
Dream Sequence

I'm here again. In the water.

I can't remember when I detached from the nothing. I can't remember how.

I don't need to question it.

The water is restless. I'm restless. I've never not been this way.

If I detached again, would I become the nothing once more?

I can travel this time. I run through currents, through fish, through rocks. I run until I can't anymore. I'm trapped.

Then I do detach.

And I'm drowning.

I can't reach the surface, something is dragging me down!

I call out but I suck in the water.

I choke on the water.

It fills inside me.

It hurts.

I can't see.

It's dark and cold.

I call out again, there's no air.

I can't breathe.


