
Chapter 26

Chapter 26: The Harrenhal curse

272AC, Helena Whent, Winterfell

Following the incident of the wildling attack, Helena had been confined to town under the constant guard of Baldur's men. At the time, she had been fearful for her life, though that all changed when Vilkas came to speak with her. The man explained that it was the method of dispensing justice in the north and perfectly legal, as the lords of Winterfell had been doing exactly that for ages.

Helena knew of Skagos and she knew of its history, but admittedly she had little in the way of actual real world experience and application, only knowing of what she read in books. Vilkas had sat with her a long while, discussing the changes the Baldur had pushed and he had carried out. The older man seemed intent on pushing Skagos to a better future and Helena had decided that she would help, insisting to Vilkas that she would like to make it up to Baldur.

She had tried to apologize to Baldur, though the man was hardly open to accepting it. He had been as short as possible, accepting the apology and walking off, with little else to say. Was Helena under the expectation that he would also apologize for his ill behavior? Yes, she indeed had been, but she would let it go for now and work on what she could with Vilkas.

Helena was no stranger to disappointment though, she could admit that she had misjudged. She would continue to push though, because that had always been what kept her going. She would find another way as she always did, and that opportunity presented itself after Helena began her work with Vilkas. The opportunity came in the form of Maester Glenn, a man looking to much like her, detail the history of the wildlings and Skagosi culture.

Maester Glenn was a younger man with few links, but still a Maester, with a passion for adventure and discovery, even if it was dangerous. He was polite and exceedingly kind, the type that would be run over in Skagos. Helena convinced him that it was in both their interests to work together on a book or a series of books to author together. Vilkas would give him access and men to conduct his research as long as he worked as a Maester for them.

Helena, Vilkas and Maester Glenn began immediately in focusing on the workings of Skagos. Economically, the place was surprisingly well off, increasing their profits year after year with idea's that Vilkas was murky on explaining at best. They were also poorly organized and a divided place with only really the strength of Vilkas and Baldur holding the island together. Taxes were hardly enforced or even accounted for and the method of paying taxes was imprecise at best. The castle itself was nearly complete, but many positions would need to be built, a real treasury and true planning of resources. They had hardly any books on the island and many other areas that were being run poorly or not at all. It was a wonder they hadn't had more problems.

Helena, Vilkas and Maester Glenn thus began working from Baldur's longhouse, appointing people to positions to form a structure, balancing the finances and inventorying the tasks at hand. They had to account for how much grain storage they needed for winter with the increased population, the amount of taxes owed by each of their vassal houses and the much more. Baldur himself grew quickly scarce at the sight of the paperwork, shifting much of the work onto Vilkas. He seemed to understand it important, but didn't care much for the details, though he gave the general idea's his approval.

One of the changes Helena pushed for was a dispersal of the wildling clans into the general population. Many of them had been settled in one spot, leading to problems as their clan system, traditions and laws conflicted with those of the 7 kingdoms, leading to issues within. By dispersing the clans and integrating them into the populace, this would break down many of the problems, leaving them to assimilate into the changing culture of Skagos. 

Work had gone on for months with the various projects, while Baldur hid from the work best he could, taking refuge in his brewery with the brewer Varicho. Helena however was in her element, being in control and proving that she could do the job of running a household and land, which would go a long way to proving that she would be a fitting catch for a Lord. Festivals and dinners were being planned and court was starting to be a regular occurrence, something that Baldur actually did attend, soaking up the attention it offered.

It was a bit of a surprise when a letter arrived, baring the crest of House Stark, requesting the presence of Baldur and Helena to the castle of Winterfell, where Baldur's kin would be released from their fostering around the realm. Helena wondered why she could have been requested, unless her father had found her a match in the north and notified Lord Stark of the arrangement. He had not said a word yet of it to her, though he had hinted at finding some success in his letters. Helena had assumed it was another knightly house, one she had no intention of taking. She wouldn't take anything but a lord of her own houses standing, as her father and house deserved. 

The journey to Winterfell took a bit of time, over land from east watch by the sea where they made port. East watch by the sea was noticeably more bustling, Helena knew this as increased exports of grain from as far as White Harbor were delivered and shipped up the coast to the various trade posts, manned and operated by the Skagosi, who were making an increasing amount of coin value from them.

From East Watch by the sea, they traveled along to castle black and down to the nights watch. Helena had never seen the gift, but she spotted farms and small villages being built and settlers traveling up the road as they worked their way south. It was nothing compared to the lands around Harrenhal of course, but then again, few outside possibly the reach could compete with the fertile Riverlands.

