
Chapter 32

Chapter 32: Kings, Slaves and Song.

Baldur Crowl, King's Landing, 276AC

"I will, I will, rock you." Baldur hummed to himself as the ship drifted into port of King's Landing. "You got blood on your face, you dead disgrace, and I've splattered you all over the place." Baldur continued, fondly recalling his battle from atop the walls of River Wood. He slaved on the ride home to create a number of fond songs to regale the halls and taverns alike upon his return.

Speaking of slaves, he had returned with a couple thousand of them from Essos. Upon the sacking of River Wood, they had been granted the slaves and loot as promised. Brynden had promptly informed them all that they were free men and if they chose, they could accompany them back to Westeros, where they would be settled upon lands within the Riverlands or the North.

Most accepted the offer, though, a few chosen to remain in River Wood as slaves, much to the Westerosi's surprise. Apparently, they're were really fond of their Masters and didn't wish to leave their service. They sounded suspiciously like his brewer Varicho, the great coward of a tiny man.

The slaves were very interesting people, waiting on Baldur hand and foot, no doubt thankful for their rescuing. Many of them were craftsmen and workers of some talent, raised in slavery their whole lives.

They had a certain fondness for music, which had served Baldur well, as they helped him fine tune his new songs. Most of them were also rather fond of fire, led by a red dressed woman who often kept him up at night with her shouting into the flames like a mad woman. Fortunately, they were fond of the flames, as they would certainly need them Beyond the Wall where Baldur planned to have them settled.

The loot that they had gained was quite numerous as well, much to his men's happiness. They gained spices, carpets, gold, silks and pretty much anything else of value that wasn't nailed down and even some that was. His men had pretty much taken all of the loot in the town being theirs, carrying off as much as they could carry. This includes the weapons, armor and even underclothes of some of the sell swords. The sell swords had rightfully been upset at the last one.

They had journeyed to a port along the coast and from there, were delivered home as promised, with much wealth in tow. The long voyage towards home had been a dull affair, not even pirates bothered them on the journey for some excitement. Baldur had thus been forced out of boredom to take to writing a few ideas down, where he had come up with the concept of introducing some new and exciting songs. The newly freed men on board had proven some aid, forming a band of sorts for him.

As they docked, Baldur strutted down the plank, chest held out, striking a powerful image. As he reached the docks, he was met by a familiar face, accompanied by a group of Goldcloaks. "Marlon Manderly." Baldur greeted with a smile. He talked frequently with the man on his trip south. "Is this my welcoming party?" He asked, motioning around to the group of Goldcloaks. 

"Lord Crowl, you have returned victorious." The Mer - helmed man praised as his eyes drifted over to Brynden who descended the docks as well, giving orders to a few of the freed slaves in high Valyrian. "Ser Brynden, your brother will be glad by your good health as well." Marlon added with a nod to the famous knight.

"We are fortunate to return. Unfortunately, some of our numbers were less fortunate." Brynden informed him as he stopped beside Baldur.

"King Aerys summons you both to the Red Keep. He wishes to hear about your account first hand." Ser Marlon told them.

"Lead the way, Watch Commander." Brynden replied with a nod.

The other nobles of the Riverlands and the North joined behind them as they walked through the streets of King's Landing. The stench was something that Baldur didn't miss, but he dealt with it well enough as people shouted greetings and praise towards them. Apparently, their exploits had proceeded them as shouts of their names were echoed from the occupants of King's Landing.

Behind them, a great caravan of gifts meant for the king were being hauled behind them by the freed men under the guard of the Skagosson and Riverland troops. According to Brynden, it was best not to trust the City Watch with their precious cargo, even under the guiding hand of Lord Stark. They were known to be frequently paid off and in league with thieves and smugglers. Baldur wondered what made the man to have such a jaded opinion about the watch.

As they walked, Ser Marlon informed them of the news about the realm during their absence. He spoke of the rising tensions in the Crownlands due to the raised taxes that the Prince had ridden out and dealt with. Apparently, the Lords were still upset, though the roads that are nearing completion in many places and the taxes that would surely be lowered in time would appease them and lower the displeasure that the Crownland lords are experiencing.

Over the last year, many of the luxury goods that was originating from the southern Free Cities had been in shortage, causing some concern among the nobles and merchants, though the issue had been settled well enough by the Small Council, who offered a number of tax breaks, a wise decision by Lord Hoster. Brynden didn't seem to care that much at the news of his brother's position, merely stating that he was thankful that it hadn't cost him a marriage to do so as he was running out of daughters to sell off. 

Ser Marlon quickly changed the topic after that, speaking of the outskirts of the Seven Kingdoms. Arianne, princess and heir to Dorne had been born earlier in the year along with Princess Vaella Targaryen and a slew of other noble births that Baldur didn't care about. It was good news that King Aerys had another daughter though, for the man had been distraught in the early parts of his reign at his lack of success in siring anymore children. 

Baldur however tried to tune out any more talks about the birthing of children and talk of wives as it reminded him of his own woman waiting in the north. Despite all the fun he had in killing foes in the south, he knew he had to return north back to Skagos, to see his child and the bane of Skagos given the form of a woman. He missed his son though, and no doubt the boy had grown in his absence.

