nyx was not sure what to do when he saw Raya take a step forward and place her hand forward as power just poured from her.

"I know my true name, Titan. For I'm the Goddess Nyx and you will help keep these people safe." she shot her magic forward to block his attack. Raya cast another spell making the God fall backward.

Once Titan stood up he looked down at the young Goddess in front of him. "The path you walk in a dangerous one young one. One false step and you could doom all. If you hold on to those who love you and let their love be your strength then you will save all. Never forget young Goddess your never alone."

Raya nods and bows. "I will keep your words close Titan and I thank you for your help. Please keep the people safe from Ardyn. Titan, may I ask you something?" When he nodded to her she looked up. "Did I really develop this curse?" She was not sure she wanted the answer but she needed to know the truth.

Nyx has never seen something so amazing as what he was watching. The power coming off her was strong and powerful. Full of confidence and elegance. She was the Goddess of his people. The goddess Nyx whom he was named after. Was this fate that they met and fell in love? He thought to himself.

Raya looked up at Titan as he spoke. "You did young one. In a moment of betrayal, your heart was broken and you wanted retribution for the pain you were caused. You though must learn the rest for yourself. I pray you are freed from this curse Goddess for we all miss your light in our sky at night." Raya bowed once more and thanked Titan then turned to her friends and smiled.

Nyx came over and pulled her to him. "Starlight I can't believe it. When did you learn who you were?" she looked at him as she changes back. "I learned it as I yelled it out." Nyx kissed her. "You know my mother named me after you. She said you may have been a forgotten Goddess but you would always be her favorite." Raya laughed at that. "That's why I know that mark. There is a temple to the Goddess Nyx on Galahad. We should go to it after we get the gods aid. Starlight I love you."

Raya looked up and kissed him. "I love you to hero." She looked at the other two who were just staring at her not sure what to say after what they just saw. "So umm do we call you Raya or Nyx" Raya laughed "Raya is fine plus I think it would be confusing if you said Nyx because he would answer as well. Nyx we are so gonna have to tell your mom and sister." He smiled at her. "I think we can tell them in person. They are in Lestallum right now doing some shopping they wanted to meet us there and see how you are doing."

The four friends left to go see her family. "She has so much more power this lifetime," Titan says. "yes she does but it is because this time she has something she never had before. She has family and friends. They will be her strength or her doom. Ardyn will try to get her to turn away from them." Titan looked at the speaker. "Hopefully they are as strong as she is then. If so then we have nothing to worry about." The speaker nods. "Yes, it would be nice to have my friend back once more." Titan heard the sadness as the speaker vanished. "We all miss her laughter and light."