
Nuwa System

Join Nuwa as she travels the realms collecting sexual fluid on her path to become a Goddess of Sex! Expect smut, action, love, and drama. This is a hardcore novel with dark themes. There will be psychological and philosophical problems that Nuwa will have to overcome. Be very open-minded! First arc - Avatar: The Last Airbender Second arc - Hades (Supergiant Games) / Naruto This is my first time writing a novel! The writing quality becomes better the farther you go :D Tags: Action, Antiheroine Protagonist, Charismatic Protagonist, Comedic Undertone, Confident Protagonist, Couple Growth, Cultivation, Dao Comprehension, Ecchi, Exhibitionism, Multiverse Fan-Fiction, Female Protagonist, Femdom, First-time Intercourse, Futanari, Gender Bender, Heartwarming, Incest, Manipulative Characters, Mystery, Nudity, Outdoor Intercourse, Perverted Protagonist, Philosophical, Pregnancy, Proactive Protagonist, Psychological, R-18, Rational Protagonist, Reincarnation, Scheming, Seduction, Shameless Protagonist, Weak to Strong Disclaimer: I have no claim of ownership over any characters in the story except my MC. There will be other OCs, but I don't care to claim them. I don't own the cover art either. Nuwa System baby server - https://discord.gg/VD3C2BFPAu - to contact me, hop on the fan train, give suggestions, make requests, swap dirty pics, etc.

Dahoosa · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
181 Chs

Chapter 142 - On Molestation and Wandering Eyes

While her snakes are licking up the cum, Nuwa pulls her bow out and draws it. Despite disagreeing with Aphrodite's description of love and desire, she admits there is some truth to her statements. More importantly, Aphrodite had reminded her that she is a better lover than a fighter.

+50k LEE, Total: 1525k LEE

She charges her bow with a Dao String and points it directly at her big brother's heart. Peacefully smiling, she reiterates in her mind, 'I will always support and love my Big Bro Zag.' She lets the arrow go.

Zagreus watches this series of events with curiosity. He wouldn't take much damage even if it hit him since he is stronger than Nuwa by a good deal. At worst, it would puncture a few layers of skin and be stopped by his sternum. That level of injury is nothing compared to the rest of the flesh wounds he will accumulate on his way to Megaera. Anyway, he trusts his sister.

When the magical pink arrow with spiraling streamers hits him in a brilliant flash of light, he doesn't feel pain. He looks down and finds that he is in perfect shape, cured of all the damage he had accumulated in the past two chambers!

Nuwa cheers happily, "Yes! I can heal you. This is perfect!" The healing fluid she can imbue in her breast milk based on Dan's [Semen of Life] is far too low level to affect either her or Zagreus anymore. This finding is exactly what they need now.

Even Zagreus is excited now. The only source of health replenishment in Tartarus is the food that Charon sells. If he has to buy food, then he might be missing out on better options that Charon offers, like the occasional Boon for sale or Pomegranates of Power which can upgrade his Boons to make them more powerful.

The amount of help he needs to be able to overcome the peak-t3 boss that is Megaera is vast. He almost had her a few times when he got the right combination of blessings and had managed to take minimal damage on the way. The panic that set in on Megaera's face made his day those three times, out of the thousands of attempts.

Now, however, Nuwa could heal him!

Zagreus looks down at his body which had been licked clean by the snakes. 'Okay, maybe it is not without side effects.' His boner had returned, but this level of arousal is something he can easily ignore!

"Sis! Try this while I am in combat next time. Let's see how versatile this ability of yours can be."

Nuwa ponders for a moment and says, "I cannot heal you to an unlimited extent. I had performed a Cast at you with one of my Dao Strings, much like your utilization of the bloodstone. That string will not return to me until you die and I need two strings active on each of my hands to be able to fire others in the first place. So I only have 14 heals for you and what's worse is that I suspect the arousal effect will compound with more Dao Strings of Sex patching you up."

Zagreus waves his hand dismissively and grabs hold of Nuwa's hand, "Let's worry about that when we get there."

