
The Start of The End

"All units move to secure the wall if they breakthrough we're done," Luche yells on the coms. Raya was fighting when she heard Libertus in the coms. "What's the hold-up, Crowe?" Raya killed a saber tusk when Crowe finally said. "Almost there, guys hold on a little longer." Raya was tossed in the air as she yelled out, "SMOKE COME." the tiger ran to her side as she landed. "I need help the east walls going down can anyone get to me?" Raya took off running. "Lucis isn't paying us enough for this." She yells out.

Pena was next to Tredd when a behemoth came running up to them fast. "How is this far?" When from two different sides, there was a blue flash, and Raya and Nyx cut down the beast. " Looks like I owe you two." she was at Nyx's back. "You and everyone else," Nyx says.

"We need help on the east wall Nyx Raya get your ass's up here." Nyx saw her roll her eyes as Smoke came over. "Take them to safety, my friend." The tiger nods. She nods to Nyx as they move. "Go easy on the magic hero's you got people back home waiting on you." Raya laughed. "we're worth the wait." the two warp away.

"Fall back. All units fall back. We can't take down that daemon." Nyx grabs her hand as they start to run back. "Nyx stop. Libertus is stuck." Luche tries to stop them. Nyx takes off to his best friend, and Raya follows behind him. They look up to see a daemon dog.

Raya warps over to sidetrack the dog but gets hit into a wall. As she falls, she warps away. Just as Nyx gets Libertus free. Raya warps over to help when she feels something tear through her side. Raya hits the ground as pain shots up her body.

"RAYA," Nyx yelled as she fell with the damn mutt. Then they see her warp abit away and land on the ground coughing. Raya warps once more to them. "Sorry, I had a dog to put down. I also need to find out who the fuck just shot me." Once they were safe, Raya drank a potion healing her side as she sat down next to Nyx.

The two watch as the empire pulled back. His arm around her waist. "Starlight, you are very reckless, my love." she kissed his cheek. "I learned it from you, hero." They went back to the vans when she kind of stumbled, making him pull her to him. Nyx looked at her, his eyes filled with worry. " I'm fine, babe. Just some pain, you can look yourself once we get home."

As they walked into there now fixed place, Raya took off her coat and dropped it in the chair. That's how he knew she was hurting. She played down her feet still on the floor as her upper body was on the bed. "Need help, babe?" she sat up and winced, making her fall back down.

Nyx came over and got her shoes off. After that, he moved her feet onto the bed and lifted the side of her shirt. "Damn, that's a hell of a bruise, babe." He looked over to see she was already asleep. The last few days had been hard on her. Nyx laid down next to her. He was pulling her into his arms.

Her and Nyx were placed on gate duty for not listing to orders. Nyx could tell she was close to hitting the crown guard that was in her face when there shift ended. "Starlight time to go come on, baby." he took her hand and led her away.

The two walked down to the bar, where the others waited for them. "Not a nice welcome for your hero's." Nyx joked as they walked over." Not a nice outfit for one, either." Crowe added, handing Raya a drink. "I think it brings out my eyes," Raya says, downing the whiskey. She gets another one and raises her cup. "For hearth," she says with her other hand resting on her husband. "And home." Everyone else said.

Raya sat down in Nyx's lap as the pain went up to her side. " I hope whoever fucking shot me died a nice slow death." Nyx chuckled at her kissing her neck. Crowe came over, dragging Raya to her feet. "Crowe, don't kill my wife. She hurts enough." Raya laughed as Crowe handed her another drink. "She won't be soon." Only Raya heard her and started laughing.

"Nyx hey Nyx, I bet I can... Oh shit, what was I going to say?" Raya looked at him, making him laugh at her. "Time to go home, babe. We have an early day." she nods as she jumps on his back. "Husband, you smell yummy." Nyx just smiles as he carries her home.

