
Nuwa System

Join Nuwa as she travels the realms collecting sexual fluid on her path to become a Goddess of Sex! Expect smut, action, love, and drama. This is a hardcore novel with dark themes. There will be psychological and philosophical problems that Nuwa will have to overcome. Be very open-minded! First arc - Avatar: The Last Airbender Second arc - Hades (Supergiant Games) / Naruto This is my first time writing a novel! The writing quality becomes better the farther you go :D Tags: Action, Antiheroine Protagonist, Charismatic Protagonist, Comedic Undertone, Confident Protagonist, Couple Growth, Cultivation, Dao Comprehension, Ecchi, Exhibitionism, Multiverse Fan-Fiction, Female Protagonist, Femdom, First-time Intercourse, Futanari, Gender Bender, Heartwarming, Incest, Manipulative Characters, Mystery, Nudity, Outdoor Intercourse, Perverted Protagonist, Philosophical, Pregnancy, Proactive Protagonist, Psychological, R-18, Rational Protagonist, Reincarnation, Scheming, Seduction, Shameless Protagonist, Weak to Strong Disclaimer: I have no claim of ownership over any characters in the story except my MC. There will be other OCs, but I don't care to claim them. I don't own the cover art either. Nuwa System baby server - https://discord.gg/VD3C2BFPAu - to contact me, hop on the fan train, give suggestions, make requests, swap dirty pics, etc.

Dahoosa · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
181 Chs

Chapter 106 - Mother and Child

Nuwa calls over the whole gang and her mom as she waits for her labor contractions to begin. She and Azula avoid discussing the grueling fight that had occurred. The men, or those who are not traveling around the Capital making sure things don't go to hell during the duration of the Comet, wait in the room next door while the ladies enter. Nuwa explains, "So gals.. my powers sped up my pregnancy. Turns out I'll be delivering today."

Mai and Katara smile at each other while holding Izumi and Bumi. Ty Li says, "Having three so close in age will make things fun!" while tapping her phone game.

Lady Pea snorts and mutters sarcastically, "Yeah, lots of fun."

Toph asks, "Can you speed mine up? It's making me feel weird."

Patting Toph on the back in consolation, Azula says, "No, she can't."

Katara adds, "That's how it feels to be a mother, Toph. Isn't it wonderful!"

Toph looks at Katara with a straight face and says, "Uh.. no? I'm not any stronger."

Yue says, "It's not about being strong, although mothers can be very strong if needed."

Mai nods and clarifies, "Motherhood is about love. Have you begun to feel it, Toph?"

"I don't know! Stop bothering me! This topic is too confusing. Love this and love that. Humph."

Toph gets defensive when asked to speak about her feelings, but everyone knows she's always the first to rush up to protect the gang when they need help.

Nuwa thinks internally, 'We're already the family that you love, Toph. I'm sure you'll love your child when he or she is born too, in your own strange way. Now all that's left is for you to figure out if you can find romantic love.'

Nuwa starts to feel pressure build up in her lower body. "It's coming!"

As her cervix dilates and the baby starts trying to leave, she feels like someone's taking a red-hot poker iron and stabbing it into her stomach. It's a totally uncalled for pain that she had never experienced in that portion of her body! It reminds her of her first life's menstrual cramps, but dialed up a thousand times! It's only now she realizes how much E-Nuwa helped her in mitigating the pain of Azula penetrating her womb with her big dick. This time, her cervix is opening and there's no pleasure involved.

Tears well up in Nuwa's eyes as she struggles with the pain of her cervix being stretched to its absolute limits. It doesn't help that the Dao String made her womb hard and lacking in malleability. She is momentarily tempted to blame all of this on her baby, but then she feels Azula's hand grab hers comfortingly. Nuwa starts bawling out loud and opens her eyes to see Azula looking at her with exhaustion and love.

"Zul.. it hurts.. Waaaahh!"

Azula is distressed on Nuwa's behalf and squeezes her hand tighter. "You can do it, Love. Push and breathe."

Nuwa continues crying as she breathes in and out rapidly for a moment, then her breathing starts to normalize. She feels surprised how much she needed Azula's emotional and physical support just then. Ever since she took the mantle of the de facto leader of the gang from Azula, she never imagined being this helpless and vulnerable in front of her friends.