He rushes towards the next chamber, while the bulge in his crotch softens. Before he passes through the door though, he looks back at Nuwa and asks, "Sis, do you need.. err help?"

Nuwa is startled and remembers that she has kept the Dao Strings active, which means she should feel horny, but she does not feel it as bad as before. Even though she had been very aroused by Aphrodite, the act of healing Zagreus had somehow lightened the load. She remembered how Aphrodite had said something like, "Inflict your desires upon others to retain your clarity of mind."

She slightly frowns at the idea of burdening her brother, but sensing that it is an adequate trade-off for the damage he had recovered, she shrugs and says, "No worries this time. Healing you helps calm me down. You were not injured that badly this time.. let us see how much I can heal with one string next time. I'll hold off on healing you until then."

Zagreus says with a sunny smile, "Yeah, just shoot me right in the heart when I'm about to die!"

They dash into the next chamber while giggling. Zagreus heads to the center to start spawning bad guys and Nuwa stands in the corner, scouting out the traps to avoid for when the enemies start chasing her. This time, she decides to be liberal with her Dao String utilization.

A disembodied orange hand pops up out of a magic circle near her, so she runs away. Far enough to turn around and Cast a Dao String at it without fearing it will grope her. The Cast is stronger than she gives credit for. It wipes out a full half of the hand's health, places a pink glow above the hand, and draws its aggro. She shoots another Cast at the slowly floating hand to bring it to low health as well as to a full stop. The hand opens its clenched fist to reveal a pair of pink heart-eyes on its palm.

Nuwa smirks and orders, "Go help Zag!"

The hand does an awkward open-fist thumbs up, which puts its eyes sideways, and goes over to the center of the room where Zagreus is being ganged on by a dozen shades. He is dodging most of the blows, but still taking a few, mostly due to being restricted to the center.

He normally never takes hits at all in the first few chambers since they are easy as long as he lures shades around with chain-dashing and utilizes the full field of the room, which he cannot do in Nuwa's presence. But he does not want Nuwa to think that she's a burden, so he hasn't told her. Regardless, her healing will make up for it and their coordination will get better with time. This is still their very first run together, so they have a lot to learn.

Nuwa sends Casts to a few more outlying enemies and converts them to her slaves. Currently, the enemies are weak so one Cast tags them with her curse and draws their aggro, and the second Cast enslaves them. Her arrows are still piercing after the Cast lands, but without the extra damage from the Dao String, they do not do much damage.

The enslaved hand shade that she had first sent grabs onto one of the witches firing magic at Zagreus. Both siblings wince when they see the hand grab the elderly-looking witch's pussy over her clothes and manhandle her while rubbing her off. Nuwa is distracted from her task of running away from the shades she had tagged when she stops to stare at the dumb shit she had just started.

A floating skull behind her that she had tagged with only one Cast comes up and bites at her shoulder while she is distracted. Zagreus notices and shouts, "Behind you!" but it's too late. The pink glow of Nuwa's curse on the shade doubles in intensity as it bites and instead of ripping off a chunk of meat, only the top part of her dress is ripped off. Zagreus breathes a sigh of relief and returns to attacking the shades, ignoring the damage he took while distracted.

Nuwa jumps forward to return to running, turns around, and Casts again while running to enslave it. She looks down at her free-hanging tits with amazement at how she did not take damage and shouts, "Keep other shades away from me!" The order goes to all shades that she has enslaved. They abandon whatever duties they had heard formerly to help keep tagged shades away from Nuwa. This means no more senior citizen pussygrabbing, thankfully.

By now, Nuwa has tagged enough shades to lighten the load on Zagreus, so he quickly finishes off the enemies in the center, utilizing a strong spin attack with his spear. He comes to Nuwa's defense by starting to kill the tagged shades that have not been fully enslaved yet, not that she needs it. With only two Casts to enslave each one, the shades are quickly converted into her slaves. One source of frustration for Nuwa is that most of the shades that had been enslaved die immediately when they take counterattacks from the shades they attack.

