
Nuwa System

Join Nuwa as she travels the realms collecting sexual fluid on her path to become a Goddess of Sex! Expect smut, action, love, and drama. This is a hardcore novel with dark themes. There will be psychological and philosophical problems that Nuwa will have to overcome. Be very open-minded! First arc - Avatar: The Last Airbender Second arc - Hades (Supergiant Games) / Naruto This is my first time writing a novel! The writing quality becomes better the farther you go :D Tags: Action, Antiheroine Protagonist, Charismatic Protagonist, Comedic Undertone, Confident Protagonist, Couple Growth, Cultivation, Dao Comprehension, Ecchi, Exhibitionism, Multiverse Fan-Fiction, Female Protagonist, Femdom, First-time Intercourse, Futanari, Gender Bender, Heartwarming, Incest, Manipulative Characters, Mystery, Nudity, Outdoor Intercourse, Perverted Protagonist, Philosophical, Pregnancy, Proactive Protagonist, Psychological, R-18, Rational Protagonist, Reincarnation, Scheming, Seduction, Shameless Protagonist, Weak to Strong Disclaimer: I have no claim of ownership over any characters in the story except my MC. There will be other OCs, but I don't care to claim them. I don't own the cover art either. Nuwa System baby server - https://discord.gg/VD3C2BFPAu - to contact me, hop on the fan train, give suggestions, make requests, swap dirty pics, etc.

Dahoosa · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
181 Chs

Chapter 67 - Prelude

Aang jumps in delight, "You mean I can do that Spirit Realm mumbo jumbo now?!"

Nuwa giggles and says, "Sure can. You have to be somewhere safe though."

Aang calms down, scratches his head, and says, "Raava says she doesn't have too much power just yet. She's only able to emerge for one minute."

Nuwa rubs her hands in excitement with a grin on her face at the thought of bending multiple elements simultaneously without swapping imbues, "Enough. That's more than enough!"

Azula looks at Nuwa in worry, "Will you be fine? What if Raava is too powerful?"

Nuwa scrunches her brows. "You're right. I shouldn't be so complacent. As long as I'm careful, nothing should go wrong with me or the baby. Believe it or not, I am strongest during sex."

Azula laughs, "Fine then. I still want to watch just in case, OK?"

Nuwa softens and coos, "Anything for you, babe. I love youuu."

Looking around at all her friends snickering as they go back to their rooms, Azula blushes with slight anger. "You're embarrassing yourself to embarrass me with association!"

Laughing gleefully, Nuwa runs off to change into an extra sexy nightgown.

+10k LEE, Total: 3348k LEE

~ ~ ~

Nuwa wakes up early the next morning and doesn't disturb Azula. Everyone stayed up really late last night, so she thought to grab some food and do some training on her own.

Lately, she's stocking up loads of LEE, so she finally decides to see if there's anything she can use. "Hey [System], anything good I can do with extra LEE?"

*Host can take 1m life essence energy units and make a daon string. The method is to condense the LEE into a solid form, roll the solid into a noodle, and continue rolling and twisting until it becomes a daon string. Host will know when the string is complete because it will resonate with your Dao.*

Nuwa widens her eyes, "Damn, that sounds OP. What do daon strings do?"

*They do the same thing as daons, but they are hundreds of times more effective. They are the dao units used by stronger Daoists. To put it in perspective, it is difficult for daons of any quantity to affect a being with a Tier 3 soul. Host must have Dao strings in order to not instantly lose.*

"There's probably another level to it afterwards right? What, Dao triangles? I gotta relearn trigonometry?"

*Daon circles.*

"Ugh, that's basically trig. Whatever, let me try making one then. There's no dangerous side effects, right?"

*Host is not powerful enough to forge a daon string outside of enlightenment mode. Host will also have to wrap it around the Dao Core right away or else it will violently ripple its Dao into the surroundings despite Host's best attempts at suppression. Only wrapping it around the Dao Core will allow Host to suppress it with resonance.*

"Er.. wait, that means that the moment I unwrap the dao string from around my Dao Core, it's basically a sex bomb?"