Raya heard Nyx's alarm and was going to hit it when it stopped. "Baby has anyone told you that you're kinda scary in the morning." She looked over at him. "No one that lived to tell anyone else has." Nyx laughed, "Come on, I made you some coffee." She was drinking her coffee when her phone went off with a text.

Dratuos: You are to watch over the king. Tell NYX to meet me out front in 15 mins

Raya: Yes sir, thanks I would have hated to be thrown in jail for murdering a gate guard.

Drautos: You really can't play nice with anyone, can you?

Raya: Not with dumb asses nope. See you later I will let Nyx know sir.

Drautos: Raya wear your battle gear in case this goes south

Raya: Yes sir

Raya looked up at Nyx. "Change of plans, you get to wear your uniform and met with Drautos downstairs in 10 mins. I have to stand at the king's side in battle gear. It should be a fun day for me." Nyx looked worried about her, and she knew it because she had a bad feeling herself.

Raya put her sword he gave her for her birthday on her back and his blade on her leg. She walked out in full battle gear. The sight was something that would always leave him breathless. "Starlight, please be careful. I love you." She kissed him. "I love you too, hero. I will be fine. I got smoke if need be." She wanted to reassure him, but the truth was she asked smoke to stay with him today.

Raya walked into the throne room as she stood guard over the king. "What's your name, glaive?" She bowed to the king. "Raya Ulric, your majesty." He smiled when Nyx ran in and kneeled. "Your majesty deploys the glaive. They have the princess." Raya looked at her husband. "You go get her back. Raya goes with him." She bowed, "Yes, sir."

They were kneeling over a cliff when they were given the okay to head in. "Starlight, please stay close. Something is not right about this." She nods to him, and they warp in. Once inside, she was forced on to a different ship then Nyx. She looked around when she felt a sharp pain in her side.

"Traitors," Raya yelled, attacking the man that stabbed her and killed him. "Nyx come in." she took off running, ignoring the pain. "Starlight, I got the princess. Why do you sound hurt?" she had to laugh as she sent Smoke to him. "Because someone in the fucking glaive just stabbed me. I'm heading back to the king. I will meet you there. Nyx, be careful."

She wrapped till she was running into the throne room as all hell broke out. Raya used her magic and attacked the mt's in the area. "Sorry, I'm late, your majesty." Just then, Glauca showed up. She looked at Clarus as the two stood in front of there king.

Nyx and Lunafraya were running down the hallway and ran into the room to see Raya get tossed into a wall. Clarus was dead. She slowly got up and ran at Glauca just to be caught by the neck and slammed her down. Smoke ran over, knocking him away from her.

Nyx saw Luna go to the king, and he went to his wife, helping her up. The two stood in front of the king, holding Glauca back. " Hurry this way." Nyx and Raya both warped over as the doors to the elevator closed. "Smoke stay with Nyx, my friend." She whispered. Once the doors opened, Nyx was leading with Luna. Raya saw the king stop, and she did as well. Raya cast a barrier as she stands guard over the king.

"Starlight, don't do this." She looked at her husband. " I'm sorry, Nyx, but this is our job. I love you, my hero. Keep her safe. Don't do anything reckless."

Glauca came into the room as Raya moved in front of the king. "GO NOW NYX," she yelled as she and king fought to give them time.

Raya saw the king was about to get hit and warped over the sword cutting through her side. Glauca kicked her aside and killed there king. Raya was coughing up blood when Glauca looked at her and left—thinking her dead.

Raya stood up and slowly made her way out. "Shit little one, what the hell happened to you?" She looked at Libertus. "Don't ask. Where's Nyx?" She tapped her com when she saw a ship shooting at a car. "There, he is right back." She did the one thing no other glaive could do right now and warped to the ship.

Nyx saw someone warp and land on the ship. pulling his weapon from the ship and warped to the car. "I think this is you'rs babe." The vehicle was then tossed off the road, sending Raya into a building. She got up and ran to help them out of the car as they ran.

