
Nuwa System

Join Nuwa as she travels the realms collecting sexual fluid on her path to become a Goddess of Sex! Expect smut, action, love, and drama. This is a hardcore novel with dark themes. There will be psychological and philosophical problems that Nuwa will have to overcome. Be very open-minded! First arc - Avatar: The Last Airbender Second arc - Hades (Supergiant Games) / Naruto This is my first time writing a novel! The writing quality becomes better the farther you go :D Tags: Action, Antiheroine Protagonist, Charismatic Protagonist, Comedic Undertone, Confident Protagonist, Couple Growth, Cultivation, Dao Comprehension, Ecchi, Exhibitionism, Multiverse Fan-Fiction, Female Protagonist, Femdom, First-time Intercourse, Futanari, Gender Bender, Heartwarming, Incest, Manipulative Characters, Mystery, Nudity, Outdoor Intercourse, Perverted Protagonist, Philosophical, Pregnancy, Proactive Protagonist, Psychological, R-18, Rational Protagonist, Reincarnation, Scheming, Seduction, Shameless Protagonist, Weak to Strong Disclaimer: I have no claim of ownership over any characters in the story except my MC. There will be other OCs, but I don't care to claim them. I don't own the cover art either. Nuwa System baby server - https://discord.gg/VD3C2BFPAu - to contact me, hop on the fan train, give suggestions, make requests, swap dirty pics, etc.

Dahoosa · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
181 Chs

Chapter 98 - Training

Nuwa and Azula get plenty of sleep to let out all their fatigue over yesterday's events.

One of the highlights of the coronation is that Fire Sage Shyu, who befriended Aang, is promoted to Great Sage due to his efforts in assisting the Avatar according to the original purpose of the Fire Nation's High Temple, ignoring Ozai's decree that anyone who aids the Avatar is a traitor. Zuko is drained thoroughly and is sort of like a headless fly without Nuwa there to guide him when he needs advice, so he turns to Shyu and Iroh for help regularly during the formalities and after.

He falls asleep fully exhausted and doesn't see how he'll be able to survive the workload of being a Fire Lord without a lot of trustworthy helpers. 'Maybe I can pawn the Nation's governance off to the Pea family? Yeah, that sounds nice.'

Zuko wakes up to a lovely feeling of wet and tight folds wrapped around his dick. Opening his eyes, he recognizes Nuwa bouncing on top of him. He instinctively checks for Azula's presence feeling a bit of a chill inside when he sees her behind Nuwa fucking her ass. The fear makes him shrink, but Nuwa bends down and kisses him softly, reigniting his lust.

Azula doesn't mind. Now that she knows both of them are immortal, she is starting to understand why Nuwa is so liberal with her affections and how she has her fun. She's already lived for almost a hundred years! Besides, it's not like Nuwa is actually in love with anyone other than her, so it's fine. And from what she has seen in the memories of Nuwa's first life, she wasn't feeling true love for John. Smiling smugly, Azula pounds deep into Nuwa's backdoor while caressing her buns.

+40k LEE, Total: 2863k LEE

Nuwa suggested this affair to Azula as a reward to Zuko for all the work they dumped on him. Even Azula feels a little guilty at times for not having any intentions to help Zuko govern, despite being the Princess. After each sibling cums two rounds inside Nuwa, Zuko has to stop. He doesn't have the sexual endurance to keep going after the last two days of tiring work. The ladies don their gear and put on serious faces. Nuwa looks a little ridiculous in full training gear sporting her baby bump, which has swelled slightly further with the fluids she took in just now. Zuko is too kind to tease her for it though.

Nuwa reminds Zuko that Sozin's Comet will come around in three weeks, and that there's likely already people who know of it and are making plans for it. Ozai had been eagerly anticipating the Comet's arrival, likely so he could capture Omashu or Ba Sing Se in one fell swoop. Zuko had already known about this prior to Nuwa's warning, but her vision about a powerful enemy on the horizon had taken him by surprise.

Dictating her thought process as given by E-Nuwa, Nuwa explains, "Our options for the Fire Nation colonies are limited. The best way to stop the military from wreaking havoc in the Earth Continent would be for you to visit each military barrack individually and order them to pull the majority of their forces out, at least to the border towns or into Navy ships, otherwise communication and execution of orders would be too slow. They would drag their heels if we sent the order the normal way down the chain of command. Give them some incentives to return such as money, jobs, or women. Think of something on your own for that. The engineers managed to get the airship that took the least damage during the invasion up and running this morning, so you can ride that. Azula and I will stay here to train and prepare for the upcoming threat. Any questions?"