"Fuck. Can I retract it back to my Dao Core after I use it like I do with regular daons?"

*Host would have to be in enlightenment mode, and even then it depends. Host is too weak.*

"Fucking hell. That's one expensive consumable. I guess I could keep it as a backup for the war. It can't be used as an opening weapon. I doubt the Willie would appreciate me sex-bombing his turf. Any weapons of war I can buy?"

*No, the World's Will won't let weapons of mass destruction through its firewall on foreign goods. All of Host's purchases were permitted so far. This Record has a restrictive World's Will that won't allow any purchases of poisons, plants, animals, or weapons other than the most basic Iron-tier weapons. The Nanotube Maternity Guard is the top of the line in Iron-tier that it will allow through. Most likely, when Host leaves this Record, all [Shop] items not soulbound to Host will be erased by World's Will.*

".. Oh. That's kinda serious. Willie's a bit anal retentive, ain't he?"


'When I leave, huh? ..I'll have to think of some way to extend my stay here as long as possible and get my friends some form of biological immortality... This is the closest place I've had to a home. I have Azula and my baby!'

'I can't even ask because I'm deathly scared of [System] telling me I can't bring them with me!'

Nuwa takes deep breaths to prevent herself from hyperventilating. Calming down, she unclenches her fists, and picks up some snacks to munch on.

'Easy does it, Nuwa. I don't have to think about that for decades. I'll only make one daon string and stock up the rest of my LEE.'

Nuwa laughs miserably at herself, 'Hahaha, in the grand scheme of things, I'm really pitifully weak, aren't I?'

Furrowing her eyebrows, Nuwa renews her determination to fuck Raava hard.

June walks into the kitchen on auto-pilot following the scent of food with bed hair that makes her look like the girl from "The Grudge". Nuwa frisbees a piece of crispy toast at her and she catches it reflexively.

June pulls her hair out of her face to take a look around and sees Nuwa. Jumping, she automatically looks for hiding spots.

Nuwa smiles and asks, "Good morning. Eat. Shall we discuss money?"

June was still not awake until she heard the word "money". Now she's awake. "Yeah! Money! Er, g'mornin."

Nuwa gives her a side-eye and offers, "Come to think of it, I'm sure you already have more than enough money for yourself. How about instead of more of the same, I'll get you an almost indestructible metal whip? It will be able to cut through armor like a tempered sword, let me demonstrate."

Laying a metal pot down, Nuwa extends her fist down towards it and gestures for June to watch. Nuwa summons her [Hidden Blade] and extends the blade immediately, causing the blade to seamlessly stab the metal without any resistance or disturbance. There's no sound except for a *shlick*.

June's mouth drops open and her pupils shrink to pinpoints. 'F-F-Fuck! That blade came out of nowhere and sliced through metal like butter! Human flesh would be even easier!'

Frowning at her reaction, Nuwa reminds her, "Hey, I'm not trying to scare you. I'm offering you a weapon crafted with this metal. That puncture involved the speed of the mechanism. You can get a better picture of the sharpness if it doesn't have any acceleration."

Nuwa then pulls the blade out and carves a smiley face with it on the pot like writing on paper. The metal smiley face is sliced clean off the pot and June watches gulping. She hesitantly inquires, "Y-y-you mean I can also do that?"

Nodding proudly, Nuwa smiles and says, "My friends only get the best of the best!"

June looks at the [Hidden Blade] with stars in her eyes and thinks, 'Wait.. even though she's super scary, she's never mistreated me. This clique has mystical powers of callus removal and divine metals! All they want is for me to be their friend and protect those hot prego ladies. I'll be set for the rest of my life if I take a few jobs from these guys! I'll just have to avoid their licentious ways.'

"I'll do it! I'll be your friend."