Enslaving only works when they are at very low health, so most of them are only squishy distractions. The only exception is the disembodied hand because instead of attacking, it only gropes without doing any damage. The molested shade is paralyzed with confusion. Therefore, once Zagreus and Nuwa are done, the chamber is left with 4 floating hands doing high fives and clapping on Nuwa's orders.

Zagreus tries to approach with the intention of high-fiving as well, but Nuwa holds him back. "Don't test Fate when there's no need to. It has a tendency to grab you by the balls."

Zagreus nods and ponders, 'I've never met my older sisters, the Fates, but I wouldn't put it past them to play such a prank from what Mother Nyx tells me.' That is not what Nuwa meant, but he gets the idea.

"Alright, kill yourselves." Says Nuwa, without a care as she retrieved the top half of her dress. The hands obediently walk into a spike trap and press down on it, causing them all to die, and the chamber's reward to show up, a Boon from Athena.

Zagreus gives a side glance at Nuwa and thinks it will still take some time to get used to her new personality. Although they had to die for them to get the reward, he did not expect for her to be so ruthless about it with them being no longer aggressive. He had expected to be the one to put them down. It conflicts with her previous personality of making friends with just about everyone, even the random unjudged shades in the House.

Nuwa recalls back to when her snakes had seen her about to take a hit from a floating skull shade. Instead of biting down on her flesh, the shade's bite appeared to be manipulated such that it only tore her top off.

'Maybe that is an additional effect of my curse? Even my enemies cannot bear to harm me.. hehehe. Unfortunately, that definitely will not fly with Meg. Moreover, on harder chambers, after I am stripped, I can imagine things going in an erotic direction. Ultimately, my clothes are the armor protecting my chastity! It would be difficult to recover and allow them to repair themselves while in combat, so I can only assume this affords me two hits each chamber before I am fully naked and in danger.'

Nuwa shares her tentative conclusions with Zagreus and he expresses some doubt over whether the curse attached to her regular arrows is different from that attached to her Casts. Nuwa replies, "Of course! You're right! The Dao String attached to that skull shade must prevent its blows from causing me injury, while my normal arrows should not be so powerful. But this still means you will not have to worry about me much anymore, 14 Casts are plenty for me to effectively have two layers of protection!"

Zagreus watches Nuwa jut out her scantily clad chest. He pats her head affectionately and says, "I'm glad, sis." The thin layer of snake scales that does almost nothing to conceal the curves of her E cup breasts somehow now represents absolute immunity to a single hit. Even he wishes he could have two freebie hits each chamber. He would have beat Megaera by now with how much his damage would have been reduced if he had something like that!

He cannot complain though; the Mirror of Night gives him plenty of cheat-like perks such as the double dash, increased health, increased dodge chance, increased backstab damage, and even increasing the effectiveness of his blessings. He would have beaten Megaera in another few months on his own due to how quickly it allows him to grow as long as he continues providing it with Darkness. The problem is that there are another 3 entire areas of Hell to traverse. After Tartarus comes Asphodel, Elysium, and finally, the Temple of Styx. With the difficulty of Megaera, he cannot imagine how hard the upcoming opponents will be.

Sensing his worry, Nuwa hugs him and rubs her head up and down like she has done thousands of times in the past. "I'm going to help you no matter what, big brother."

Zagreus looks down tenderly at his sister and hugs her tighter while breathing a sigh of relief. 'She's still my little sister. I shouldn't worry so much. Anyway, for us Chthonians, outside the House of Hades, ruthlessness is all around us. It's not something my sister's previous personality would have been prepared for. Maybe this is for the better.'

Nuwa mutters into his shoulder, "Let's go. I don't feel starved for sex when I'm utilizing the Dao Strings so often."

"Alright, just let me know though." replies Zagreus with a chuckle. "I promise I won't complain!"

He goes up to the orb of Athena and it opens with the projection of Athena saying, "Sometimes I think about the Goddess Nyx, and how I long for her to be the mother that I never had, Cousin. Is it improper that I say such things to you? One would expect I would already have somebody on Olympus, yet.. it often feels as though I am the mother, here."

