

A lone figure sat in the middle of a cell, a chain protruding from a clamp around its brown fur covered neck. He wore a black and white striped shirt which ended at the top of his knees, a nametag with the number 23 placed on the left side of his chest. The figure had his eyes closed, paws placed firmly in his lap which were encased in metal handcuffs. A singular light bulb emitted a light which shone onto the figures form, casting a menacing shadow along the ground.

It was cold and damp there, surrounded by bars and a small table and slab as a bed stood along the edges of the room.

His round ears tilted towards the sound of oncoming footsteps echoing beyond the bars. A guard stopped abruptly in front of his cell.

"Lights out!" The guard exclaimed, the light flickered out.

The guard then moved onto the next cell and continued the routine.

One of the figure's purple slitted eyes flicked open, emitting an ominous glow. He then looked down at his bruised shackled hands, deep in thought. The eyes moved to look at the papers scattered across his desk.

He stayed there for a while in that position. Remembering something unbeknownst to bystanders. Not that there were any anyways.

The furry figure was disrupted by a light tapping noise against the bars of his prison. His eyes glanced over to a small white paw holding a mug. The figure stood and the clanging stopped. The white paw tilted the mug towards the figure, urging him to take what lay inside. It was a note.

The brown creature took the note in his hands and unfolded it. It read:

"Hello, Froddy! How was your day?" in childish writing.

Froddy, the figure, chuckled, "Good. Good. And you?" Froddy's voice was deep and a low growl emitted from his throat every time he talked.

The mug came back after a couple of seconds with another note.

"Been better. They still make me wear this damn muzzle tho!"

Froddy sighs, "If you stop biting them maybe they wouldn't do that."

The white paw hit the mug against the bars, Froddy chuckled. The mug disappeared again and came back.

"I wouldn't bite them if they stopped being mean to you!"

Froddy smiles slightly, the white creature was only trying to stick up for Froddy as he has done for them. The small white paw tapped against the bars, bringing Froddy's attention back to his friend. He took the mug that was sitting on the ground and read the note,

"When will we be let out next? I miss seeing you :("

Froddy frowned, a deep sadness he could not describe lingered in his soul. For he had been here longer than his friend and knew that without Scrappy he would be much worse off, that someday Froddy might be separated from his only friend. Before Scrappy had come he had been so lonely... He kept silent though, he wouldn't make the white creature worry, especially since it wasn't certain they would have to part. They have stuck together through thick and thin, this was certainly no exception. They could stay friends forever.

Froddy licked his lips and masked his sadness. "Tomorrow." After this, Froddy rested against the wall separating him from his dear friend. Froddy looked back over at the metal bars. Froddy's friend still had their paw resting on the ground outside Froddy's cell.

"We had better get some shut-eye. Who knows what they'd do if they saw us chatting after the lights out," Froddy stated sadly and patted his friend's much smaller white paw. His friend took Froddy's paw in their's and squeezed it comfortingly. The paw then slipped away.

Froddy then picked himself up and flopped onto his slab of a bed. He lay there for a while then looked back at the desk piled with notes from his friend.

"Goodnight Scrappy," Froddy calls to his friend before drifting off into an uncomfortable sleep.