Drautos: Nyx Raya come in, are you there.

Raya: Yes sir we're both here.

Drautos: Ray, you're alive? Anyway meet up at district 9

Nyx: Yes sir but our wings have been clipped

Nyx saw the look in her eyes. She was not trusting there captain for some reason. The three-headed out.

Nyx and Raya, both walkout, telling Luna to stay hidden. " we are here reporting in." Nyx heard the shot as Raya went down. Then another one dropping her all the way. Nyx was at her side as Tredd walked over.

Raya coughing up blood looked at the glaive as he came closer. Nyx was holding her as Luna ran to them. "Smoke, go get him, my friend." Raya watched as her tiger ran at Tredd, his bullets going through the tiger. Smoke killed him as Drautos pulled in with Libertus.

"Nyx, I think Drautos is Glauca don't Trust him," she whispered as Drautos came closer. Smoke attacked Drautos without being told when he changed into Glauca. "Raya dear, I'm shocked you are even moving the sword I put through you and the two bullets I ordered to be shot through you, yet here you are."

Raya went to attack when Glauca kicked her away. She was coughing up a lot of blood at this point when Nyx put on the ring. Out of nowhere, Nyx warped in front of her, blasting Glauca away from her. Libertus was now by Luna.

Raya felt a power building in her. "Libertus get Luna out of here. Leave Glauca to us." She stood up and went next to her husband. "I believe we always vowed to have each others back my hero."

Nyx looked at her."My starlight, are you sure? Your hurt." She smiled at him. "We do this together always." Luna looked at the two of them standing back to back in their battle gear. "Trust me, princess, it is a sight that has made many cower in fear."

Raya and Nyx were fighting nonstop when they finally took out Glauca. Raya turned to see Nyx was fading as she went to his arms. "Nyx, please don't make me do this without you. I can't. I need you." He hugged her as a tear fell from his face. "I will always be with you, my starlight. Please watch out for our family and friends. Raya, thank you for showing me, true love."

She cried as she kissed him, and he was gone his other weapon in her hand. Raya dropped to her knees and screamed. She finally stood and wrapped to make sure Luna made it out.

Raya came up behind Libertus and Crowe. They watched as the princess was walking out the gate. "He's gone." The two turned to see a broken Raya holding Nyx's weapon in her hand. She took one step when all the power in her faded, and she fell.

"Raya, come on, girl, stay awake." Libertus picked her up. "We are going to Galahad, come on, Crowe." Caring her, the three let the city that no longer was there home.


Raya is walking into what was a house given to her as a wedding gift and turned it into a hunters HQ for Galahad. "Raya night has taken over." she turned to see Libertus standing there. "I know it's time to head back and help the people of Lucis. Bahamut has called his glaives forward," she said.

Raya and her three friends stepped back onto lucis soil. Raya had Nyx's weapons on her both strapped to her thigh one on each side her sword on her back. " This is where we must part ways, my friends. For hearth." the other two looked at her. "and home." she bowed to them. "Nyx watch over us. We need your strength, my hero. Smoke, go with them, and keep them safe."

Raya walked into the darkness. She was used to the chaos, and she used it to help her fight. Days turned into weeks. Weeks into years. She had been held prisoner then escaped. She had seen Noctis come and restore the light as Luna now stood beside her husband and king.

Raya came to the queen one day and bowed. "Raya, it's good to see you are well. Why have you come here like this?" Raya stood up. "Luna, I can't be what I was with him. Please destroy my records. I will still be around but as Raya Cross. Please, I need your help in getting a new job. I can't be a glaive without my soul any longer."

So Luna did as she was asked with the help of Libertus and Crowe. Raya became Ignis's helper. She lived in the same apartment her and Nyx once shared. His weapons in his nightstand and her sword hidden away. Raya got one more tattoo next to the one on her spine that said. "OUR PRIDE SHAPES THE FUTURE."