She poofs and leaves a panel of Boons that offer deflection or defence. Nuwa asks, "Do the Gods often leave messages that are so personal in nature?"

Zagreus affirms, "Sometimes. I'm the only one supposed to read and hear them, so keep their secrets carefully." He picks one of his favorite Boons that is offered, the Divine Dash, which adds a rotating layer of shields to his dash that does minor damage to enemies and deflects projectiles. The dash is especially effective in forcing Megaera to stop using her spam of magical blasts and against minibosses like the Inferno-bombers. Grenades count as objects he can deflect, meaning they will do no damage to him after they are 'tagged' by the deflection effect.

The duo continue to the next chamber, but before they can scout the layout, Thanatos poofs in front of them. The siblings instinctively freeze upon seeing the God of Death. He floats in the air with his scythe in hand and says, "Little brother Zag, long time no see. Normally, I'd sense your death every 6 hours, so I was curious what changed. Now I see that you've brought little sister Nuwa along on this inane quest of yours."

The siblings gulp. Even Megaera is a small fry compared to their older brother Than. From what Achilles has told them, he is as strong as their Father, possibly stronger!

~ ~ ~

Azula wakes up and pulls out her Smartphone to update everyone back home on video chatting with Nuwa and everything being fine. She smiles and hops in the shower. They have these in Republic City too now, but this one runs on seals. It is cleaner for the environment to have water heated by chakra-powered seals rather than electricity.

She drowsily cleans up and just as she is about to burn the plaque off her teeth, she realizes that she had made a breakthrough overnight! Her Phoenix Dao Seed had become a Dao Core. It is a good thing that she is cautious with using her powers that close to her brain or else she might be missing a few teeth by now due to misjudging her power.

Looking in the mirror, she finds that her amber-gold eyes now glow like a candle or a miniature sun. She turns the lights off and sure enough, she can see in the dark fine. Unfortunately, two little flat beams of light exactly follow her gaze. If she cannot turn this off, she can forget about opening her eyes while attempting something stealthy in the future, or even stealing a glance at something, like peeping at a woman's cleavage. Her gaze will be telegraphed to everyone!

She figures her mentors, Lo and Li, can think of something. Her teachers had dropped her off with Minato and haven't taught her a thing, mainly because they have their own specializations and hobbies that do not include combat, which she is specializing in.

Li trains in her innate foresight to read the stars for clues about fate, while Lo trains in her innate sensory skills to read people of interest. They constantly research on archaic jutsus left by distant ancestors for clues on expanding their own collection of jutsus that draw out the most of their innate abilities. In other words, they have a lot of quirky and useless knowledge.

Azula puts on her usual training clothes that bare the tiniest bit of cleavage and all of her navel. Her abs need breathing room. She heads outside and feels more attuned to the chakra around her. 'I must have been repressing a lot of feelings since Nuwa had been gone. It feels so good to have her back.' She thinks with an uncharacteristically big smile. She even waves and greets her neighbors, most of whom she knows are there to monitor her. They are normally the ones who greet her with a smile, only to receive stoic grunts in response, so their current awkwardness is palpable.

Soon, Azula arrives at the Namikaze house. She sees Naruto practicing his Rasengan on his front lawn, probably to show off to the ladies waking up and walking by how diligent he is with training, including her. To Azula, he might as well be broadcasting, 'I am a thirsty hoe!' But Hinata falls for his wiles, hook, line, and sinker. Azula tries to reason it out to her, but the poor girl is deeply in love.

~ ~ ~

Azula does her basic jutsu education with the 16 year olds. She's older, stronger, and more mature than all of them, but she still has to learn the content, even if she is not going to use most of these jutsus. Familiarity with jutsu is trained into each shinobi because many of them can be used to solve simple problems like first aid treatment or clearing a mudslide off the road.

Basically, the only three she gets along with are Shikamaru, Hinata, and Sasuke. Shikamaru Nara is from a clan of famously lazy tacticians and she can see a little of Nuwa in him, so she takes kindly to the boy. Hinata Hyuga is timid and doesn't like fighting, which reminds her of Ty Li on the former trait and Aang on the latter. She's been helping her by teaching her chi-blocking, which still works on those who use chakra, just not as effectively as on benders.