When they arrived at the castle of Winterfell, Helena set eyes on it for the first time. She had read of it in books, it being built by the first men, like many of the most ancient of castles belonging to the great houses. Over the centuries, it had expanded out from the first keep to what it was today. She had read that Winterfell had hot springs beneath it that were piped through the walls to keep it warm.

As they rode through the gates, Helena spotted a group of what must be the Starks, awaiting them in the courtyard. At the head of the group was Lord Rickard Stark, a well built man who's calculating grey eyes were on them. Beside him, a friendly looking woman who smiled towards Baldur, no doubt this was Lady Lyarra Stark, a distant cousin of the Lord of Winterfell. Next to them were three children, a boy of around 10, a young girl of around 6 and a small boy of 2.

Elsewhere in the courtyard, a number of other nobles were watching. Helena recognized the sigil of House Umber, Manderly, Cerwyn, Waterman and a few others awaiting their arrival. "Baldur!" A man shouted, stepping forward to grasp Baldurs hand firmly. Behind him, Helena could see a large man outfitted in the Umber sigil, looking their way. That would likely make this man Rolf, Vilkas son.

"Rolf!" Baldur shouted with a smile towards his cousin.

Helena walked quickly up behind Baldur, pulling on his arm a bit roughly. The man paused in his greeting, turning to look at her, a frown on his face. "What woman?" Baldur demanded.

"Should you not greet Lord Stark first?" She questioned, motioning in his direction.

Turning, Baldur walked forward to the assembled Starks. "Lord Stark, I received your message, it gladdens me to see my Kin." Baldur informed him. Helena was sure the man figured that much out, seeing as they had all walked through the gates of his castle.  

"Welcome to Winterfell Lord Crowl." Lord Stark said, looking the taller man over with a critical eye, in search of who knows what.

"Baldur, a pleasure to see you again, might I meet your lady friend?" Lyarra asked curiously, motioning towards Helena.

"Lady friend? Ha, hardly." Baldur said with a booming laugh. Helena turned slightly red at that. She had grown use to it in her youth though, men and women alike often mocked her.

"Don't be rude." Lyarra chastised him, turning to Helena.

"Excuse him, he was dropped as a child." Lyarra said with an inviting smile towards Helena. "Frequently." She added with a wink, making Helena feel slightly better.

Helena stepped forward and greeted the Lady Stark, her head held high. "Lord Stark, Lady Stark, thank you for welcoming me into your home." Helena spoke.

"You are more than welcome" Rickard said, still eying her closely. "Allow me to introduce my children, Brandon, Benjen and Lyanna." He said, pointing to each in turn as Helena offered them each a polite smile.

"Our second son Eddard, is fostering in the Vale with Lord Arryn." Lady Lyarra informed her, though it sounded to her as if she would rather it not be the case. It was rather interesting that the son of the Lord Paramount was fostering with another, she wondered why that was the case.

"The guardsman say you killed a lot of wildlings beyond the wall." Brandon said to Baldur, clear interest in his eyes.

"Aye, with this very axe." Baldur said, patting the axe at his side.

"Brandon, that is not a proper question for a Lord." Rickard chided as Baldur chuckled.

"He is just curious Lord Stark! No harm done!" Baldur chuckled, leaning down on one knee, though still towering over the boy. If it was one way to get the large man's interest, it was talk of killing and war, Helena had suffered through his stories more than once, each one seemingly ending with 'and then I cut him in two!' though to be fair, sometimes they even ended with a 'her'. "Ever used an axe?" Baldur questioned, pulling his own out.

"No, though I've started using a sword with Ser Grant." He said with a grin. "I'll defend the wall one day." He promised as Baldur laughed along with a few others in the court yard.

"My brave Brandon." Lyarra chuckled.

"That's the spirit!" Baldur agreed. "Here, take this." Baldur said handing the axe to the boys hands. "Feel good?" Baldur said as the boy had to hold it in two hands, though gave an excited nod. "It looks good on you, keep it." Baldur said rising back to his feet as the boy beamed.

"Thank you Lord Crowl!" Brandon cheered as Ser Grant strode over after a nod from Rickard.

"A fine axe Lord Brandon, but I must see it to the armory for now." Ser Grant said as Brandon reluctantly handed it over.

"Don't worry, I will show you a few moves with it before I leave." Baldur told the boy to cheer him up before turning and looking around the courtyard. "Erik, Ingrid!" Baldur called out, motioning to the two with a grin. The greetings proceeded from their as his last two kin made their way forward.

As they were leaving to head to the great hall, Helena could see Lyarra soothing her pouting son, seemingly cheering him up as she whispered something in his ear before beginning to guide them all into the great hall. Around them, Baldur walked arm and arm with his cousins, his sister talking with him in quiet voices, leaving Helena to trail along quietly behind them as they caught up.