Zuko lays down naked and exhausted in bed, but otherwise relieved. That sounds relaxing to him. He won't have to entertain annoying nobles while he's in the airship at least! He's worried about a threat so dangerous that Nuwa claims she and Azula aren't strong enough to handle, but there's not much he can do to help at his level. "None, big sis."

"Good." replies Nuwa with a smile and leaves him with a kiss on the cheek. Azula blushes and awkwardly says, "See ya, big bro."

Before they exit the door, Nuwa says quietly with some guilt, "Your mother.. I'll bring both of you to her after the Comet."

Azula consoles, "It's fine, babe. Since you said she's safe, we can always meet her later. No problem." Zuko hums in agreement.

Nuwa and Azula leave the Royal Palace and fly out of the city to find a wilderness location where they can train. The training they need to do is an all-day activity, which excludes the convenience of the Spirit Realm. If they spend that long in the Spirit Realm, their mortal bodies will lose muscle mass and their battle power will go down.

Azula touches down on a rocky cliff next to the ocean to allow for Nuwa to bend all her elements if necessary. Nuwa arrives shortly after and checks for life forms. Spreading out her daon domain, she only vaguely senses the sexual instincts of insects within 50m (164 ft). She relays to Azula that the vicinity is clear for total destruction if she needs. With all distractions out of their minds, in the serenity of untouched nature, they begin to train.

~ ~ ~

The Phoenix fire comes out of Azula's mouth and begins to disintegrate the surrounding flora. Azula pulls it out of her mouth specifically to avoid having her clothes disintegrate. Every time Azula has it swallow a batch of plants, she directs it to infuse the growth in nearby trees. Because Azula has been feeding her fire since Omashu, she understands its functioning more now. It deals with deconstruction and construction more than it deals with life and death.

'Nuwa told me that every material is made up of particles and the Phoenix fire breaks apart the bonds between particles, while storing the energy to recreate bonds between other particles later. She keeps calling it broken and OP. I wonder what those mean. Oh, I have an idea. Let's see if I train my precision by making my flame eat the interior of this boulder and keep the exterior intact. I would have to poke a tiny hole in it with my flame and then direct my flame from a distance.'

Azula presses her hand against a 2m (6 ft) in diameter boulder and tries to hollow it out with her flame. The Phoenix fire abruptly loses its properties once it is more than 30 cm (1 ft) away from her body and becomes regular firebender chi. It's a very awkward transition and with the energy output that she puts into her Phoenix fire being so much higher than her chi, the lack of control over her fire chi infusion immediately begins to melt the interior of the boulder.

'I've been so busy using my Phoenix flame that I haven't tested the difference in my regular firebending. The temperature and power output of my firebending has increased significantly since my breakthrough, more than 5x as strong as before. If I account for energy efficiency, it's actually stronger than my Phoenix flame for battles, unless my opponent has something that can resist firebender chi.'

Azula goes back to practicing her fire dances and tries to get a handle on adjusting the chi input to account for her increase in power. For now, she thinks she should focus on both firebending and Phoenix fire.

~ ~ ~

Nuwa feels an urgency to train her firebending. Seeing as she also gets the 100x boost in firebending during the Comet, she might as well make use of it. Transforming the [E-Vibe] into her firebending-specific configuration, Nuwa begins swinging her dildo-blade. It's curved, hot pink, and extends approximately 1m (3 ft) in her one-handed stance. Flames shoot out of it as she's performing her fire dances.

Unfortunately, Nuwa can tell she's not getting good power efficiency out of the dances that she's copied from Azula and Zuko due to her requiring a weapon. She tries to recall the movements of the dragons, the original firebenders, from canon. Wan, the very first Avatar, developed the Dancing Dragon technique of firebending during his observations of a white dragon. This technique is based on three types of attacks: low kicks, high punches or hits, and double punches with both fists. In Nuwa's perspective, it looks like an explosive style of Kung-Fu. The martial art form is fierce, quick and emphasizes strength.

Nuwa attempts to adapt her dildo-blade to do the Dancing Dragon and miraculously finds that she is able to channel her fire chi slightly more effectively. As the hours go on and her form improves, her fire chi has less wastage and more explosiveness. Nuwa has never been overly dedicated to practicing bending forms before. Feeling her bending flowing smoother, Nuwa realizes that martial form is integral to becoming a powerhouse bender.

The wastage in her chi output was as high as 70%! Nuwa could have been twice as strong had she practiced proper bending form for an hour or two every few days. The problem is that she always had an abundance of chi due to her deep spiritual attainment in her chakras. With much stronger than average power output of her normal bending, she hadn't felt the need to dive deeper or improve its efficiency.