Finally, she tries to talk things out with Sasuke Uchiha, who desperately wants to prove his worth to his father, Fugaku, as well as to his clan. His father is one of the heavy hitters on the tailed beast team, utilizing a byakugan on one eye and a sharingan on the other. Meanwhile, Sasuke has neither.

He's at the top of his class, but it's never enough for his father, so he has become withdrawn and gloomy. Azula is positive that if he did not have a loving brother and mother, he would have fallen in with Orochimaru by now, voluntarily agreeing to some experiments, or end up on the streets after school abusing Hi-C, the latest chakra-penetrating drug.

Azula knows she is not exactly the best person to take advice from when it comes to repairing a father-child relationship, considering she played a part in sending her dad to jail as well as in his subsequent death. But she's a good listener, and since they had that shared experience of rocky parental relationships, Sasuke trusts her.

It helps that she looks like a young adult rather than her actual age of 37, otherwise she would not fit in at all. She has to remind herself not to act like a mother every now and then, even though these students are the same age as her kids. Everyone knows how old she is, but only Lo and Li know she has children. The replacement shinobi they had sent to Fire World are trusted by Tsunade, Lo, and Li, so even if they do discover some things, nothing should happen.

~ ~ ~

Naruto's rasengan is ruined when Azula looks at it, because of the awkward light beam that momentarily rests on it. He thinks he is under attack, so he looks around hurriedly, which causes him to lose concentration. The small ball explodes and knocks him over onto his back with a few paper cuts on his arms and chest after passing through his clothes.

Feeling guilty, Azula grunts and says while kneeling down next to him, "Don't get distracted when you're doing something dangerous."

She starts repairing the damage with her powers. Naruto cheerfully says, "Thanks, Azula-nee!"

Azula sighs, 'It would have been cute and innocent if you weren't looking directly at my cleavage and abs.'

"Yeah, whatever kid." Azula bluntly says as she finishes up, throwing in a complimentary criticism, "Find something better to do than chase girls all day. Girls like men with big goals, you know?" Naruto just stares at her, digesting that statement. She hopes that gets through to him.

Sensing a thin flare of chakra, Azula spins around and grabs a string out of the air. Said string had almost reached her head. She notes that the source of the string is Li, meaning that was probably some dumb test. Some people never change. Li remarks, "Good. Nice job on your breakthrough. Let's talk."

Azula shrugs and connects the string to her forehead, establishing the private line of communication. Li transmits, "It's time for you to see the world outside the town. We have reports on a bandit stronghold 65 km (40 mi) southeast of town. They took out our surveillance tower in the area, but they should be small fries. These cells pop up every now and then and are generally annoyances. Kakashi Hatake will go with you for assurance. Pick four kids of your choosing to tag along for the experience. Good luck and brush up on your Earth Jutsus."

"Okay, sensei. Do you have a fix for my lighthouse eyes?" asks Azula.

Li nods and says, "I can have someone prepare a set of goggles for you that will only allow light to enter. The mission begins in the afternoon, so stop by my place to pick it up before you go. See you around." She terminates the connection, and walks away.

Azula looks over and of course she sees Naruto staring and drooling at Li's curves. They are admittedly droolworthy, but she still has to knock some sense into him, so she smacks him hard enough on the back of his head for his face to plant in the lawn. "Show some restraint, man. She's older than your grandma."

Naruto gets up with a mouthful of grass and awkwardly scratches his head. There's a bulge visible on his jumpsuit. Azula facepalms as she remembers that the only one who qualifies for that position is the person he calls Granny Tsunade, who is obviously equally fuckable in his books. 'Should I bring him on the mission and subject him to intense training or should I have a talk with his mother? Eh.. the latter choice is probably too cruel. I'll just bring him along.'

(A/N: Super long chapter today to make up for nothing yesterday :D. Development of Nuwa's powers along with Azula's first mission!)

(A/N: https://discord.gg/VD3C2BFPAu)

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