Lady Pea holds Nuwa's other hand comfortingly. Nuwa's tear-stricken face turns to her and whines, "Mother.."

Lady Pea's eyes moisten seeing her favorite daughter's plight and caresses Nuwa's arm with both of her hands reassuringly. "You can do it, baby. Keep pushing. Think about how happy you'll be when the kiddo is in your arms."

The younger Ty sister trio could tell that Nuwa just wanted to be spoiled and they couldn't blame her. Their mom only really spoiled Nuwa out of them all, for reasons unknown. Sure, a bit of jealousy is bound to arise, but they also love their sister, so they don't think of acting on it in any way. They're more excited to be aunts soon.

The other members of the gang are apparently relieved that Nuwa isn't acting like Katara did when she gave birth. There were many profanities thrown around that day. If anything, they're surprised that Nuwa doesn't have some way to magically give birth given all her sex-related skills.

Nuwa wanted to be happy about it like her mom told her, but the problem is that the baby isn't hers. It is Heza's baby. Nuwa could deliver it easily with the Dao String's help without summoning Nuwavatar, but she feared what kind of influence the higher tier Dao of Sex would have on the baby.

Ultimately, she asks for advice on how to get it out. "Hey, [System]. How do I deliver safely?"

*Feel the flow.*

'Oh, right. That makes sense.'

Feeling for the rhythm of the contractions, Nuwa digs deeper. She tries to feel for the flow of the Dao, but this time without the help of the Dao String pushing her out of her body or influencing her.

Nuwa has been using the Dao of Sex for so long, but she's not gone out of her way to communicate with it, because it was always a tool for her. In other words, rather than following the Dao as a path and respecting it, she's been wielding it like a blunt bat and swinging it around. It shouldn't be a surprise that Nuwavatar has no respect for her.

Still, despite her inexperience, her talent at sex was granted by the [System]'s World Completion rewards. She finds her consciousness latching onto a feeling. It's the feeling of when she first had sex with Azula and the love in Azula's eyes. The pain of labor fades away and Nuwa hears the thrum of the Dao, or is that the heartbeat of her baby?

Everything is fuzzy.. and soupy? Nuwa floats freely as she continues to recall the feeling of Azula's penis inside her. Soon she begins reliving the memory as if it's still happening to her while she's giving birth. The memory of Azula's cock meets the crown of the baby's head attempting to exit Nuwa's womb and Nuwa orgasms violently, jerking her out of her reverie back to consciousness.

Back in real life, the gang watches as Nuwa enters a moment of peace after consolations from her lover and mother. Toph furrows her brows when she senses how low Nuwa's heart rate goes. Before she can bring it up, Nuwa's hips jerk violently upward from her strange metaphysical orgasm, spraying the ladies lined up at the feet section of the bed in her spunk. Azula feels a phantom sensation from her unsummoned penis and feels like she orgasmed, but nothing actually happened. Nuwa's hips fall back onto the bed as she takes heavy breaths of arousal, and the baby starts sliding out of her cervix like a bar of soap.

Even soaped up, the baby is too big to come out easily, so Nuwa has to widen her legs to the utmost and push hard. After a half an hour of effort from Nuwa and encouragement from the gang, the baby is finally out, healthy and crying. Nuwa, for one, feels like she just took the biggest dump of her entire life. She's also proud that she did something without E-Nuwa's help for once!

However, the gang doesn't show the usual excitement that is supposed to come with welcoming a newborn into their home. Azula holds the crying infant boy carefully. She has no idea how Nuwa is going to feel about him. Nuwa catches onto the awkward atmosphere and says with some exhaustion to Azula, "Babe.. What's going on? Did he come out wrong? Let me hold him."

Azula hesitantly offers the baby to Nuwa, "This is your firstborn son. Don't do anything stupid."

"Eh? What do you mean?" Nuwa asks with wide eyes as she takes the wrapped up crying newborn from Azula and gets her first look at him. He is very heavy for a newborn, at about 6 kg (13 lbs). His hair is black and his eyes are red. Those parts are all somewhat normal.