Tygett Lannister, 276AC, Red Keep

Tygett had a successful few years since being promoted to the Master - at - Arms of the Red Keep. He had done well for himself, earning his own prestige and own position, getting glory for himself, instead of being handed it to him due to who his brother was. He had ensured that the garrison was well trained and ready in the event that any problem arose and nothing unfortunate had happened on his watch, unlike in his youth when the Reyne boy had been hung in the stables during a feast.

Despite all of his success, he had been passed over for the position of Watch Commander, something that did bother him. Tywin blamed him for the occurrence, stating that Tygett was directly responsible for the Northern influence at court, and he begrudgingly agree that Tywin was correct in that account. He hated the smug expression on his brother's face when Lord Stark had instead chosen the Manderly man for the position instead of Tygett himself.

The Northerners and Riverlanders seemed to multiply by the dozens within King's Landing last year, building influence and shifting the politics of the realm. Lord Stark and Hoster Tully promoted men almost exclusively from the Riverlands, the Vale and the North to any positions that became available under them, though that was to be expected. Tywin surely hadn't done any differently as Hand, often using his own position to promote Westerlanders to positions as a reward. It seemed these days that Tygett was the only one that had earned his position on his own name, which suited him fine enough.

"Come along, Cersei." Tygett spoke as they walked through the halls of the Red Keep after leaving the kitchen. He had done his best to keep an eye on the girl during her stay in King's Landing. Cersei had recently been summoned by Tywin to court in his attempts to subtly hint to the King about a match and Tygett was doing his own part in helping bring the girl to the King's attention today.

As they walked through the halls of the Red Keep, they came upon the King and Tygett's purpose for bringing his niece with him. Accompanying the king were the usual Kingsguard members Ser Barristan and Ser Gaunt, along with a number of other knights and his old friend Baldur, who would surely be helpful to get Cersei noticed, not that he knew he was playing any part in this mummers show.

"Tygett!" Boomed out the giant of a man, Tygett smiling at his plan being well executed. He had just finished telling Cersei of the exploits of Baldur and Ser Brynden and drilled her in remembering the facts. She had been stubborn at first, but with the threat of her father and the risk of not getting to marry Prince Rhaegar, she had given in. It was good for her too, as he wasn't in the mood to be tried by the little bitch. Truly, he felt sorry for whoever would have to marry her. He would have to have words with his brother about her behavior.

"Baldur, Ser Brynden, I've heard that you both have been quite successful in your service to the crown." Tygett greeted pleasantly as Baldur came forward and gave him a solid pat on the back in greeting. Tygett truly did like the man, he had been the first to give Tygett any recognition, and he would never forget that. To this day, Tygett still defended the Stone Lord whenever he heard his name being slandered. He would take the Stone Lord side over any of the many lords of the Seven Kingdoms to fight at his side.

"Ser Tygett, Baldur was just regaling us with tales of our victories in the east." The King said brightly as Tygett nodded. The King was fond of the Stone Lord as well, something that ruffled more than one person, including his brother Tywin.

"A great decision, Your Grace. Sending renowned warriors such as Ser Brynden and Lord Crowl, they had long served the crown well." Tygett praised the King on his choice. While some may question the wisdom of sending Baldur, none had questioned the likes of Ser Brynden Tully.

"Tygett, you never told me you had a lass." Baldur exclaimed, looking down at the Cersei and the cone of Ice Cream in her hand, a recent delicacy to hit in King's Landing, originating from Skagos if Tygett wasn't mistaken.

"I am the daughter of Lord Tywin Lannister." Cersei exclaimed with her chin rising as she spoke, much to Tygett's ire. Reaching over in a familial manner with a smile on his face, he placed his hands on her shoulder and dug in sharply, causing the girl to cringe a bit under the pressure.

"Quite right, my dear." Tygett said with a warm laugh that covered the ire he actually felt. "Allow me to introduce my niece, Your Grace." Tygett stated, looking towards to King Aerys. "The beautiful Cersei Lannister." He added, pushing her forward a bit so that she may give the proper pleasantries.

"We were just returning from getting some Ice Cream. A pleasurable new delicacy, Your Grace." Cersei explained as the King eyed at the Ice Cream in her hand.

"Certainly an enjoyable food, and one from your home land if I recall Baldur?" The king questioned as the giant of a man nodded.

"Aye, your grace. A fine food in the heat of the south." Baldur answered.

"Perhaps you could surprise my daughter with some later, she is quite fond of the food." Aerys informed Cersei as she smiled.

"Of course, your grace. I will give your regards to her when I do." Cersei promised as that brought a warm smile to Aerys face. He was certainly fond of his eldest daughter, often spending times telling her stories from what Tygett had heard. She, like the king, had a mind to appreciate great works and beautiful things, often asking him to describe the many places of the Seven Kingdoms to her. 

"Ser Tygett, Lady Cersei, will you be joining us for tonight's feast?" Aerys asked the pair.

"It would be an honor, Your Grace." Tygett said with a bow.