The feast was a short one, it being in the afternoon, a longer one due to be held that night to celebrate the occasion, according to Lord Stark. After the feast had been finished, Lord Stark requested Baldur and her to accompany him to his solar, where he wished to have a discussion.

Lord Starks solar was quite cold and only decorated with things of practical nature. Her father's own solar favored a number of jousting statues and historical River land paintings from notable artists, a sign of the wealth of Harrenhal. Lord Starks own solar, however, lacked any of this, though it screamed rather well of practicality, the only thing of note was a large Valyrian sword hanging on the wall. That would be the great sword Ice, the family ancestral sword.

"Please, be seated." Lord Rickard said, taking his own seat and looking across to them. Baldur seemed rather excited for some reason, clearly he had thoughts on what this meeting was about.

"I have received a letter from King Aerys." Lord Stark informed the pair, pulling a couple letters out from his desk. "As well as one from your Lord father." He added as Helena recognized the sigil of her house stamped on the letter. "In recognition of Lord Crowls service to the nights watch, King Aerys has asked your father to award your hand in marriage to Lord Baldur." Rickard spoke, looking between the two as Baldur made what sounded like a mix of a gurgle and a scream.

Helena didn't know what to think, the very idea that the King requested this marriage made little to no sense to her. People often said the king was eccentric, but who would suggest such a thing to him? After a few seconds of furious thought, it dawned on her as she turned slightly red. Baldur may not realize it, though Lord Stark clearly did as he was peering at Helena who turned slightly red. It was likely suggested to the king by someone who was clearly not happy with Lord Crowls actions, made to slight the young man with a cursed bride.

"Marriage to her?" Baldur demanded in outrage. "Thank you, but I will pass." Baldur added to Lord Stark with a laugh, though just drawing a sharp look from Lord Rickard.

"You have little choice in this Baldur, as your liege lord,I will not allow you to offer the king great insult by turning a marriage down from a wealthy house in the Riverlands for no viable reason." Lord Stark chided.

"No viable reason?" Baldur demanded aghast.

"Silence, we will speak of this later, or need I remind you again about the rules of my solar?" Lord Stark said coldly as Baldur quieted quickly, shaking his head. Helena had never seen Baldur look so chastised in her time on Skagos. He generally cared little for propriety, though clearly Lord Stark knew something she didn't.

"Now, Lady Whent." Lord Rickard said turning back to her. "Your Lord father has written me as well, not being aware of the new Ravenry on Skagos. He has asked me to speak to you on his behalf." Lord Rickard informed her.

"My Lord Father has accepted this… arrangement?" Helena asked for lack of naming it anything else. Her father would likely have little grounds to disagree with the arrangement, though it was hardly beneficial in her father's eyes. As far as he knew, Skagos was a poor house filled with savages. He was only half right, as they weren't quite poor, far from it in fact as the house continued to gain prosperity.

"He has bid me to inform you, that he had been in talks with Lord Walder Frey about an arrangement when the King made his request. Your Lord father was unaware of your fondness…" Rickard said looking towards Baldur, who looked outraged at the diea. "Of Lord Baldur, as the king reportedly was told." He finished.

So someone had indeed done this as some sort of cruel joke against Helena. It wouldn't be the first time and likely wouldn't be the last. However, she would be damned if she would marry Walder Frey, the man was revolting in every way and many years her senior. Given a choice between the two, Baldur came in a narrow first as her choice. "I would be honored to accept the kings generous council and wed your banner man Lord Stark." Helena said politely.

"We shall hold a celebratory feast this evening for the occasion, please, see to Maester Wally to send a letter off to your Lord father informing him of your decision, I would like a few words with Lord Crowl alone." Lord Stark said in dismissal as Helena rose, looking one last time at Baldur, whose veins in his neck were looking like they were threatening to pop.

Truthfully, Helena was a bit relieved at the news. She had never imagined that she would actually be wed at her increasing age. It wasn't the marriage she wished by a long shot, but it was to a Lord and that would at least give her father some form of relief. She would have to inform her father that she would be honored to accept Baldur's hand in marriage and very grateful, the man deserved to be at ease, even if it wasn't exactly the whole truth of how she felt.

Helena however, still was driven by this occurrence. Someone thought it a slight to marry the two of them and to her Lord father as well. Helena would prove them wrong and would work harder than ever to give rise to House Crowl and make her father know that she was no wildlings wife, putting his mind at ease. They may be a rough people, but they were in a position to prosper if she worked hard and managed things. She would have to do some things she would rather not, but she was no stranger to hardship. Baldur could be dealt with to allow her to run things, though he had a certain penchant for outlandish actions, something she would have to do her best to curb. It would not be easy, but Helena never had it easy.