Nuwa smiles gladly, "Thanks, June baby. I still remember the taste of your cum by the way. It was kind of like blackberries.. Mm, so cute."

June blushes madly, screeches "IDIOT", and runs away to safer pastures.

Giggling happily, Nuwa crunches on some peanut butter crackers and rubs her belly. The baby is three months along and demands more food each week.

After a few minutes, Mai enters. She seems to have been awoken by June's screech and casually sits next to Nuwa, eating off her plate.

Nuwa hugs her arm and puts her head on her shoulder while cheerfully saying, "Good morning, Kristen!"

Mai gives Nuwa a few headpats and yawns, "Good morning."

Nuwa rubs Mai's belly over her clothes, "How's the baby? Giving you any trouble?"

Mai furrows her brows and sighs, "Plenty. My sleep is all messed up. I'm not used to sleeping on my side. For some reason, I miss Appa's stinky fur. At least there, I could get some sleep in most positions."

Nuwa is tempted to go into the [Shop] and get super comfy beds, but she resists the urge. 'I can't use LEE too casually for transient things like comfort or the group will become too reliant on it. Plus, what if I end up spending too much after I pick up the habit and run out when I really need it?'

"Why don't we start a business after the war? We could hire some people to design some comfortable beds. It'll be the perfect orgynization for us to run-!"

Mai interjects, "Really? Do you always have to make puns about sex? I'm all for comfortable beds, but what's that got to do with orgies..? Oh.. right. Beds are where orgies are supposed to happen."

Nuwa giggles, "Right, right. We had so many orgies out in the open air or on Appa's fur that I can't blame you for forgetting."

Chuckling, Mai rubs her belly and says, "Sure, beds would be a good business."

Getting excited, Nuwa perks up and says, "Then we can do rope! And toys! Oh, how could I have forgotten lingerie? Ty Li has to modify half the stuff we buy."

Mai deadpans, "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Would you even want to deal with all that work? The moment you buy those companies, you'll be swamping yourself with work to make sure they're up to your unrealistic standards."

Nuwa slumps her shoulders, rests her cheek on Mai's belly and sighs, "You're right. It's better to hire someone to make our personal accessories and not pay any more attention."

The baby must have heard Nuwa's voice, because Nuwa felt a tiny little kick from Mai's belly.

"AH.. Your baby kicked me in the face! How rude."

Mai starts giggling and rubs Nuwa's head some more. June arrives to see that exchange. She returns before she has forgotten to get more food. Seeing Nuwa's pouty face angry at a baby, June feels that although she might be scary, she's not so bad, until she hears the next line.

"I'll definitely feather-tickle his butthole for that."

~ ~ ~

Aang and Nuwa stand in front of each other in a deserted area of the Spirit Realm with Azula and Katara watching from a nearby cliff. Nuwa has warned them that she doesn't know how much power Raava will have to exert before she can comprehend the chi-circuits, so they select this spot in case they make a big mess.

Nuwa dematerializes her spirit form's default black dress to reveal her luscious bronze body with a small baby bump. The baby already has a nascent soul assigned to it, so it actually does manifest in the Spirit Realm. Aang isn't as familiar with the Spirit Realm, so he pulls off his air nomad robes.

When he's not joking or goofing around, looks quite manly. He's got a chiseled jawline and exactly the right amount of muscle to be attractive without the muscles looking bloated like JoJo characters. Nuwa knows his penis is also larger than average, at 25 cm (10 in) erect. 'He's a good man. Katara is very lucky. She's quite understanding in that she's letting me borrow him!'

Katara is actually huffing with anger, but she knows she acceded to this situation back when Nuwa first had sex with Aang and gained airbending. She also trusts Nuwa a great deal and feels more confident in the love and the baby that she and Aang share together. These factors combined allow her to rationalize lending out Aang to Nuwa and only to Nuwa. Of course, she won't let him fuck Mai, Azula, or Ty Li ever.