What makes Nuwa panic is that he's partially dragonified! There's two small protrusions on his forehead, seemingly cartilage for horns to grow into later, and budding scales beginning to grow on his arms and legs. Nuwa gets angry at that fucker, Lord Zata, all over again, but it fizzles out into worry over the boy's future.

'Nuwavatar, did you really have to fuck us that bad? How's a child dragonkin going to live a normal life? If news gets out, the firebender supremacists are going to have a field day and he's going to be targeted by assassins all his life.'

Azula relaxes when she feels Nuwa's worry overrule her anger through their psychic connection. She was worried that Nuwa might do something crazy given how mad she was at the Zata Lord. "You alright, love?"

Nuwa sighs heavily and says, "Yeah. It's just infuriating. Maybe it's fate."

Lady Pea puts on a strained smile as her grandson stops crying and says, "He's handsome, no?" The rest of the gang offers half-hearted compliments and congratulations, feeling even more clueless on the identity of the father, given that the baby turned out to be something more than a human. Toph is about to bluntly ask if Nuwa fucked an animal, but Ty Li expected it and covered her mouth. Overall, the gang is too surprised and shocked to be more sincere regarding Nuwa's first child, which Azula realizes.

Azula says, "Thanks guys, can we get some privacy now?"

Lady Pea nods and gives the now quiet boy back to Nuwa, who proceeds to let him suckle on her unimbued breast milk. The rest of the gang file out of the room and Azula locks the door. "Are you sure that you're ok, love?"

Nuwa squints and says, "I am alright. I'm just worried about his future. A normal life is impossible for him here in this World."

"You're right, but did you ever expect a child of yours to be normal?" asks Azula with a cheeky smile.

"Ha Ha, very funny." replies Nuwa sarcastically. Shortly after, her face twitches and her bones begin to shift. Her body develops wrinkles and her shoulders droop into a slight hunch. Azula knows what's happening and doesn't like it, so she scowls and turns away.

Heza looks down at her son sucking her breast with utmost love and adoration. She chuckles proudly and says, "Seems they didn't call my husband the 'Dragon of the West' for nothing."

Azula turns around and snarls, "Uncle has nothing to do with him having draconic traits!"

Still chuckling, Heza clicks her tongue a few times to pacify her son from crying at the outburst and says, "Oh I know. I'm having some light-hearted fun before I leave. I've been watching you, Azula. From now on, I'm entrusting my son to you. You may have to be his father and mother, since Nuwa cannot love him like you do. Neither will she always be around."

Azula opens her mouth speechlessly at Heza's candor and cannot think of anything to say. It's true that Nuwa has always been liked by the people she meets for an inexplicable reason. Despite Nuwa knowing that problems could arise, she wouldn't know how to empathize with her son. She wouldn't know how to help him grow up without thinking that he's a freak and how to handle the societal rejection that comes with that. Azula, meanwhile, has always been feared as a freak and a monster by others, so she's keenly aware of what the boy will go through.

Heza looks down at her son and starts crying. He finishes drinking so she brings him up to her face to hug him. "Your name will be Tulen, in memory of your departed older brother. I love you so much, my precious baby boy, but it's time for me to go. Never forget, no matter how much hate you face, your father and I love you, as do your foster parents. Believe in yourself. Your life is destined to be full of hardship and glory. Goodbye.. my child."

Heza's sliver of soul dissociates with Nuwa's soul and is dragged off, reclaimed by the World's Will into reincarnation. All of Heza's memories and emotions become raw data. Nuwa can still perform [Acting] to emulate Heza, but she'll never be able to control Heza's half of the Dao Core of Sex through assuming her identity. She will have to study the data Heza left behind or learn about love on her own in order to synchronize both halves of her Dao Core of Sex.

Nuwa feels slightly dazed and empty as her Mortal Shell reassumes the form of her true identity. She puts her hand on her face to feel the tears on her cheeks and looks at the shellshocked Azula. "Zul.. what's going on.. I feel so sad. I can't stop crying."

Azula runs up to Nuwa on the bed and hugs her and Tulen tightly. Even with the animosity she felt towards Heza, she too starts to tear up. They both knew that her kind soul had departed forever.

(A/N: ;w;)

(A/N: https://discord.gg/VD3C2BFPAu)

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