In Piandao's lessons, Nuwa had only learned how to wield a double-edged straight sword. Her dildo-blade is actually meant to be wielded as a saber to match the fierce and strong qualities of the element of fire. Sabers share commonalities with swords in their slashing moves, but the similarities end there. They are designed with a different center of balance because the metal is thicker on one side and sharp on the other side.

Curved swords and sabers work better on horseback, so that they don't stab into enemies and get stuck inside them. They are very much offensive weapons meant for cutting down many enemies. Piandao's swordplay, on the other hand, is all-rounded and equally as effective as defense than offense, but much more technically complicated due to this fact. In conclusion, Nuwa has to learn to transition out of swordplay by phasing out stabs, thrusts, and parries and transition into saberplay by phasing in more slashes, dodges, and fire thrusters to supercharge her slashes.

The saber is quick and easy to learn because it's such a simplistic weapon, but it lacks the versatility of a sword in a 1v1. A saber wielder with the same level of speed, strength, and technical skill as a sword wielder will assuredly lose in a duel. That's why Nuwa plans to work on her speed using fire thrusters along with her saberplay. Her battle power will definitely shoot up if she trains her speed and aerial agility. Unfortunately, Nuwa's fire thrusters are highly predictable; they can only come from her dildo-blade. She will have to train hard enough that boosting becomes second nature, so that she can accelerate and weave around her opponents with enough speed that they will not be able to process the direction of her blade.

Nuwa doesn't have a superhuman brain like E-Nuwa does, so part of her specialization in firebending unfortunately involves unlearning the sword. The good news is that if she ever wants to relearn the sword afterwards to return to balance, it'll be quick, since it's all in her muscle memory somewhere.

Soon, she's bobbing and weaving through the Dancing Dragon forms zooming off into the air, throwing lunging slashes with one hand, and unleashing diving chops from high up with two hands. It would be impossible for her to use boosters if her [E-Vibe] were not soulbound. She would simply be unable to grip it due to its extreme acceleration, or be dragged by the momentum into its fiery trail. Thankfully, as a soulbound item, it effectively functions as an additional limb, so her whole body follows the movement of the dildo-blade without trouble. However, she still has a lot to work on regarding her dexterity in controlling aerial maneuvering with the fire thrusters.

~ ~ ~

Throughout this practice time, Nuwa periodically summons her elemental node to help Azula and herself recover their chi. She's entirely unconcerned with the permanent loss of the Daons of Order. She has not even used 500 out of the 4000 she started out with. Her perfected elemental formation is so efficient in daon usage that her current stock can be used continuously for more than 150 days straight. The Comet is only 3 weeks away. If there are new threats when she runs out years later, at worst, she can beg for more from Raava.

While she recovers her chi, Nuwa also rests her muscles, which become sore with exertion. She is not used to moving so much while practicing bending. The last time she trained her muscles so much was before going on the adventure, doing parkour through the City with her hookblade. Occasionally, she masturbates or sucks off Azula to replenish her physical and mental stamina. Nuwa actually gets more practice time than Azula does with this method of using sexual fluids to recover.

+35k LEE, Total: 2865k LEE

Once their training is done, they return to the mansion and eat. Life at the mansion is normal. Lady Pea is still grumpy. Ty Li is still addicted to tapping on her game in her Smartphone. The younger Ty trio tried to sneak out to go party, but got caught. And everyone is sad that there are no more cookies because Toph is still around.

In a move straight out of 'Top 10 Anime Betrayals', Nuwa kicks Toph out of the mansion and tells her to go sleep with Gunner and his crew. A girl's gotta have her cookies! Toph grumbles a bit, but doesn't really mind. She wants to look elsewhere for advice on conquering the Stump since Lady Pea is not cooperating.

Azula doesn't have any energy left for sex, so Nuwa only cuddles her to sleep after that. The days blur with Nuwa and Azula doing almost nothing other than training. Aang joins them after a few days of wandering the city and helping people. On the fifth day since the duo started their training, Aang is on his way to the cliffside training spot.

+140k LEE, Total: 3005k LEE

Nuwa and Azula always go there early, while he goes whenever he feels like. Even with the incoming danger Nuwa told him about, he can't bring himself to invest as much energy as they do. 'Urgh.. I have no motivation to train anymore. That exercise regime from Uncle Iroh was way too much. I just want to learn metalbending and redirection, then not have to train again for the rest of my life..'

While Aang is flying over the City to leave, he notices Appa in the distance and his eyes light up. "Katara!"

(A/N: Yep.. masturbating and drinking your own cum recovers MP and Stamina if you get good enough at sex. You can try this at home. Fair warning, it's not for the faint of heart.)

(A/N: https://discord.gg/VD3C2BFPAu)

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