Azula puts a hand on Katara's shoulder and says, "Thanks. I know she can be hard to tolerate sometimes, but she's doing her best for all of us in her own way."

Katara sighs as she watches with worry, "I know. I've always admired her the most, so that's why it hurt at first. But now I know. To her, sex is like hugging someone. It's no big deal. She can even do it with all of us, her friends, without it affecting our respective friendships with Nuwa in any way. Our relationships with one another, however, are irrevocably changed. Somehow, she's dragged us along for the ride, eh?"

Azula smiles and looks at the naked duo from afar, "Would you have it any other way?"

Katara rubs her belly with a smile and laughs, "No, I guess not."

Nuwa politely asks Aang, "Would you like me to get intimate or do you think that would make Katara mad?"

Aang, who is acting like a deer in headlights staring at Nuwa's outrageously seductive, unmasked face and already becoming hard, almost agrees with getting intimate. Then he shakes his head and says, "Let's stick to business."

Making an adorable pout which almost causes Aang to reconsider, Nuwa whines, "Fine then, spoilsport."

Aang grits his teeth and puts on a sad face, "Nuwa, please."

"Alright, alright." Nuwa blurs her face and Aang feels the pressure of her seduction vanish. He takes a deep breath of relief, looks at Katara in the distance, and gives her a smile and a thumbs up.

Nuwa takes a few steps forward to start him off with a handjob. He's already half-erect, and her experienced touch as well as his eyes staring at her body does the rest of the work. Soon he's fully erect and E-Nuwa senses some pre-cum surfacing. She bends down to her knees and engulfs his penis in her mouth.

Spreading some saliva and licking it thoroughly, she coaxes out the precum and sips it. His cum tastes vaguely like an apple, but if she had to describe it in one word, it would be "clean". Nuwa can already taste the Dao of Order distributing its cleanliness throughout his body.

E-Nuwa analyzes his chakras and chi-circuits and note that they're still primarily attuned to airbending, but the opening of his solar plexus chakra increased his affinity with the other elements. She finds that according to chakra, his aptitudes in order of proficiency are now airbending, waterbending, firebending, and earthbending..

Regardless, she can't see his chi circuits being used for anything other than airbending. She's still not sure how Raava reconciles his elemental conflict in real time without physical manipulation of chi circuitry.

She pulls her mouth out and asks Aang, "Quick, do two types of bending! Try to do them at the same time!"

Aang grunts as he feels Nuwa blow his dick even harder and tries to focus on letting out an air blast with one hand, while trying to let out a fire blast with the other, both into the sky. He's actually never tried bending more than one element at the same time, and he unsurprisingly isn't able to do so. Only the air blast cums out.

E-Nuwa traps residual chi coursing through his body from the air blast in her mouth and sends them through some vestigial chi-circuits on his dick. Aang feels like his penis is expanding to monumental proportions, but when he looks down, it's the same size. However, there's something different about Nuwa. She's still going up and down his penis, but he hears a whistling sound from her nose.

Then, he realizes that he's airbending with his dick! Anyone else would be knocked away by the resulting air blast of his surprise chi infusion, but E-Nuwa can redirect his chi with precision movements.

E-Nuwa does something fun, but doesn't learn anything about reconciling conflict between elements. She says, "Don't call Raava yet. We'll do it on your second orgasm." before she blows him rapidly. Aang winces and cums with an air blast causing cum to get everywhere in Nuwa's mouth and even leak down her nose.

+10k LEE, Total: 3358k LEE

E-Nuwa coughs and slurps back the cum, then laughs and says, "Don't air blast Katara or she'll be really mad. Not everyone can handle your air blasts at point-blank range. At most, you can airbend a small breeze in her vagina to spice things up.

Aang nods absentmindedly, still a bit hyped up on learning a new airbending move. Nuwa gestures for Aang to sit. He pats the grass and sits on his air nomad robes. Nuwa sits on his lap facing him with her legs spread around him.

Putting on her game face, Nuwa readies herself for a challenge.

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