"Of course, your grace. Is there by any chance that Prince Rhaegar will be playing his harp? Tis such a beautiful thing to hear in the halls, your Grace." Cersei said truthfully. The young girl had always been fond of the prince and his music, ever since hearing the prince play.

"I will tell my son that he has an admirer." King Aerys said with a smile to the young girl. "Baldur here has promised me a few ballads of his own, perhaps my royal son will have some competition in the arts this eve!" King Aerys exclaimed.

Tygett highly doubted that the Skagosi man could compete with the prince's music, and by Cersei's face, the very thought that the heathen Skagosi man would even grace the halls with what he considered to be music was a revolting thought to her. "I look forward to it, your grace." Tygett assured the King as the group continued on their way. 

Tygett Lannister, 276AC, King's Landing, Great Hall.

The feast was well underway, drinks and food of all type cluttering the tables as occupants celebrated the successful return of Ser Brynden and Baldur, along with the end to the Trade Dispute in the south. Tywin had been pleased that Tygett had taken the initiative to yet again introduce the king to his daughter and had ensured no expense was spared on her gown for the night's feast, much to Cersei's happiness. If there was one thing that Tywin was never short with when it came to his children, it was gold.

Rumors and conversation were about as people discussed the latest gossip of the Red Keep. On the forefront of the gossip was a dispute between Brynden and Hoster over the fact that the man had taken in the many refugees and were settling them around Riverrun, spending the coin to settle the foreigners instead of on his own house.

Tygett could understand the frustrations of the Lord Paramount of the Riverlands, though he would certainly twist it into something politically positive. Lord Hoster was if anything, politically acute. Tygett would even go as far as to believe that it was he who guided the strings behind Lord Stark's decisions, for surely the rigid Northman was as simple and blunt as the many Northern men that he surrounded himself with.

At the head table sat King Aerys, along with the high lords of his Small Council, along with his honored guests, Ser Brynden Tully and Baldur himself, both seated on either side of the King. The King was happily talking to the both of them, clearly enjoying the feast and the many gifts that had been brought back from Essos, sent straight from the Volantene's ruling Triarchy.

It hadn't been long before a group of men began entering through the doors of the hall, all well dressed and carrying various musical instruments. If Tygett wasn't mistaken, they were also the freed slaves from Essos, judging by their mixed appearances. Some looked Valyrian, while others, Summer Islanders and even a few he didn't recognize the origins from. All of them were well dressed and appeared to be here to entertain.

His suspicions was proven correct when one of the servants announced that the freed men wished to pay tribute to King Aerys for his valiance in freeing them from their shackles of servitude and delivering them from harm.

Tygett was in the opinion that they should be thankful for that, as it was certainly not in the plan. If it hadn't been for Ser Brynden's bleeding heart, they likely would have not lived to see dawn. He knew full well that Baldur cared near nothing for the smallfolk that got in his way during the course of war and the king equally so.

"My King and Queen, Lords and Ladies of the realm, allow us to sing you a ballad, written for his grace, the King." A Valyrian looking man said with an accented voice as the room quieted. The music began softly and in rhythm as the occupants listened in intently to the group beginning to play.

Gods Bless the King (In the tune of Gods Bless America)

Gods Bless King Aerys,

The King that we love

Stand beside him and fight for him,

Through the nights and the days and the dawn

From the Northmen to the Dornishmen,

Through the kingdom, bright with glee,

Gods bless King Aery's, our King and wise liege.

Tygett listened as verse by verse of the song rolled by, catching the crowds attention as many listened to the lyrics intently. It was an excellent song, a master work and clearly the King had enjoyed it by his face. The King even turned to Tywin, speaking something about him not being the only one with a dedicated song now. Tywin seemed to take it well enough though, offering his praise for the well commissioned song.

The next song was a far different tune than the previous and clearly must have been inspired by one of the foreign slave's home countries. It was of the likes that Tygett had never heard as it took on a style foreign to Westeros and more at home to a tavern than the great halls of the king.

Baldur Will Rock You (In the tune of We Will Rock You) 

Baldur you're the man, take a big axe, swinging at your foes going to be a legend someday.

He got blood on your face, you dead disgrace, and he splattered you all over the place.

He will, he will, rock you.

He will, he will, rock you.

Baldur you're the man, a real big man, killing in the streets going to be the champion someday.

He got blood on your face, wrecked your place, kicking your gates all over the place.

He will, he will, rock you.

He will, he will, rock you.

It continued on through many different verses, all of which were clearly written by the Skagosi man, crude but perfectly highlighting his many feats on the field of battle. The occupants of the hall clearly enjoyed it as the occupants of the lower tables pounded their mugs to the beat. It would surely be a hit amongst the taverns and small folks in the future, just as he suspected the Skagosi man wanted. 

"An excellent tune!" King Aerys praised, rising from his seat. "I would like to announce, that I have decided that it would be a grand idea that King's Landing should have a school of poets itself, to inspire the finer arts among our great kingdom!" He said proudly as many cheered at the idea. Tygett could almost see the muscles in Tywin's eye twitching from his position on near the king, much to his pleasure. The King shits and the Hand cleans it up, that saying was never truer than now.